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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    You are a website populated entirely by reasonable minded individuals who are open to and accepting of all views regardless of race, colour, religion, age or position on the political spectrum and who have a very broad sense of humour?
  2. 1 point
    Comments taken on board LFN. Working on it now, might be a few days before I come to a decision. BTW, you could have used the 'report' option for all mods/admins to look at your issues or a PM to your preffered mod/admin to look further into.
  3. 1 point
    Well I had two bacon sandwiches, half a massive pack of crisps, half a litre of orange juice, a bottle of lucozade and another pack of crisps, and felt a little better.
  4. 1 point
    I certainly can. Will you now keep all this sectarian bollocks and bigotry off of the forum too? Please dont say that you dont know WTF im on about, im not the only person to have noticed it, im fucking amazed its been let go for so long. I didnt think id have to lay this many clues.....
  5. 1 point
    Hmmm, user with American username in AMERICA IS THE CENTRE OF THE WORLD shocker. If we are entirely objective, Nguyen Khanh, the former Head of State and Prime Minister of Vietnam, who also happened to sucessfully lead his tiny army against the biggest superpower in the world at the time gets my vote over someone who once ran a city for a bit.
  6. 1 point
    Really, some people! Gave you credit for one hit and you quibble that I'm giving you no credit. That sig' is not so much as a stream of consciousness, more like a bloody wide river of ideas. Oh, and that's Stephen Hawking, without any sight of ending his name with an "s", I thank you. Heaven knows how many other errors you have there. There are just too many names to bother to check all 150.
  7. 1 point
    I declare Ed Kock the most significant death of 2013 thus far. That won't hold for the entire year I am pretty sure but I can't think of anyone else of greater importance that has died in the world so far this year, being a former mayor for 12 years of New York City, one of the biggest cities in the world, arguably the financial capital of the world and the home of the United Nations is a big deal. I declare that this forum is not America centric so, to that end, he is NOT the most significant death of the year "so far" So there.
  8. 1 point
    The Rabbi went to the Vatican to visit the Pope and sees a gold phone on his desk, he asks the Pope "For what you have a gold phone on your desk?" the Pope tells him that it is a direct line to God and he can use the phone if he pays the charges. The Rabbi agrees and uses the phone. The Pope returns and hands the Rabbi the Bill. "Oy Vay! $368??" He pays the bill. A year later the Pope visits the Rabbi in Jerusalem and sees the Rabbi has a gold phone so he asks "You have a gold phone too?" The Rabbi explains "Yes, direct line to God, you talk you pay charges", the Pope agrees and uses the phone. The Rabbi returns and hands the Pope the Bill "Gee, only 68 cents?" asks the Pope and the Rabbi responds "For what you expect? It's a LOCAL CALL"
  9. 1 point
    So you do care then? See, you have to read his posts more than a few times because, if you only read it once, the sheer overwhelming incredulity doesnt hit you between the eyes like a sledge hammer. Go on, read it a few more times! I don't have enough medication for that. Laughter is the best medicine of all . Really? Is it really? Because I've got a fucking UBER hangover right now, and laughing is not helping it one little bit.
  10. 1 point
    I read the Daily Mail, because it reassures me that I'm not that much of a massive cunt after all.
  11. 1 point
    Think I'll ignore you instead
  12. 1 point
    Depends on what you mean by good? It's pretty dated now (as is any television from the 1970s) both in look and feel (all this dystopian worldview is very much of it's time). However, I've got the first series on DVD and I enjoyed it (I'm only old enough to remember when it had Avon as the leader not Blake and subsequently being confused by the title!) and I hope to get the second series in the not too distant future...
  13. 1 point
    He'll beat it. Not letting it interfere with his work then, what a pro
  14. 1 point
    Well little Alan wont have died in vain. He has the perfect body for a door draught excluder, bless him.
  15. 1 point
    The bikers were probably too busy listening to David Hasselhoff !
  16. 1 point
    Top gag from Frankie Boyle's Sun column today; Gazza is back at Rangers next year. the club will pay a fee to the man making this deal possible. The man isn't Gazza's agent; he's a giant American Indian who'll ensure Gazza's availability by throwing a water cooler through a big window at the asylum!
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