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  1. 2 points
    Not sure this belongs in the conspiracy thread it's more philosophy. This seems to be something my mind has settled on. I admit it sounds a bit far-fetched but when you dive into it and learn the more likely it becomes. There's also scientfic evidence to back it up too! 1) computer code in our DNA and not only that , there's also malicious code written into our DNA that infects computers like a virus. I'm not sure they're the same strand of DNA though or two separate ones. https://techcrunch.com/2017/08/09/malicious-code-written-into-dna-infects-the-computer-that-reads-it/ 2) Particles act differently when observed. Nick Bostrom described this as like when your in a computer game the room you're in and what you're avatar is observing will have all the computing power aimed at it , to give you a full HD experience. But the room next door in the game will be pixelated A) to save processing power and Be) as there is no one there to observe it,it doesn't need to be rendered. On top of that when to many things happen at once in computer games it tends to slow down. We've heard people say many times it was like time slowed during a near death experience or an accident etc. We also know time slows down as you get close to the event horizon of a black hole. A black hole could be like a large recycle bin for corrupted data or to get rid of unnecessary or unwanted data. We've seen how for computer games have come in the last 30 years and we're already approaching in the next 30 years graphics indistinguishable from reality. In fact I think in 30 years they won't be called games but simulation experiences, Combined with VR or even full body immersion. Has anyone played wipeout PSVR on the PS4? It's an incredible experience! We could say in the 25th century people wanted to create a simulation of 21st century or ancestor simulations either for fun or science, we've already ourselves created simulations of the past and simulations of our universe though rudimentary compared to what is possible in the future.I think they could easily in 400 years time fully simulate our reality now. Also with each simulation that kicks up new glitches and bugs they could easily be ironed out. Could explain why we don't or rarely see any clues we're in a simulation other than the few mentioned. 3) we've already simulated our universe kind of... https://comp-astrophys-cosmol.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40668-017-0021-1 It would explain everything. Reincarnation, ghosts , dark matter/ energy, why we're so susceptible to believing in creation / a god. 4) The rare earth theory . Many people think the universe is teeming with life but we haven't found no aliens and not even a hint of life outside of our planet.It becomes implausible we're alone in a vast universe but there is an explanation for both. What if this universe was created explicitly for us? The fact that earth exists is remarkable. A very rare planet like jupiter protecting us from space debris to the moon have just the right amount of impact on our planet to do it good rather than do it harm. We're in the goldilocks zone. It really does have the pattern and precision of design. https://player.fm/series/the-end-of-the-world-with-josh-clark/ep02-great-filter Anyway this is something I wanted to share with everyone and wonder what your thoughts are.
  2. 2 points
    Trial has started; three defendants are each facing five counts of murder. https://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/news/leicester-news/leicester-explosion-murder-trial-begins-2215551
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Nope the issue is the kid they gave the programme to code because "it'll never actually work" met his girlfriend and moved to America half way through and the entire team were locked up with a profitable business programme to finish, so the semi-retired Kevin given it fucked up the rest of the code by hurrying it - as he really didn't want to stay at the company anymore than enough to get a half decent wedge - so the world is unfinished and full of bugs.
  7. 1 point
    Christ you forget how far safety has improved - that bit where the cars keep sliding off the track out of control and they've got a big van parked there and people running across the track to help - amazing no-one was killed.
  8. 1 point
    Could crosspost with Folk yer surprised are still alive thread, but Reg Watson, one time producer of Crossroads and creator of Prisoner Cell Block H and Neighbours is apparently still alive aged 92.
  9. 1 point
    One race but almost 200,000 views of this clip of his greatest moment of fame -
  10. 1 point
    MPFC has read it, met many Aetherians and even spent a truly memorable afternoon on a Devon hillside chanting mantras with them as some more skilled initiates twisted, twirled went closer to free-style rapping and generally directed the prayer energy. Actually some of the most agreeable and approachable people you'll find anywhere in the UFO community though I struggle to recognise literal truth anywhere in their cosmology and for the sake of balance you might want to read Flying Saucery by David Clark and Andy Roberts which is a social history of the whole movement and discusses a purported event much earlier in King's life where in a state of some agitation and advanced refreshment he disrupted a meeting set up to investigate the flying saucer mystery (as it was then known). The implication of the social history is obvious - suggesting that King may have figured he could advance himself from taxi driving to something akin to a deity if he could come up with a load of impressive mumbo jumbo and keep a straight face. He crashed a meeting in London in the 50's and died in California in the 90's, just thought I'd mention that.
  11. 1 point
    Is this the real life or is this just fantasy Can't in a landslide no escape from reality.
  12. 1 point
    OK, dont get too excited, but anyone got Edmonton for future reference? Also involving this MP: currently a trial on the go involving speeding, someone driving and an MP in the car. All very Chris Huhne, by sounds of it. EDIT- Yes, Joey has Osamor, so this will affect the game if she goes full Huhne...
  13. 1 point
    I mean the idea that life is a computer game might actually motivate me to do better in it. So I'll take it.
  14. 1 point
    I think religion is a lot less likely to be true than the simulation idea
  15. 1 point
    Impossible to prove one way or the other. Same as religion I suppose. Interesting concept tho.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    Babs Chinnery a hit for Biblio I believe: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/obituaries/2018/11/13/babs-beverley-beverley-sisters-1950s-close-harmony-trio-found/
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    prince philip just before xmas it will mess up the TV programmes
  20. 1 point
    Fingering June Whitfield - these days we'd call that dry humour
  21. 1 point
    I'm extremely grateful to the writers of the current series of Dr Who for making it such a valuable educational tool and foregoing all those plotlines involving monsters and stuff which, in 2018, is so outdated isn't it. I am currently being educated about the evil British empire, I am learning loads!! I just wish they would leave the aliens out, I mean, it's merely a sideline and it's getting in the way of the true message...……..
  22. 1 point
    Charon and I now own an axe. Absolutely nothing could go wrong
  23. 1 point
    6 arrested for the bonfire, 0 arrested for the fire in the Tower... Whits worse ?
  24. 1 point
    Given my hairline I would accept 'Mr Blonde' at this point.
  25. 1 point
    The big difference will be that BHS is missed on the High Street.
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