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Dr Hackenslash

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Everything posted by Dr Hackenslash

  1. Dr Hackenslash

    Paul Hunter

    Thank god, the voice of sanity!! I know paul hunters sister personally and i can only say how disgusted i am that humour can be found in such a tragic event, lets not forget he leaves behind a ten month old daughter. like this person says, dole queue, certainly and when your all done there it'll be off to the trisha show or jeremy kyle as one of his pathetic problems to solve! You would be amazed at some of the professions, if not positions, some of our esteemed members hold down, from the world of civil service, to media to politics. Perhaps it is the fact that we have seen so much in life that gives us the ability to laugh at death - better than spend all your life living in its shadow. And we really have to define tragedy. Is the death of a man with £1.5million career earnings who spent some time in the limelight and could leave his family in relative financial comfort a tragedy? Or is the death of a war hero who can't afford his heating bills and dies of hypothermia a tragedy? Or is the death of a homeless person who ended up on the streets after being buggered by their father for years a tragedy? It's all a sliding scale, make no mistake, and the fact that the people discussed on this site are even discussed suggests they have earned a high enough profile in their lives, whether short or long, to debunk the idea of tragedy.
  2. Dr Hackenslash

    Paul Hunter

    I saw it hovering around 270 for a while - not bad for a snooker player in the small hours. DWB I'd have thought the maximum number of people reading this thread should be 147. Although technically if your opponent fouls before any points are scored and you can't see a red, you can take a free ball then black, making the maximum 155...
  3. Dr Hackenslash

    Paul Hunter

    I really hope that is a real post. It has restored my faith in humanity.
  4. Dr Hackenslash

    Where Have All The Ranters Gone?

    Yes, the first sign that he had died was the site slowing down. Good to see them vent their steam, though. One of the stages of accepting someone has actually carked it.
  5. Dr Hackenslash

    Paul Hunter

    What F*****g abuse policy. Who cares about that. Stop talking about it. Your boring everyone. Just shut up and cry about Paul Hunter. A very good question. It is, of course, as with most of our drive-by-ranters, complete bollocks. The only Internet abuse policies in place in the UK are contractual arrangements between employers and employees when using company equipment. Ken Bigley, anyone?
  6. Dr Hackenslash

    Paul Hunter

    Look, gorgeous, the only policy you need to be worried about is whether your pal Paul Hunter had a life-insurance policy...
  7. Dr Hackenslash

    Paul Hunter

    So should F*****g should be, you F*****g loser. Bet you're sat at home in your room whilst mummy and daddy sleep typing this filth, you cocky little malcontent. You'll probably grow up to be a dog-molester or something worse. I hope you die of cancer, anonymously. Between 33 per cent and 50 per cent of us will...
  8. Dr Hackenslash

    Paul Hunter

    See, if we were defaming anyone you may have a point. However, as I imagine you would know, it is impossible to libel or slander the dead. And over 1,000 posts? Nowhere near, the last time I checked... Here's to death, and its presence wherever we tread.
  9. Dr Hackenslash

    Paul Hunter

    Tell me your hobbies. I'm dieing to know. Hero-worshipping ZZZ-list sporting celebrities?
  10. Dr Hackenslash

    Paul Hunter

    Somebody seems to have understood our point...
  11. Dr Hackenslash

    Paul Hunter

    You were doing so well until you had a problem with sewage and the apostrophe on the "it's" that wasn't needed. Breaking the law, hey? I'd love to know how... Good fun, though, that your lives are so pathetic they have been so touched by a 27-year-old snooker player...
  12. Dr Hackenslash

    Paul Hunter

    You see, this country used to be great with the old stiff-upper-lip. Then that perxoide slut of a princess died in 1997 and all of the less desirable part of the country seemed to want to leave her flowers and cry, when all she did was go around having sex with as many men as possible and not much else. Did they know her? No. Would she have cared for them if there were no cameras present? No. Did Diana used to phone the likes of the News of the World to tell them where she would be so they would send cameras? Yes. And now Paul Hunter? Come on, people - grow up!
  13. Dr Hackenslash

    Paul Hunter

    Bet? Now that's a novel idea! How would you rather we enjoyed ourselves? By watching some cancer-riddled shell of a player try and pick up a cue and smack some balls around a table? Pah!
  14. Dr Hackenslash

    Paul Hunter

    Moms, eh? Raped to death, eh? That's quite hard to do, I'd imagine. Although if you could explain it to us, then perhaps we could consider the likelihood of it happening to any potential candidates for next year's list. Give that no-one has ever died of AIDS, I think you should check your facts... I imagine you mean "AIDS-related illness," but hey - we've all got to go sometime. As for homoerotic forum, oh if only it was...Oliver Reed wrestling naked on camera, those were the days...
  15. Dr Hackenslash

    Paul Hunter

    No, I didn't have him in any of my lists. The Hunter has become the hunted, it seems...
  16. Dr Hackenslash

    Paul Hunter

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/other_spor...ker/6035879.stm Hunter loses battle with cancer Paul Hunter has died at the age of 27 after a battle with cancer. The Leeds player was taken into the Kirkwood Hospice in Huddersfield last Friday and died on Monday evening. The three-time Masters champion was diagnosed with dozens of neuro endocrine tumours on the lining of his stomach in March 2005. Hunter would have been 28 on Saturday. He leaves a wife, Lindsey, and a daughter, Evie Rose, who was born on Boxing Day of last year. Hunter turned professional at the age of 16 in 1995 and won his first major title, the 1998 Welsh Open, at the age of 19. He also won the Welsh title in 2002 and picked up the British Open trophy the same year. But he will be best remembered for his exploits at Wembley. Hunter recovered from 7-3 down to beat Fergal O'Brien 10-9 in the 2001 final and fought back from 5-0 down to beat Mark Williams 10-9 in the final a year later. He completed a hat-trick of Masters victories in 2004 when he came from 7-2 down to beat Ronnie O'Sullivan 10-9. Hunter's best World Championship performance was reaching the semi-finals in 2003, where he led Ken Doherty 15-9 before the Irishman stormed back to win 17-16. Despite chemotherapy treatment, Hunter continued to compete professionally but won only one match last season and fell from fifth to 34th in the rankings.
  17. Dr Hackenslash

    Brinsworth House and Denville Hall

    Is this actually Richard O'Sullivan himself? Can admin run an IP check?
  18. Dr Hackenslash

    Edward Heath

    Yes, within 12 months. Disappointingly the expected fame and fortune/bragging rights for winning this bet have failed to materialise. It wasn’t a great surprise that he wasn’t outed. I found it somewhat suspicious that on a Website with Deathlist’s small membership, there was not one, but actually two people who professed to have ‘inside knowledge’. I suspect something more along the following lines; During the day you work in a menial job at HMV, but at night when you get home, your suddenly a superstar on the Internet - amazing all with your made up bullshit. To be honest, Heath has been outed to me in private but the person involved, a former Special Branch chap, doesn't want to go public. Sure, there are out there who know for a fact, but it seems that because Ted was such a genial man, they feel bad about tarnishing his already poor reputation.
  19. Dr Hackenslash

    Is Mr T Dead?

    And he is in the new Rocky film, so he can't be that bad.
  20. Dr Hackenslash


    Never heard of him, to be fair - says he has appeared on WWE television many times. I imagine as a jobber. Interestingly, just how many wrestlers would get a UK obit? Hulk Hogan The Rock Jesse Ventura (okay, that's cheating) But there aren't many. Would Vince McMahon himself get one?
  21. Dr Hackenslash

    Graham Crowden

    But look how glazed-over his eyes are in that picture. Worrying. For him.
  22. Dr Hackenslash

    Brinsworth House and Denville Hall

    One of the best videos I've seen in a while! Did everyone else hear the bum notes that Norman Wisdom kept hitting! As for "Mine is the best room in the house" - ha! It was a shoebox! Class.
  23. Dr Hackenslash

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Come on, people, if we all put our minds together there must be some way we can get into Brinsworth House? A cleaner? A cook? A gardener? Come on, we can do it!
  24. Dr Hackenslash

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    Wasn't Gordon Ramsey done for lewd behaviour when a joke backfired (he claimed)...
  25. Dr Hackenslash

    Richard O'Sullivan

    This might sound like a daft suggestion but is there any chance someone could impersonate an ageing actor to get into Brinsworth House? Then, from the inside, find out what is really going on? Surely it can't be that hard - get a birth certificate, then Equity card renewed. Heck, what about claiming to be an entertainer from the former Soviet Bloc?

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