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Everything posted by deadsox

  1. deadsox

    Words We Dislike

    Of course, a lot of the younger generation can't get through a phrase let alone a sentence without saying "like". Add to that the addition of "and stuff" at the end of a sentence.
  2. deadsox

    Words We Dislike

    Isn't there a "Mile High Club" that deals with that?
  3. deadsox

    Words We Dislike

    That's an irritating one since it means the exact opposite of what the speaker is trying to convey.
  4. deadsox

    Words We Like

    I will say that if someone wants to REALLY push an American woman's buttons, the c-word is the choice. No other word has the same impact.
  5. deadsox

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    Now if I only spoke Serbian (?) I'd be up to date.
  6. deadsox

    Words We Like

    So if people have sex in a monastery it would be a cloisterfuck?
  7. deadsox

    Words We Dislike

    As long as someone else has brought up phrases, I must say that I absolutely hate "He's 97 years young".
  8. deadsox

    Words We Dislike

    He probably had prostrate problems at some point as well.
  9. deadsox

    Words We Like

    Titillate was always a favorite of mine.
  10. deadsox

    Words We Dislike

    It would make party conversation so much more interesting: "Have you met Sarah? She's my concubine".
  11. deadsox

    Words We Dislike

    Regarding the meals terminology, as I've always understood it, "dinner" is the main meal of the day. If you eat your main meal last as most people do, it's "breakfast, lunch and dinner". If you eat your main meal in the middle, it's "breakfast, dinner and supper".
  12. deadsox


    Winningest is not only annoying, it is also unspecific. So if someone is the "winningest" coach, does that mean he has the most wins or the highest winning percentage? They are not necessarily the same thing. Why not say "Wayne Fontes has more wins than any other Lions coach"? (a dubious distinction)
  13. deadsox

    Words We Dislike

    I do like the one liner it spawned though: I've been coughing up so much mucus that people think I'm Phlegmish.
  14. deadsox

    Words We Dislike

    I hate the overuse of "awesome".
  15. I looked at this thread and I don't have a clue as to what it's about. Probably a good thing.
  16. deadsox

    Dalai Lama

    I'll bet his memoirs have a much different tone than he's had here.
  17. deadsox

    Deathrace 2018

    I've only got 5, the two scorers (Elias and Zarin) plus Liam Miller, Goodwin and Nevin since. Two of my three subs are gone though (Cryne and Carmen Franco).
  18. deadsox

    Ridiculous Arguments

    Some of my favorite ridiculous arguments came from All in the Family. Archie and Meathead would argue whether it should be "a sock and a sock or a sock and a shoe" or "eat all the potatos, meat and vegetables in order or take a little from each as you go along" (That way it's a balanced meal, according to Archie).
  19. deadsox

    Ridiculous Arguments

    It would fit as a ridiculous argument but Cat is right. There's a more specific thread.
  20. deadsox

    Ridiculous Arguments

    My wife and I occasionally indulge in color arguments. Most recently we were giving directions for a furniture delivery and when asked the color of our house I said "brown" while she said "gray". We both looked at each other with "what's wrong with you" expressions.
  21. deadsox

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    I've seen summaries from other players and find them interesting so here's mine: RIP- Cryne, Elias, Goodwin, Miller and Nevin Very Likely- Bracknell, Butts, Jose, Jowell, McCain, Stefansson and Vervoort*. Good Shots- al Baghdadi**, Gilbert, Lorimer, Ricketts, Cappotelli Less Likely- Bain, Lima, Ricksen *Vervoort is critical as she's my Joker. ** al Baghdadi is critical as he's young, could get the unnatural causes bonus and only one team ahead of me has him.
  22. deadsox

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    It's MY cup and if you want it you have to enter and win the tournament.
  23. deadsox

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Oversight for me too. I have her on my DDP team and she was my first sub for March. I wanted one supergeezer and so Bessie Camm had Vanessa's spot. We'll see how this works out.
  24. deadsox

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Don't listen to any criticism msc. You ran a great tournament last year and are doing just fine. If folks don't like the way it's run or the rules they can start their own. I'll keep my suggestion for tie breaks under my hat until next year under the circumstances.

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