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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. Hello fellow DeathList forum members! I found this forum somewhere but I forgot where. Any way glad to be here!


    What's up? It's late December (in case you didn't have a calendar handy and you live under a rock) so make sure you get a team together for the DDP quickly if you want to enter. Also, have fun.


    Ok new here so you are going to have to explain. I do have a calendar under my rock and it's heated! LoL!


    Basically if you want to a have a shot at winning the Derby Dead Pool which is the interactive version of deathlist list of celebrities you think will die next year and submitting them.

  2. Shopping in Fraserburgh's new ASDA today when I noticed a one-legged employee sitting in a wheelchair. I had seem him a few times in the past, and he never seems to be doing anything.

    So I ask mother: "What does he actually do"?


    Turns out he is the security guard.


    I'm all for equal opportunities (hence why I use disabled toilets (they're always cleaner)), but is that not taking it too far?


    Surely his electric wheelchair will get him to the criminals faster? Or Fraserburgh has absolutely no crime!

  3. Been a pretty bad day.


    Trolley Pathblock Teams Why do people, mainly elderly woman, feel it's entirely appropriate to put their trolleys side by side as they walk down supermarket aisles, paths, or even nearby pavements and then proceed to walk at a tiny percentage of normal walking pace, rather than being able to walk around them I now have to reduce my own walking speed to that of an elderly woman until the path either widens and I can walk round or they see sense and let me past.


    Trolley Takeaway People that get dump trolleys by the roadside or on local paths from the nearby supermarkets and people who take the trolley home with them from supermarkets. The first category should be dealt with by firing squad, it's not usually the product of actual use of the trolleys just antisocial behaviour/morons. The second category should at least store the trolley they've nicked somewhere sensible so the first category don't leave it lying around.


    Shopping Centres/City Centres: Too many people squished together in what would normally be a relatively large space if it wasn't for the fact everybody is carrying excess amounts of bags/crap they don't need and attempting to get round you. This is increased ten fold in the run up to Christmas, where it feels like being in a crush you have to be a part of rather than the actual enjoyment and that everybody is desperate to get out of.


    Hello Mate Shoppers: The daft cunts who feel it's appropriate to reach over and say hello to there mate by shaking there hand despite the fact doing so means that I can no longer walk forwards or get around them (wall and mate blocking both sides and person behind) and proceed to walk into your path to have a proper conversation with them totally oblivious of what a fucking moron they are and the fact I might actually want to fucking go somewhere.


    Counter Conversationists: People who despite the evidently gigantic queue behind them decide to have a five minute conversation with the cashier in shops. I don't care if she's your mother's brothers neice who you've seen twice in the last year probably more likely to do with your inability to keep regularly contact with people or arrange to meet them than the "it's a shame I don't see you very much, do you want to meet up soon?" which you wheeled out as an apology and I certainly don't care about how you're grandchildren are getting on at school. You'd think you and you're friend on the till would have took the hint when a new till was opened but no you fucking carried on. I understand a friendly chat while your packing your items and she's serving you but when you're standing around having a natter for no good reason and holding up people it's piss me off time.


    People who snog in public: There's nothing anybody needs reaffirming less than how awful there love life is and the one surefire way to reaffirm that to every person around you is a passionate snog on the bus, at the bus shelter or at random points along my walk to work. I'd actually prefer it if you shagged eachother passionately than snogged at least then I'm getting some new material to use. Should be dealt with by semen draining/removal of balls, maybe theyll get less like a fucking rabbit on heat.


    Moderators on some forums: Okay so I broke you're rules a warning would be nice rather than heavy-handedness you've exhibited especially when you seem incapable of telling very different threads apart from the warning you issued. Student forums seem particular akin to these power-hungry moderators who clearly failed at student politics and now want to avenge everyone.


    People who get drunk in public: As someone who was born with self-respect, self-control and common sense I can not understand how anyone can be willing to let themselves get to the state where they can't remember things that happened last night. If things are start to feel a bit wacky in your head or you're struggling to stand up or hold a conversation together it's probably half an hour past the point you should've started drinking coke..


    Cigeratte Butt/Chewing Gum Dumpers/Litterers in general: How much extra effort would you need to have expended to find a bloody bin. Seriously I don't need to stand on your litter. You're bottles are fine though I enjoy playing footy with them and find a bin to put them but every other type of littering pisses me off I can't kick your mars bars rappers down the road until I find a bin nor your cigeratte butts so please bin them yourself.


    Diarhorrea: Do I really need to explain this one?


    Elite Beat Agents: It has to be the most overrated DS Game in the history of the DS possibly even the most overrated nintendo game. The stories are shite and annoying and the hitting to the beat thing is just a gimmicky pile of crap. What a wate of three squid.


    People who don't like Stephen Lynch: Firing Squad/Electric chair should be mandatory for everyone in this category.


    Brass Bands in Supermarkets: Who on earth thought this was a good idea?

  4. Shigeo Tokuda b.1934-Japan is becoming the most elderly nation in the world so it would only make sense the oldest known working porno performer is from there,and weirdly elderly porn is also apparently a major thing in that country as it accounts for about 1/3 of the porn industries business.


    Who wants to looks at old japs eyes?

    • Like 2

  5. All three teams sent and locked stupidly early but nevermind. Already realised I forgot one dead cert :banghead:


    Well, here we are at last! Let the games begin. I've noticed a few itchy fingers so here are the rules:



    As I've been having trouble with emails can you confirm you've recieved my three teams; Deathrays Kervorkian Clinc, Serving Heads of State and Centenarians?


    First one yes, last two no...


    That's because they were in my "drafts" folder *facepalm*. Have resent them under different names. "Please Don't Break the Ruler" and "Waited for My Telegram"


    Also forget to put this in the emails but these two are theme teams with the themes of their former names respectively.

  6. As I noted in another thread, with Ronnie Biggs' demise, I vote that Dame Vera be made DeathList's new ambassador since she has been in contact with us in the past and it is only fitting that a Dame be patron of a fine website such as this one. Thoughts?


    Nice idea, but can't see her crouching next to a DL mug and giving us the middle finger salute.


    Well, she was a good sport when she dropped by to chat to us (if that really was her) so maybe she would!


    That clearly wasn't her.

  7. Hi I am going to replace Ronnie Biggs with the former MP John Freeman.


    I am also going to play a sub as I will be out of circulation over Christmas and you might need another replacement to make sure that I have a full team for the starting tape. That someone is snooker player Ali Carter.


    He was given the all clear for his testicular cancer yonks ago and his chrohns is not going to kill him any time soon. Weird/stupid choice.

  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk...d-asia-25359939


    Damn damn damn. They could have waited a couple of weeks.


    Political experts believe he is getting rid of all the military first politicians (older generation) and replacing them with economic politicians to take north korea in the similar direction as china has gone. So in the not so distant future you maybe wearing shoes made in north korea.


    Except the reality is no self-respecting western company would buy goods made in north korea...


    oh sorry, they said that about china as well look what hapenned.


    So this gibbering sub-GCSE man-child has the political nouse and economic vision to re-imagine his famine-ravaged fiefdom as a full-blown economic power-house with gigantic growth potential and the infrastructure to re-tool and compete within the global economy, right?


    Well, that or he sees killing his own uncle as akin to mastering another level on Grand Theft Auto.


    For our sake I hope he doesn't but radical change does need to be implemented in South Korea and an idiot as leader might be the instigator for radical change.


    Deathray, I hope the above is a slip and not the truth about your opinions because if this nouseless mental non-event of a national leader seeks to re-start hostilities with the south...well, on the bright side, I suppose it'd be theme team gold for the DDP as we picked leading Koreans from both sides of the disputed border, eh?


    A bit like the flagman at last years olympic football I appear to have confused two unmistakeably different countries.

    • Like 1

  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk...d-asia-25359939


    Damn damn damn. They could have waited a couple of weeks.


    Political experts believe he is getting rid of all the military first politicians (older generation) and replacing them with economic politicians to take north korea in the similar direction as china has gone. So in the not so distant future you maybe wearing shoes made in north korea.


    Except the reality is no self-respecting western company would buy goods made in north korea...


    oh sorry, they said that about china as well look what hapenned.


    So this gibbering sub-GCSE man-child has the political nouse and economic vision to re-imagine his famine-ravaged fiefdom as a full-blown economic power-house with gigantic growth potential and the infrastructure to re-tool and compete within the global economy, right?


    Well, that or he sees killing his own uncle as akin to mastering another level on Grand Theft Auto.


    For our sake I hope he doesn't but radical change does need to be implemented in South Korea and an idiot as leader might be the instigator for radical change.


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