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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk...d-asia-25359939


    Damn damn damn. They could have waited a couple of weeks.


    Political experts believe he is getting rid of all the military first politicians (older generation) and replacing them with economic politicians to take north korea in the similar direction as china has gone. So in the not so distant future you maybe wearing shoes made in north korea.


    Except the reality is no self-respecting western company would buy goods made in north korea...


    oh sorry, they said that about china as well look what hapenned.

    • Like 1

  2. There are no right answers to the above on which everyone would be agreed. It really is down to individual conscience and whether or not you have the mobile phone number of any of Ariel Sharon's doctors, or summat.


    I think accessing private data (i.e Ariel Sharon's doctors notes or terminally ill list at well known celeb hospital) not available to other competitors should be cheating. Not because your intruding on the celebs privacy but because it gives you an advantage other other entrants, a bit like murdering your celeb. If it's Robert Mugabe/Ian Brady murdering him could be morally sound depending on your outlook but killing him still gives you an advantage!

  3. All three teams sent and locked stupidly early but nevermind. Already realised I forgot one dead cert :banghead:


    Well, here we are at last! Let the games begin. I've noticed a few itchy fingers so here are the rules:



    As I've been having trouble with emails can you confirm you've recieved my three teams; Deathrays Kervorkian Clinc, Serving Heads of State and Centenarians?

  4. What's the highest hit rate ever recorded for a team in one year?


    The "Red Devils" theme team of 1958 were high performers, I think. Though Bill Foulkes' survival ruled out a clean sweep!


    Derby dead pool existed in 1958?

  5. Yes. If you're a supporter/believer of his then because in his current ill state it's best to pray for him to be in the next life than his current state in this life. Or just because you have no time for him and it might work.</p>

  6. It'll be interesting to see what the Drop Forty will look like this time - especially at the top, since Thatcher and Mandela both went. We'll have trouble finding someone as iconic as that to replace them, I think. On that count, I hope a lot of people have the good sense/taste to nominate Ozzy Osbourne...


    Also as of now there are eight other new empty spaces to be filled and there's every chance of a couple more of them dropping off in the next couple of weeks.


    Well, I can think of one chap, in his 50s, terminally ill, BBC obit almost guaranteed, chances of seeing 2015 about 0.5%. He'll certainly be on the Drop Forty if he is breathing on the 1st.


    Wilko J will definitely be a top 20 pick but I don't think he'll have the #1 spot. I think the Drop 40 will be led by either Zsa Zsa or Prince Philip next year.


    Think Carla Laemmle might beat old Phil to it..

  7. Blimey. Can't believe that little trick caught you guys ought. I was aiming to get a reaction from another forum but thought I'd catch you guys in the cross fire. All in fun of course. :)

    Wait, I don't get it...did you make the fake edit on Wikipedia about Laemmle or?


    Yeah, that was me.

    You realize how offensive this is, don't you? Idiot.


    How is it offensive to vandalise wiki pages?

    1. Millions of people, including myself, are making huge efforts of trying to create the world's largest online Encyclopedia. The last thing we need is to waste energy on those who attempt to destroy our goal. 2. Imagine if someone came up to you and said that your parents are dead, only to later say that he was only joking. Would you find it amusing? 3. How old are you?


    1. Oh, I'm so sorry I caused you the trouble of reverting an edit, it must have took all of two seconds. 2. I'm pretty sure I'd know if my parents were dead before users of wikipedia and I doubt these celebrities children are using wikipedia to determine the stiff or still breathing status of their parents. 3. I do not understand how my age is relevant.

    I didn't do any reverting personally, but whatever. Let's call it a truce, shall we? After all, the real battle is fought on the DDP!

    But remember, if you mess with Carla Laemmle, she's prepared to fight with her boxing gloves. ;)




    Well I could do with her sticking around until new year at least ;).

    • Like 1

  8. Well, I think I used the wrong word there. I just meant more comprehensive and better researched/recalled from memory.


    Don't want to sound like I find those those kind of guys too "interesting" do I? Haha. In fact I felt a little ill just writing 10 or so names down/checking Wiki pages for 10-15 minutes.


    Yeah, just hope the NSA aren't looking to closely.

  9. Why can't my picks be under 18?


    Because they would clash with your IQ.


    You're hilarious. I just don't understand how someone with terminal cancer who turns 18 on the 2nd January isn't allowed but someone who turns 18 on the 31st December is? I can understand the sensitivity towards the issue of predicting a child's death but this seems arbitrary and limiting.


    My final question; is a theme team of convicted/on trial famous sex offenders allowed?


    Of course but I'm already working on one and mine will be more interesting so don't waste your time.


    I'll have to find a new theme then, although I expect a very interesting list from you.

  10. Why can't my picks be under 18?


    Because they would clash with your IQ.


    You're hilarious. I just don't understand how someone with terminal cancer who turns 18 on the 2nd January isn't allowed but someone who turns 18 on the 31st December is? I can understand the sensitivity towards the issue of predicting a child's death but this seems arbitrary and limiting.


    My final question; is a theme team of convicted/on trial famous sex offenders allowed?

  11. Bit similar to MPFC's game?


    It's the opposite, you're aiming for people who'll last until the end of the year rather than people who will croak in the first week, so you should be picking different people. For mpfc it makes sense to pick the 3 months to live brigade for this it doesn't.


    Absolutely, the whole point here is that they only score if they die, and assuming they die, they get a point for every day of 2014 that they lived. So Mandela would be a big hitter this year, Biggs a non-event (probably), I may well give this a go and line up some vulnerable types famed for general coffin dodging - Gazza, Clive James etc.


    Vulnerable coffin dodgers sounds like a decent tactic.

  12. Blimey. Can't believe that little trick caught you guys ought. I was aiming to get a reaction from another forum but thought I'd catch you guys in the cross fire. All in fun of course. :)

    Wait, I don't get it...did you make the fake edit on Wikipedia about Laemmle or?


    Yeah, that was me.

    You realize how offensive this is, don't you? Idiot.


    How is it offensive to vandalise wiki pages?

    1. Millions of people, including myself, are making huge efforts of trying to create the world's largest online Encyclopedia. The last thing we need is to waste energy on those who attempt to destroy our goal. 2. Imagine if someone came up to you and said that your parents are dead, only to later say that he was only joking. Would you find it amusing? 3. How old are you?


    1. Oh, I'm so sorry I caused you the trouble of reverting an edit, it must have took all of two seconds. 2. I'm pretty sure I'd know if my parents were dead before users of wikipedia and I doubt these celebrities children are using wikipedia to determine the stiff or still breathing status of their parents. 3. I do not understand how my age is relevant.

    • Like 1

  13. Blimey. Can't believe that little trick caught you guys ought. I was aiming to get a reaction from another forum but thought I'd catch you guys in the cross fire. All in fun of course. :)

    Wait, I don't get it...did you make the fake edit on Wikipedia about Laemmle or?


    Yeah, that was me.

    You realize how offensive this is, don't you? Idiot.


    How is it offensive to vandalise wiki pages?

    • Like 1

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