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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. 6 minutes ago, theoldlady said:

    Norway is often referred to as the last remaining Stalinist State in Europe. Yes, we are a dictatorship run by only a few wealthy families. They are all related to the original signers of our `Constitution.` 


    I thought you were running  by your version of the Tories now....


    Hardly Stalinist....

  2. 2 hours ago, theoldlady said:

    The government in Norway wants everyone to download an app that will track us and let us know if we have been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with Covid-19. So far over 600,000 have downloaded it since yesterday April 16th. They say it will help in tracking the progress and contact sources of the virus in Norway.

    Has anyone else`s country done this? Experiences? Privacy issues come to mind. Thanks.



    That's a bit beyond nanny state. What is it with this pandemic bringing out borderline dictatorships over the edge. Starts off optional will soon be mandatory. 

    • Like 1

  3. 2 hours ago, Kenny McCormick said:

    More like Trump has to start sniffing some children to draw equal to Biden :lol:



    You know Trump is a peado and a sex pest? 


    4 minutes ago, Windsor said:

    I’m intrigued why you are so fast to say Biden’s a paedo when there’s a great deal more pointing to Trump liking them very, very young. :reading-glasses:


    Because he believes in a thoroughly debunked conspiracy theory from the last US election. 

    • Like 2
    • Facepalm 1

  4. 1 hour ago, Octopus of Odstock said:

    Also posted in oldest living footballers thread:


    Cyril Lawrence, the 3rd oldest confirmed former league footballer alive has contracted coronavirus - https://www.soundhealthandlastingwealth.com/health-news/coronavirus-uk-care-home-deaths-jump-ten-fold-in-a-week/ - sadly, it really doesn't look good:



    ‘I never in a million years thought this would happen at the end of life. My dad is battling on but it’s just a question of time now.

    ‘Dad is the longest surviving player of Blackpool Rochdale and Wrexham football clubs. 

    ‘He’s a battler and I know he’s doing his utmost to beat this but I know he won’t. I’m waiting totally heartbroken supporting my mum. 

    ‘My mum will be 100 on June 3, and dad 100 on the 12th. To be cruelly taken like this is just so very sad.’ 

    Mr Lawrence’s early career at sea was spent on the Arctic convoys delivering aid and essential supplies to the Soviet Union.

    He represented the Royal Navy at football, appearing in exhibition matches in Cairo and Alexandria and against New South Wales at the Sydney Cricket Ground. 



    Old person ill. Stop press.

  5. 1 hour ago, YoungWillz said:

    You are right Captain, Harris is actually a unique for you. Sorry @gcreptile, re-checked, I'll have to send you back down the table. Must have scrolled too far, because I'm working off a Word Doc as I didn't make the list of runners and riders.


    Above leaderboard amended.






    I swear I posted a spreadsheet somewhere in this thread for that reason :wacko:

  6. On 20/03/2020 at 16:01, time said:

    Joseph Gambino, (well-known businessman) son of Carlo died earlier this month aged 83. Older brother Thomas is apparently still alive at age 90.


    He was no businessman  - just a gangster like his father. Insult to normal hard working business men and women to term these crooks such. 

  7. 15 minutes ago, Lard Bazaar said:

    It’s easy, just lift up my skirt and there they are, right by my knees.


    The irony of you calling someone else a ‘self-appointed arbiter of the forums’ though.


    What irony? If  I wanted the opinion of a middle aged hannah hauxwell impersonator with saggy tits and a rusty vagina I'd have asked an ex-Hollyoaks actor.


    9 minutes ago, Doc said:

    The irony that both Windsor and Deathray are missing is astounding


    Whats up Doc? Feeling bored, no irony here to see just normal people having normal conversations. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, torbrexbones said:

    Is she dead yet - NO


    Well stop bloody well posting in this thread. :rant:  :smiley_f:


    Oh god it's another self-appointed arbiter of the forums along to be an annoying fucking cunt.


  9. 28 minutes ago, Windsor said:



    I thought you didn’t like trolls? I thought you were a valued, serious member of this deadpool community. A lynchpin if you will! And now you admit to being a troll.


    Make your mind up ye wee wanker. 

    PS. How bigs your basement? :wub:


    You do understand how trolling works right? 


    Also big enough for a dead body should the need ever arise..... 

  10. 32 minutes ago, Windsor said:

    I wish I could afford a drug habit and a property with a basement. These are things I’ll have to aspire to. 

    Anyway enjoy yer Easter. Don’t get too downbeat about wasting your life. Just remember, somebody loves you! 

    Nobody here mind, but somebody!


    I can afford both - perhaps you want to reassess your own life and stop accusing me of wasting mine, deadbeat, based on internet ramblings on a site full of fucking lunatics that i mainly post on just to WUM sad cunts who are stupid enough to engage. 

  11. 26 minutes ago, Great Uncle Bulgaria said:

    Er...30 of this year's list are over 90 and nearly everybody on the list is several decades past their peak/period of fame (excluding Bill Gates' dad and P-Orridge who weren't famous to start off with).


    Yeah which is kind of the whole issue. The list used to be interesting people with health issues regardless of age.


    30 picks 90 and over is exactly what I'm moaning about.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Windsor said:

    Yeah that’s what I mean. You think you’re part of a ‘community’ when in reality it’s just something folk used to do for a laugh. That’s sad even by my standards. 

     Clearly you take yourself far too seriously and if running deadpools is your sole achievement in life I urge you reassess your life goals. 

     You see it’s not so much I’ve been routed out. More the case I witnessed deadpooling become less and less fun and more and more sinister with wannabe professional deadpoolers like you. Admittedly you are also a bit of a cock. Another reason why I visit fleetingly is I went out and got myself a life. I recommend you try it rather than stalking these forums round the clock. 


     I don’t want to push this too far as you seem like the type whose mother will find them hanging in their bedroom when they realise too late that they’ve wasted their life on something which is essentially a bit of a joke. 

     Happy Easter by the way and remember: you’re not useless, you just haven’t applied yourself! :salute:


    It might amaze you but I'm capable of doing other constructive things alongside posting on here. I really don't need a condescending lecture from a middle aged drug addict.... 


    And I wouldn't worry so much about my mother finding me hanging as I would about the police finding your kids permanently locked in your basement  

  13. 19 minutes ago, Lafaucheuse said:

    I saw a notification here, I clicked, turned out it was you getting pissed as usual for no good reason so as you're writing on a public site, I think this is everyone's business. 


    I'm writing on a public site - where anyone is free to post what the fuck they want. I'm not sure which part you don't understand.


    If you don't like my posts make use of the ignore feature

  14. 10 minutes ago, Genfærd said:


    Yeah, a fantastic call. A sudden death looming apparently.


    16 minutes ago, Bibliogryphon said:

    Nothing in this thread since September and then he is dead. Good work from the committee


    Are you two out of your fucking minds.


    He was 90 and had known health issues. It's like shooting fish in a fucking barrel at that point.


    No good call, just luck. At least with him gone there's room for a interesting pick who isn't a 90 year old hasbeen. 

  15. 1 minute ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    Fuck, you have run out of socks!

    Tescos sell socks....

    That ain't the issue. It's the descent of this place into a clusterfuck of insanity in a matter of weks thats the issue. 


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