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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. 1 minute ago, Toast said:


    Funny you should say that. 

    When I was at university (proper university, before they renamed all the polys and tech colleges as universities) there was a famous piece of graffiti in the toilets in the library cafeteria.  Next to the bog roll, someone had written

    "Sociology Degrees - Please Take One"


    All that tells me is your so old you could fit a morris minor up your fanny....

  2. 3 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:

    With an older parent there is also higher chance of them having downs or being autistic etc. Unless it really was planned and they made sure the fetus didn't have certain medical conditions etc.


    Oh yes because we shouldn't bring downs or autistic people in to the world?


    Have you been to dinner with Dominic Cummings and Joseph Stalin?

  3. 2 minutes ago, ObakeFilter said:

    Dude what’s going on with you. You sound insane.


    You've alluded to your opinion of me sounding insane a few times now.


    I'm not just asking on what qualification, medical basis or scientific background your able to ascertain somebodies sanity from a conversation on a message board, because you could save NHS mental services several hundred million, potentially even a few billion a year with that skillset.  

  4. 4 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    The last time wasn't Diana's death because she also spoke to the nation in 2002 in a special address when her mother died.

     The third occasion was during the Gulf War, why I'm not so sure. She didn't do it for the Falklands or the War in Iraq??


    No she didn't do it for Falklands or Iraq.


    And fuck knows why she did it for the Gulf to be frank......


    Should only be reserved for royal matters such as royal deaths. Unless Phils got the rona.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    I think these celebrity stories skew the reality quite a bit though. 

    I'm not medical expert but aren't fertility rates in men over 60/65 normally very low in most circumstances? This is one of these things I've always wondered yet having just Googled it, I can't find a very concrete answer. Aren't most men shooting blanks by the time they're into their 40s?


    A 1-2% decrease in fertility per year from about the age of 40...


    So you could still be shooting winners in your 70s and 80s if your lucky. 


    You could sperm screen everyone through there GPs and castrate the ones who were still winning as a condition of claiming your pensions to stop morons like Bernie whatshisface though.... 

  6. Just now, ObakeFilter said:

    Deathray you are not making any sense.


    ObakeFilter - I'm making perfect sense.


    Again, who the fuck are you? And where does this self asserted arbiter of sanity status stem from apart from your derriere? 


    792 posts ffs. Joined 2014. Did you suddenly remember this site in the middle of quarantine or something? Fuck off back to your footy or cross-stitch forums. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, CoffinLodger said:

    Breaking News- Queen to make special broadcast to the nation this weekend.Last time she did it was just after the death of Diana, other than Christmas day of course.   


    Yes but not to announce the death because the sad old bastard couldn't read the public mood enough to realise mourning her son's dead ex-wife might be the prudent thing to rather than have a big rave up with the Queen Mom and Prince Phil to celebrate her demise. 

  8. 13 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    Saw this on a Twitter earlier and seems to have sparked a debate on ageing + parenting. 

    I think it’s totally wrong. Even if Bernie lives to be 100, the child will be minus one parent by the time he’s 10/11. I just think that when you can avoid these scenarios, it’s best to.


    I'd go a step further than you.


    Anyone  over the age of 65 should be permanently castrated. The odds are too against them.


    He's a selfish cunt with no regard for the kid he's bringing into the world.  That poor sod will spend most of it's life growing up without a father because he's a selfish tosspot who couldn't pick up the number for the condom store/abortion clinic. Unless he puts it up for adoption to a younger family - which is the only sensible option here if he keeps it. 

  9. 9 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    DUDE. You LAUGHED at it yesterday, and now you’re lecturing me.


    Either someone else has jumped onto your computer screen or you have split personality disorder :facepalm:



    I can find something funny and see why it's funny:



  10. 4 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    As roaming_comrade said – the whole site is pretty insensitive.


    And given that you’ve joined in on the “sickest game in the world” thread by taking a punt at how many ordinary ppl will die in the UK daily from COVID-19, this is definitely an old case of the pot calling the kettle black.


    It's not a case of the pot calling the kettle black. A quick google of his condition next to his name would have led you to see why calling someone on the medication on him a fat bastard - as you were attempting to do is not really that funny given he has no fucking choice in the matter of looking fat to manage his condition.


    People who die of Covid aren't going to see this website, and they're families have a choice whether to seek this website out. There's a difference. Shooting meaningless numbers in the grand scheme of things in a morbid parlour game is a bit different to singling out a celebrity for looking a bit fat after reading an article that mentions why that might be the case. 


    People will die of Covid tomorrow thats a fact, you can choose whether to be an insensitive cunt about individual celebrities - and not doing so is the better option; also a fact. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Steve said:

    These figures in the 1000+ seem really high. Surely nobody thinks we will see figures of this great magnitude 


    Italy has seen 900+ and has a smaller population than us - it's entirely plausible we'll see figures in excess of 1,000.

    • Like 1

  12. 12 hours ago, roaming_comrade said:

    A quick google gave me youtube videos that says he was friends with the queen, so that could have an impact on her.



    He's got birthday cards off the Queen.


    That doesn't mean their friends. She (her office) sends them to anyone reaching 100 each year and then one for 105 onwards each year. 

    • Like 3

  13. 1 hour ago, Lafaucheuse said:

    In France, everybody does it, there’s huge claping meeting on the balcony and everything with music and people congratulating the medical staff. That’s heartmelting.


    It's virtue signalling craptrap of the highest order only engaged in by utter wankers. 

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 2

  14. 14 hours ago, Paul Bearer said:

    Really struggling to get correct actual numbers.  I could have sworn it said 29 on BBC Wales. 


    Maybe doing it for the UK as a whole?


    Not to mention initial figures keep getting corrected a few days later...... due to 'with Covid' and 'of Covid' distinctions. 

  15. 9 minutes ago, msc said:


    Need to get rid of Corbyn obvious. Just Labour love really long contests while the Tories get on stitching up their own contests and getting on with buggering up the economy.


    Yeah but I'm proud to be in a party that actually has a free and fair election process involving the entire membership. Not an MP Cabal.


    If/when Starmer wins we can hopefully go about making the next election a lot closer. 

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