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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. 12 hours ago, msc said:

    "Look at me not having heard of this person other people have heard of, how edgy am I?" posts are unedifying and crass regardless of who posts them, and are akin to those times DJL called any non-Oz Deathlist dull imo.


    Oh do one. Some people you might have a point on this.


    John Prine is not the fucking horse to die on in this regard.

    • Haha 2

  2. Just now, SusanStoHelit said:

    Well, guess I'm too literal-minded. I'd only maybe call someone a nobody who wouldn't qualify on here or who'se only famous by proxy


    Yes and John Prine is famous by proxy, no? He didn't sell the records, his singers did... 

  3. Just now, Windsor said:

    There is no logic in monarchy. It’s all accident of birth you bloody fool. Have you been reading the American tabloids again? 


    I noted on Twitter that the Diana fans were out in force saying Charles getting Coronavirus was karma for what he did to Diana. Naturally I asked then it it was karma that caused Diana to smash into that wall. Long story short, they were NOT happy...


    He's 71 ffs. By the time he puts the crown on he'll have had a heart attack. I want the monarchy gone anyway so would welcome Charles, gives us republicans a window... 


    And of course it wasn't karma. It was MI5. At lest it was more successful than their coup aga inst Wilson..... Although they seem to have grabbed Johnson by the balls with their coronavirus mind control on population, authoritarianism games..... 

  4. Just now, SusanStoHelit said:

    Maybe to you nobody just means most people not into the genre/subject  haven't heard of them. But by that definition there are lots of "nobodies" who died, got QOs etc. 


    The Guardian obits section exists. 


    A lot of fuck nobodies get QOs. That doesn't make them a somebody..... It just means there's enough boring cunts who think they are one that the obit has to be published. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, SusanStoHelit said:

    I'm not trying to be. What makes you feel like you need to reply to the "randy virgins" comment not addressed to you?

    You will probably die of salt poisoning at this rate, even before I do


    Well if the 'randy virgin' is going to hover around near my schlong I'll not say no to a bit of engagement when they seem as keen as you to be to the sadomasochistic party

    • Haha 1

  6. Just now, SusanStoHelit said:

    I don't say everyone has to know him. But maybe don't call anyone a nobody just cuz you don't like the genre they're in.


    You don't get it do you. There's people in that genre I'd heard of heard of in the same way anyone who's not heard of metal would have heard of Maiden or Metallica..... 



    Looe Willie Nelson or BB King


    There the somebodies, not John Prine.

  7. 3 minutes ago, SusanStoHelit said:

    Sorry, just joined a couple days ago. If I'd known there was some kind of "Guess who wrote what based on curse to word ratio " contest, I might just have cared less.


    Your not as funny as you think you are. 


  8. 2 minutes ago, SusanStoHelit said:

    Oh, ok then. In that case, next you're probably gonna tell me you had no fucking clue who Kenny Rogers was before he turned up on the list. 


    D'you know "City of New Orleans"?


    And if you do, do you know that song has cover versions in at least three languages and was not written by Arlo Guthrie?


    He wrote it, and John Prine wrote and or co-wrote some of his other songs...


    On the other hand, Steve Goodmans been dead for a few decades now, so if you only notice people once they get cancer (and can be picked in A DP), which he did, for the record, no wonder...




    I've heard the Willie Nelson version of City of New Orleans. Now there's a real bona-fide famous person. And tbfh I assumed Nelson wrote it. God knows who Arlo Guthrie is.... as alien to me as Goodman or Prine or Kenny Rogers - is he Fred's brother? 


    Maybe that makes me an uncultured slob but on the other hand can you name every member and touring member of Slipknot or Iron Maiden? There's some real musicians and proper music for you flower. 






  9. 7 minutes ago, SusanStoHelit said:

    If someone like Steve Goodman is a nobody to you, then yes, so is he. Otherwise, no. Also, this tone made me think I was in the rage thread... 

    If someone is irrelevant to you, why comment?


    Seriously for a minute? 


    Who the fuck is Steve Goodman? 


    On a side note if you think this is my (or many others on here's) angry tone your clearly knew and wet behind the ears like the randy virgin who mistakes the lube for hand sanitiser at his first orgy. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, adrian0719 said:

    Intubated and in critical condition. 



    Along with a few thousand other people in the US roughly as insignificant as him.


    Spanish flu lady was more sodding notable. 

    • Facepalm 1

  11. 5 minutes ago, Sir Creep said:

    John Prine will easily be the biggest C19 death when he goes, that’s who.  And having Cancer already, he’s more likely than not I would imagine.



    Biggest death to who? Willy waivers?


    Seriously who the fuck is this nobody?


    Also biggest death gimme a break - Prince Charles and the Queen's footman have it....

    • Like 2

  12. On 21/03/2020 at 08:07, Sir Creep said:

    I’m sure people with CANCER are worried about a virus *MASSIVE eye roll*


    Yes they are because cancer is a much nicer death you stupid fucking dingbat!

  13. 48 minutes ago, Sir Creep said:


    Well ditto all that and Trebek will remain just as shite a pick in April.  I DO hope all y'all line up in his queue though.


    Oh fuck off SC. Don't you have coronavirus victims to be kissing?


    Or colleagues who'd cough in your face without a second thought?

    • Haha 1

  14. 4 minutes ago, Lafaucheuse said:

     what ?? 

     You're not on the irate visitors thread here, sorry


    Lets be frank, even to diehard stiff chasers the thought of coronavirus is off putting.


    There's a few dozen people I'd happily (fantasise about) smothering with a cushion in the dead of night while singing 'burn baby burn' but I wouldn't wish coronavirus on them. 

    • Like 2

  15. 1 hour ago, Cerberus said:

    That's a shame, they speak highly of you.


    I often wonder how many of the many people I come across who claim to dislike the Prince of Wales have ever met him. 


    He's a tree hugging, narcissistic,  self absorbed twat with blood on his (skivvies) hands.....


    Skipping him to William is the only logic option if and when the Queen remembers she's not bloody immortal.

    • Like 1

  16. 2 minutes ago, Lard Bazaar said:

    Is anyone else genuinely worried they might die?  I just found out today that about 2.5 weeks ago I sat opposite (within like about 4 feet) a lady at work (young, fit, no underlying health issues) who is now very seriously ill. I’m shitting my pants.


    I mean we all might bloody well die from this. 


    That's kind of the whole fucking point of the restrictions. If you get it, you get it. If you get it bad enough to cark it then thems the breaks. 

    • Haha 1

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