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Everything posted by RoverAndOut

  1. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool II

    Hang on a minute - deadline's March 1st right?! You lot are quick off the mark! I will be having a thorough perusal of the minor stars of Kevin Bacon's early work and the Flyweight World Champions of the 1970s during my half term break (February 9th-18th) and will submit my team in a timely manner.
  2. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool II

    Part of the beauty of the game. Learned alot last time, will learn even more this time.
  3. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool II

    So we were weeks away from a three way tie for the first win (including myself!) Darn you Keith Barron....!
  4. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool II

    Ha, I love this game. So glad its returning - requires minimal attention once set up, the possibilities are endless for teams and there's some cracking research can go into it! Looking forward to selecting my contenders and hoping this one goes on as long as the first one - has a US political pick died yet by the way..? (Seriously, I'm asking) In the interests of utter banality and pointless inanity, may I nitpick over the 28 heads of state - for countries such as Croatia and Slovakia that did not exist before the 1990s as independent states are we only able to select leaders elected to lead these countries once they became independent states? (i.e. hypothetically, if there was a Prime Minister of Slovenia when it was part of Yugoslavia, could I pick him or not? Equally, if a former leader of Czechoslovakia was still alive, would he be a suitable pick, or not, since the Czech Republic and Slovakia are independent countries in their own right now...I'm just going to stop and wait for someone to answer. )
  5. RoverAndOut

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    That makes me feel better for the 5 of last year's team I was able to re-pick for old times sake then!
  6. RoverAndOut

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Team submitted. Good luck in Round 2 Spade!
  7. RoverAndOut

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Ha, I hadn't forgotten my commitment to submit a team for this but thanks for the reminder. Been trying to put some thought into it although I'm woefully out of the loop regarding the top talent at the moment, but then realised I'd never actually seen who I was playing. Spade and DDT. Et tu msc? Team to be submitted momentarily once I pick 4 more sacrificial lambs to survive February.
  8. RoverAndOut

    The Deathlist Cup

    I'll give this a bash again. Requires less concentration than most - especially when you're knocked out in R1!
  9. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool

    Wow...so just the month and a bit out of date but that's what happens when you're a teacher in your first term as an NQT I suppose. I've been keeping an eye on things, but clearly not close enough since I thought I'd drop in and wonder whether the first Scavenger Hunt Bingo would be done by 2018. Turns out it already is! Congratulations to Rotten Ali, he was always the favourite with his umpteen outs in double quick time. Reading through, I assumed I was too late to participate in Game 2 but it appears it hasn't started yet? If we haven't started I would like to take part, just let me know by when (ideally around the start of the year would be good...gives me time to put a team together! )
  10. RoverAndOut

    By-Election Bingo 2017-22

    Yeah, but the mayhem that will be caused in that particular game when one of the big American political beasts goes will be a sight to see.
  11. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool

    You wait over a year for a presidential hit and then when one comes no one's got him! Oy vey...
  12. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool

    Ahem...ladies and gentlemen, Doug Insole former Essex captain and - more importantly - England test batsman has died aged 91. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/40844055 Cue further mayhem in the Scavenger Hunt Bingo with hits for myself, Rockhopper and Time. Yes folks, you read that right - Time's got a hit. Sorry Handy...
  13. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool

    I confess it was more work than I bargained for. And I still bet there's a mistake in there no one's spotted/cares about. But this is when it helps to know the limitations of your deadpooling activities. Fingers in only so many pies and so on.
  14. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool

    I fear Toast we could be here all day if we list all the combinations that could win it for anyone. Hell, even Time and Handy have enough feasible uniques to sneak this yet... *gulp*
  15. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool

    So basically the SHDP finally ran out of tie breakers! Unless someone else dies for Toast or Death Impends first...
  16. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool

    This is brilliant! I never want this deadpool to end! Oh and Switch... Ask and ye shall receive. Think I've got this right... (Arranged according to closest to winning, and then by most 'outs' in getting that win) Msc - 1/2/0/2/1 – 6 hits (1 away - 1 unique from Honor Blackman, David Gooderson, Donald Pelmear, Antony Webb, John Sainsbury, Lynne Cheney and Tipper Gore OR 1 from US presidential elections – Dick Cheney, Bob Dole and Walter Mondale) I'm Not Hades - 1/1/0/1/1 – 4 hits (1 away - 1 unique from Claire Bloom, Katy Manning, Earl of Crawford, Bob Barber and Barry Gibb OR 1 from US presidential elections - Barbara Bush, George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter) Rotten Ali - 1/2/0/2/0 – 5 hits (1 away - 1 unique from Keith Barron, Brian Blessed, Edwin Bramall, John McVie, Des O'Connor and Cliff Richard) Death Impends - 1/1/0/2/3 – 7 hits (1 away - 1 from US presidential elections – John B. Anderson, Lyndon LaRouche and Bob Richards) Toast - 2/1/0/1/3 – 7 hits (1 away - 1 from US presidential elections - John B. Anderson?) Rover and Out - 1/1/0/3/1 – 6 hits (1 away - 1 from US presidential elections - Ross Perot) 1 chance Rockhopper Penguin - 0/1/0/1/0 – 2 hits (2 away - 2 uniques from John Cleese, Nerys Hughes, Catherine Schell,Peter Wyngarde, Shirley Williams, Pat Choate, Ian Botham, Petula Clark, Eden Kane, John Layton and Mike Sarne) Deathray - 0/1/0/2/1 – 4 hits (2 away - 2 uniques from Bernard Cribbins, Derek Jacobi, Peter Purvis, Baroness Trumpington, Ralph Nader, Barack Obama, Willie Mae Reid, James Taylor, Shane Warne and Keith Richards OR 1 needed from each of Doctor Who and US presidential elections) Captain Chorizo - 1/0/0/0/1 – 2 hits (2 away - 2 uniques from Colin Baker, John Moreno, William Lloyd George, Bo Gritz, Mary Alice Herbert, Ronald Draper and Ricky Valance) Switch - 0/1/0/1/2 – 4 hits (2 away - 2 uniques from Sonny Caldinez, Ysanne Churchman, Hugh Futcher, David Trefgarne and Ed Clark OR 1 needed from each of Doctor Who and US presidential elections) GC Reptile - 1/1/0/0/2 – 4 hits (2 away - 1 needed from each of US presidential elections and Test cricketers) YoungWillz - 0/1/0/1/0 – 2 hits (3 away - 3 uniques from Prentis Hancock, Leslie Schofield, Gabriel Woolf, Colin Sharman, Dennis Amiss, Jimmy Binks, Fred Rumsey, Kiki Dee, Smokey Robinson and Bill Wyman OR 1 needed from each of Doctor Who, US presidential elections and #1 Hit Singles) Rad Guy - 0/0/0/1/1 – 2 hits (3 away - 1 needed from each of Doctor Who, House of Lords and US presidential elections) Handrejka - 0/0/0/0/0 – 0 hits (3 away - 3 uniques from June Brown, Bella Emberg, Betty Boothroyd, Donald Nicholls, Randolph Quirk, Graham Dowling, Waqar Hassan, Dick Richardson, Ian Sinclair, Marcia Barrett, Dave Davies, Windsor Davies and Judith Durham) Time - 0/0/0/0/0 – 0 hits (3 away - 3 uniques from Tony Caunter, Frazer Hines, Lydia Dunn, Marcia Williams, Nari Contractor, Imran Khan, Peter Pollock and Tommy Steele) My rudimentary understanding is that due to superiority Dick Cheney, Bob Dole and Walter Mondale give Msc the win based on unique hits, the same applies to I'm Not Hades for George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter, Death Impends holds on to Lyndon LaRouche because he has had most hits and originally there was a tie break situation between Toast and DI over Bush Sr. or Anderson. Bush Sr. has now been taken by I'm Not Hades so I'm not sure how the tie break works? If Anderson dies does Death Impends win because he originally picked him in the tie break? And if so, how can Toast win with 1 hit or can she not? Further down, those that are two away must bear in mind that hits in the US category will probably lead to a win for someone else before they get you in the game but I reckon there's plenty of names that could get another 5 or 6 players in with a shout of winning without a winner being crowned potentially. Do point out my mistakes, this game is frazzling my head - Lord help you Biblio, what have you unleashed on the world?!
  17. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool

    Still have a sneaking suspicion that someone is going to emerge from further back with a couple of quick hits and mug us all. Might be a bit late for time and Handrejka mind you...
  18. RoverAndOut

    By-Election Bingo 2017-22

    Sent it again Biblio. Last time I sent it on the old message from the last by-election bingo game, but this time I've sent it as a separate message. Maybe that will work?
  19. RoverAndOut

    By-Election Bingo 2017-22

    Entry submitted on the day of closing via PM. Thought if I waited long enough, surely another general election would be called instead of having to play. Hopefully my good form from Deathray's General Election game continues, but this is a lot harder to predict than the voter's intentions - and that's saying something!
  20. RoverAndOut

    General Election Game

    As for thoughts on the length before another election: I'll be amazed if this lasts 5 years. The amount of things that can go wrong in this time are staggering. May I note for a start that as of Monday night the Tories are yet to agree a deal with the DUP to get a Queen's Speech through Parliament. The date of said Queen's Speech has been pushed back indefinitely and if she can't get DUP support the Queen's Speech will fail and her government will almost certainly fall. Now, I don't expect her government to fall that quickly - the DUP won't miss the chance for power - but that's hurdle one of an awful lot to come for Theresa and the Tories in the coming weeks, months and years.
  21. RoverAndOut

    General Election Game

    Shucks, thanks guys. I'm much better at this when there's no death predicting going on. My margin was far higher than I expected it to be truth be told. Some gut instincts on the popularity of Jo Swinson and Vince Cable to get back in, a bit of luck on the Sinn Fein advance in Northern Ireland and reading the tea leaves in Scotland as to where the SNP were vulnerable saw me home. Still missed Salmond mind. Now to go for victory in the By-Election Bingo!
  22. RoverAndOut

    By-Election Bingo 2017-22

    Will my team be in before this game's over?
  23. RoverAndOut

    By-Election Bingo 2017-22

    You'll need to change the title: no way this is going from 2017-2022.
  24. RoverAndOut

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    When the Labour guy had 25,300 I thought she'd gone too. Skin of her bloody teeth.
  25. RoverAndOut

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Rudd's got back in. By 300. Bugger.

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