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Everything posted by Deathbysnoosnoo

  1. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Emperor Akihito

    Obama is culturally appropriateing the culture?
  2. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Leah Bracknell

    New post from her. Seems very like acceptance of the end with loads of thank you's to her 1000's of ancestors. Blog
  3. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Fort William Football Club

    Be a tough game, Buckie have been playing well in recent seasons
  4. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    He's going to a game on the 18th as guest of honour, shall see then
  5. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Deadpool Detective Work

    Imdb has him dead in 86 as well, one of the user reviews (dated Dec 2000) for the last film he was in says he passed shortly after post production
  6. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Queen Elizabeth II

    I agree that it would be a massive miss if she wasn't on the list when she pops it but I don't think people should be an automatic pick just because they are Super Duper Uber Famous and it would be an embarrassing miss if left off it. The list will just be full of 85+ year olds that would be perceived as too famous to miss Saying that she was ill last Christmas and this year is supposedly going to be a bad winter so it might not matter.
  7. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Time Added

  8. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

    I'd say it go as far a 50 and no more Lofty total of sweet 17
  9. Deathbysnoosnoo

    The 16th death of 2017

    Going for surprise one in Stan lee
  10. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Olivia Newton-John

    A month old but struggling to walk and on the puff to help http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-4876858/Olivia-Newton-John-s-cancer-fight.html Although it appears shes been fulfilling the shows she cancelled this month in an interview, says she lost her voice was the reason for the cancellation http://www.kentucky.com/entertainment/music-news-reviews/article178662526.html
  11. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

    I'm predicting two will go in December, one in the week between Xmas and new year.
  12. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    The committee I can see where your coming from but if she just got a normal sentence it would be 'drug smuggling gran caught' then forgotten about as with the majority of people on the papers for crimes. The only reason she is not quite forgotten about is due to the sentence she received and not her. Same could he said about the girl that got let off for stabbing her boyfriend because she is too brainy, been getting loads of attention on social media but I'd say she is known of but not in the famous/celebrity bracket.
  13. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    It kinda does, says in the front page that candidates cant be listed solely on the fact that they are about to die (in the near future) and she is only famous for getting the death penalty.
  14. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Hugh Hefner

    This is where feminism falls over with the bunnies. Bitch n whine that the mansion/playboy is sexual oppression of women, while stating women should be free to do what they want with their bodies #FreeTheNipple
  15. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Jake Lamotta

    I don't know how you are going to feel about this but over 150,000 people died today and you are getting upset over someone you had never heard of!
  16. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Jake Lamotta

    Double post
  17. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Stan Lee

    Video of him from last week Irma hurricane video One thing I've taken from that is his eyes are barely moving and doesn't look like he looking at the camera suggesting he can't see it
  18. Deathbysnoosnoo

    The 12th death of 2017

    Time for kirky boy to go
  19. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Leah Bracknell

    It's hard to see but her chest looks like the ribs are showing through
  20. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Leah Bracknell

    Facebook update https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1704266939614604&id=100000939442449
  21. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Javier Perez De Cuellar

    103. He was the first black man to set foot on Iceland in 1982
  22. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Stan Lee

    Recon he will go just before either Infinity war films
  23. Deathbysnoosnoo

    What Are We Going to Do About A Corpse Named Ian Brady?

    Turn it into a butt plug display stand
  24. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Leah Bracknell

    Never really going to put a bad picture up thou are they. Give her fans hope that she doing well wether she is or not
  25. Deathbysnoosnoo

    Gerry Adams & Martin McGuinness

    He's pretty much Nelson Mandela if you think about it

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