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Torva Messor

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Everything posted by Torva Messor

  1. Torva Messor

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    The US reports its first coronavirus casualty, in Washington State. Unlike the US mini-reports, who just post "someone in Washington state died," the Daily Fail describes each of the known infected: an older Northern California woman with chronic health conditions, a high school student in Everett, Washington and an employee at a Portland, Oregon-area school. My bet is the older Northern California woman with chronic health conditions was the first US death.
  2. Torva Messor

    The 5th Death of 2020

    Lester Piggott.
  3. Torva Messor

    how long till' the next hit ?

    35 April Fool!
  4. Torva Messor

    The 2020 Deathlist Cup

    Roster for March submitted
  5. Torva Messor

    ABC Deadpool III

    Y, Dmitry Y? https://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2020/02/25/world/europe/25reuters-russia-military-yazov.html
  6. Torva Messor

    Hares Death Pool 2020

    Diana Serra Cary a hit for some (24 Feb 2020)
  7. Torva Messor


    If anyone has former Prime Minister John Napier Wyndham Turner on DSCDP's Canadian Bacon Funeral Home, I recommend trading him away tomorrow as he doesn't meet the requirement of "Canadian born" (birthplace is Richmond, Surrey, England). A third of entrants were given "a boot to the head" for violating that requirement.
  8. Torva Messor

    The 4th death of 2020

    I went with Jacques Demonkey... err, Delors.
  9. Torva Messor

    Shadow Lists

    Kirk is also my fifth Shadow List hit.
  10. Torva Messor

    Hartlepool Deadlypool 2020

    Book had two teams?
  11. Torva Messor

    Oldest Living State Leaders DP

    A 'thank you' interruption from me. I used a name from this list and received a 50-point "unique" bonus in a death pool elsewhere.
  12. Torva Messor

    The Joker's Dead Pool 2020

    we should get a bonus for working our way consecutively down the list.
  13. Torva Messor

    The Joker's Dead Pool 2020

    Daniel arap Moi is my second hit.
  14. Torva Messor


    They're onto us.
  15. Torva Messor

    Death By Numbers 2020

    The New York Times has a qualifying obituary for Bernard Ebbers, certifying my fifth hit in a frenetic culling of notables.
  16. Torva Messor

    Daniel arap Moi

    Ça plot pour Moi
  17. Torva Messor

    Ebola and Other Viruses

    I like Johns Hopkins CSSE's webpage for tracking the spread and impact of the coronavirus
  18. Torva Messor


    Me to my spouse: "Hey my dream was answered eight minutes ago!" [Tells spouse about Canadian Bacon game] Me to family: "I began a list seven minutes ago. Guess how many I have now." Family in unison; "Twenty." They were correct. Looks like I have to wait until October to load up on the Coffin Crisps.
  19. Torva Messor

    The 2nd Death of 2020

    Precisely my thinking. A shuffle of the Tarot cards and Death placed fourth.
  20. Torva Messor

    The 2020 Deathlist Cup

    Please pardon my tardiness. I did not notice my name on the list until just now. Entry eta is 4-16 hrs
  21. Torva Messor

    Inverse Dead Pool 2020

    Paul Gascoigne Doddie Weir Linda Nolan Queen Elizabeth II June Brown Dick Van Dyke Barbara Windsor Prunella Scales Angela Lansbury Billy Connolly Mikhail Gorbachev Michael Robinson Jimmy Greaves Ruth Bader Ginsburg Olivia Newton-John Jill Gascoine Pope Benedict XVI Rolf Harris Stirling Moss Bob Barker Little Richard Betty White Nobby Stiles Henry Kissinger Bill Turnbull sub Terry Jones
  22. Torva Messor

    The Joker's Dead Pool 2020

    George Alagiah John Andretti Daniel arap Moi Yuri Averbakh Frankie Banali Bob Barker Tony Bennett Honor Blackman Peter Brook Earl Cameron Jimmy Carter Noel Conway David Crosby Olivia de Havilland Bob Dole Kirk Douglas Hugh Downs Rhonda Fleming William Frankland Jill Gascoine Jimmy Greaves David Gulpilil Rolf Harris John Hume Glynis Johns Lee Kerslake Henry Kissinger John Lewis Sydney Lotterby (WILDCARD) Loretta Lynn Vera Lynn Willie Nelson Boris Pahor (WILDCARD) Javiér Pérez de Cuéllar Prince Philip (WILDCARD) Leslie Phillips Genesis P-Orridge Henri Richard Eva Marie Saint Yoo Sang-chul Tom Smith (WILDCARD) Pat Smullen Nobby Stiles Larry Storch Kane Tanaka Alex Trebek (WILDCARD) Jean-Louis Trintignant Murray Walker Lina Wertmüller 6ix9ine subs Mikhail Gorbachev Katherine Johnson Mel Lastman Donald Trump Terry Jones - 21 Jan 2020
  23. Torva Messor


    I was one of those who lucked into the First Blood bonus. So excited I ate the candy bar I'd been saving since Christmas.
  24. Torva Messor


    Kisses blown to you for letting me keep some centenarian solos.
  25. Torva Messor


    It's going to be invitation-only. DMs of the 'me! me!' variety, DSCDP handle provision included, are accepted. DSCDP: Beat a Dead Hearse is renewing the public hate-picks Funeral Home 'Die Motherfucker Die' for 2020, and will, I understand, be as thorough culling as s/he was in 2019. Because that's a public option my 'Spite: Every Drop a Delicious Ray of Sunshine' Funeral Home (well, ours, I have a partner) is invite-only. Accommodating FH directors, DSCDP folk who are mutual Twitter followers, and most anyone here choosing a high-on-glee-and-karma, low-on-points alternative expressing interest will receive an invite at least 48 hours before the pool starts.

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