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Everything posted by Fantomasss

  1. Fantomasss

    French speaking deathlist

    Les anciens membres de gouvernements continuent de mourir les uns après les autres depuis ce début d'année...
  2. Fantomasss

    French Academician

    Not Update for Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, but here I have a list of Académie des Beaux arts, in which Frédéric Mitterrand was member. PAINTING: Yves Millecamps (b.1930), since 2001 Tania Mouraud (b.1942), since 2024 Ernest Pignon-Ernest (b.1942), since 2021 Philippe Garel (b. 1945), since 2015 Gérard Garouste (b. 1946), since 2017 Jean-Marc Bustamante (b. 1952), since 2016) Hervé Di Rosa (b. 1959), since 2022 Nina Childress (b. 1961), since 2024 Fabrice Hyber (b. 1961), since 2018 SCULPTURE: Claude Abeille (b. 1930), since 1992 Anne Poirier (b. 1942), since 2021 Brigitte Terziev (b. 1943), since 2007 Jean Anguera (b. 1953), since 2013 Pierre Edouard (b. 1959), since 2008 Jean-Michel Othoniel (b. 1964), since 2018 ARCHITECTURE: Aymeric Zublena (b. 1936), since 2008 Jacques Rougerie (b. 1945), since 2008 Alain-Charles Perrot (b. 1945), since 2013 Jean-Michel Wilmotte (b. 1948), since 2015 Dominique Perrault (b. 1953), since 2015 Bernard Desmoulin (b. 1953), since 2018 Marc Barani (b. 1957), since 2018 Pierre-Antoine Gatier (b. 1959), since 2019 Anne Démians (b. 1963), since 2021 ENGRAVING AND DRAWING: Erik Desmazières (b. 1948), since 2008 Pierre Collin (b. 1956), since 2018 Astrid de La Forest (b. 1962), since 2016 Emmanuel Guibert (b. 1964), since 2023 Catherine Meurisse (b. 1980), since 2020 MUSICAL COMPOSITION: François-Bernard Mâche (b. 1935), since 2002 Gilbert Amy (b. 1936), since 2013 Michaël Levinas (b. 1949), since 2009 Edith Canat de Chizy (b. 1950), since 2005 Laurent Petitgirard (b. 1950), since 2000 Thierry Escaich (b. 1965), since 2013 Régis Campo (b. 1968), since 2017 Bruno Mantovani (b. 1974), since 2017 FREE MEMBERS: François-Bernard Michel (b. 1936), since 2000 Hugues Gall (b. 1940), since 2002 Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière (b. 1940), since 2005 William Christie (b. 1944), since 2008 Henri Loyrette (b. 1952), since 1997 Patrick de Carolys (b. 1953), since 2010 Christophe Leribault (b. 1963), since 2023 Muriel Mayette-Holtz (b. 1964), since 2017 Adrien Goetz (b. 1966), since 2017 CINEMA AND AUDIOVISUAL: Roman Polanski (b. 1933), since 1998 Jean-Jacques Annaud (b. 1943), since 2007 Coline Serreau (b. 1947), since 2018 Régis Wargnier (b. 1948), since 2007 Marjane Satrapi (b. 1969), since 2024 PHOTOGRAPHY: Françoise Huguier (b. 1942), since 2023 Sebastiao Salgado (b. 1944), since 2016 Yann Arthus-Bertrand (b. 1946), since 2006 Dominique Issermann (b. 1947), since 2021 Jean Gaumy (b. 1948), since 2016 Valérie Belin (b. 1964), since 2024 CHOREOGRAPHY: Carolyn Carlson (b. 1943), since 2020 Angelin Preljocaj (b. 1957), since 2019 Thierry Malandain (b. 1959), since 2019 Blanca Li (b. 1964), since 2019 FOREIGN ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Norman Foster (b. 1935), since 2007 Woody Allen (b. 1935), since 2004 Antonio Lopez Garcia (b. 1936), since 2012 Philippe de Montebello (b. 1936), since 2012 Karim Aga Khan IV (b. 1936), since 2007 Georg Baselitz (b. 1938), since 2019 Farah Pahlavi (b. 1938), since 1973 Jiri Kylian (b. 1947), since 2018 Giuseppe Penone (b. 1947), since 2022 Annie Leibovitz (b. 1949), since 2022 William Kentridge (b. 1955), since 2021 Mozah bint Nasser (b. 1959), since 2007
  3. Fantomasss

    French Deathlist 2024

    Il y a sûrement plein de titres à faire pour sa bio, mais ça pourrait être Maryse Condoléances ou Maryse Condéléances
  4. Fantomasss

    French Deathlist 2024

    Wouhou ! Also my 9th personnal hit ! She was in my radar since 2021 when I learnt that it was her husband who wrote what she said for her last books
  5. Fantomasss

    French Deathlist 2024

    Oh my 8th hit ! With 4 deaths in february and now 3 in march it makes 1 death / week since the 1st feb... I don't know if all these old people don't want to live the heaven of Olympic games, but it's specially a french year
  6. Fantomasss

    French Deathlist 2024

    Omg I knew it ! My 7th hit personnal, this year is incredible for french names
  7. Fantomasss

    French speaking deathlist

    6e point déjà sur ma liste avec la mort de la journaliste Madeleine Chapsal !
  8. Fantomasss

    French speaking deathlist

    Si Loana ne décède pas prochainement elle pourrait devenir un nom sérieux pour la liste 2025 ! https://www.ladepeche.fr/2024/03/08/loana-de-nouveau-hospitalisee-les-nouvelles-ne-sont-pas-bonnes-letat-de-sante-de-la-gagnante-de-loft-story-inquiete-11812652.php
  9. Fantomasss

    Cartoonists And Animators

    Oh very sad Toriyama was one of the true legend in this art, like Stan Lee for comics in USA, not only famous for the booksellers but also part of 20th century pop culture because he's one of the pionneers of the modern mangas
  10. Fantomasss

    French speaking deathlist

    Yes en voilà déjà un de la liste mise à jour, il n'est pas bon d'être ancien ministre depuis 2/3 mois...
  11. Fantomasss

    French Deathlist 2024

    So who will be the next for you ? I would Say Philippe de Gaulle
  12. Fantomasss

    French Deathlist 2024

    Ahah "bizarre autant qu'étrange"
  13. Fantomasss

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Honestly this man was totally unknown in France... But apparently he was the french voice of Jackie Chan which is not nothing...
  14. Fantomasss

    French Deathlist 2024

    Omg very sad ! She was the last Big name from the cinema from before WW2. My 4th french hit for february, a Big month
  15. Fantomasss

    French speaking deathlist

    Avec la mort de Roland Bertin, déjà un 4e point pour ma liste française ! Le 3e en février, ce qui est un record personnel pour un début d'année.
  16. Fantomasss

    French speaking deathlist

    Mise à jour après les décès récents de Jacques Delors, Jean-Marie Rausch et Robert Badinter. 8/25 sont morts sur près de 2 ans. Voici une nouvelle liste de membres de gouvernements français qui sont nés jusqu'en 1934. 28 au total. André Chandernagor (1921) : MD Affaires Européennes (1981-1983) Roland Dumas (1922) : MD Affaires européennes (1983-1984) / PP (1984) / M. Relations extérieurs (1984-1986) / ME Aff. étrangères (1988-1993) Christiane Scrivener (1925) : SE Consommation (1976-1978) Monique Pelletier (1926) : SE Justice (1978) / MD Condition féminine (1978-1981) André Fanton (1928) : SE Défense nationale (1969-1972) Edouard Balladur (1929) : ME Economie, Finances et Privatisation (1986-1988) / Premier Ministre (1993-1995) Jean-Pierre Fourcade (1929) : M Economie et Finances (1974-1976) / M Equipement et Aménagement du territoire (1976-1977) Daniel Hoeffel (1929) :SE Santé et Famille (1978-1980) / MD Aménag. du terr. et Collect. locales (1993-1995) Pierre Mazeaud (1929) : SE Jeunesse et Sports (1973-1976) Yvette Roudy (1929) : MD Droits des femmes (1981-1985) / M Droits de la femme (1985-1986) Nicole Questiaux (1930) : ME (1981), M Solidarité nationale (1981-1982) Gaston Flosse (1931) : SE Pacifique Sud (1986-1988) Pierre Lelong (1931) : SE Poste et Télécommunications (1974-1975) Anicet Le Pors (1931) : MD Fonction Pub. et Réformes admin. (1981-1983) / SE Fct. Pub et des Réformes admin. (1983-1984) Louis Mermaz (1931) : M Equipement (1981) / M Transports (1981 et 1988) / M Agriculture et Forêt (1990-1992) / PP (1992-1993) / M Relations avec le Parlement (1992-1993) François Guillaume (1932) : M Agriculture (1986-1988) Jacques Trorial (1932) : SE Education Nationale (1968-1969) Robert Chapuis (1933) : SE Enseignement technique (1988-1991) Philippe Essig (1933) : SE Logement (1988) Charles Fiterman (1933) : M Transports (1981-1984) Guy Lengagne (1933) : S Mer (1983-1986) Henri Torre (1933) : SE auprès du M Economie et Finances (1973-1974) / SE aup. M Développement Industriel et Scientifique (1973) Edith Cresson (1934) : M Agriculture (1981-1983) / M Commerce ext. et Tourisme (1983-1984) / M. Redépl. ind. et Commerce ext. (1984-1986) / M Aff. euro. (1988-1990) / Première Ministre (1991-1992) André Henry (1934) : M Temps libre (1981-1983) Pierre Joxe (1934) : M Industrie (1981) / M Intérieur (1984-1986 / 1988-1991) / M Défense (1991-1993) Georges Lemoine (1934) : SE Energie (1981) / SE Défense (1981-1983) / SE DOM-TOM (1983-1986) Roger Romani (1934) : MD Relations avec le Sénat, rappatriés (1993-1995) / MD Relations Parlement (1995-1997) Jean-Pierre Soisson (1934) : SE Universités (1974-1976) / SE Formation pro. (1976) / SE Jeunesse et Sports (1976-1977) / M Jeunesse, Sports et Loisirs (1978-1981) / M Emploi, Travail et Formation pro. (1988-1991) / ME Fonction pub. et Modernisation admin. (1991-1992) / M Agriculture et Dév. rural (1992-1993) Mention spéciale pour André Henry ministre du temps libre de 81 à 83 et Jean-Pierre Soisson 7 ans ministres sous la droite puis 5 ans sous la gauche.
  17. Fantomasss

    Minimalists (and other classical composers/musicians)

    Oh damn, my 4th hit since 1st feb., I think it was a good name for 2024 deathlist but finally he was not on.
  18. Fantomasss

    French Deathlist 2024

    Good obit, another title could have been Le dernier roi de Thulé
  19. Fantomasss

    French Deathlist 2024

    Another Big name Jodorowsky, in the list, who could not die this year : in the article there is a photo of him in january... But a legend so it would be a problem to miss him https://www.letemps.ch/culture/livres/alejandro-jodorowsky-pour-moi-la-magie-existe-et-nous-pouvons-tout-faire
  20. Fantomasss

    French speaking deathlist

    Dommage j'aurais du plus m'écouter et le rajouter cette année...
  21. Fantomasss

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Oh shit, he was a great author and was on my 2023 World deathlist
  22. Fantomasss

    French speaking deathlist

    https://www.leparisien.fr/culture-loisirs/musique/tant-que-je-peux-tenir-deux-heures-de-spectacle-a-94-ans-hugues-aufray-a-triomphe-a-lolympia-14-01-2024-HCYP5KZX6BGPDAQ6EYJUYOL7XI.php Une bonne raison pour ne pas avoir mis Hugues Aufray sur la deathlist française, même si tout peut s'arrêter comme pour Charles Aznavour, il n'a pas l'air de montrer des signes de fatigue !
  23. Fantomasss

    French Deathlist 2024

    Oh very sad, she had a unique voice and was very funny, I didnt think that she would be the first...
  24. Fantomasss

    15. Glynis Johns

    Congratulations to the commitee, even in France people see who is the mother in Mary Poppins so she had her place in the deathlist
  25. Fantomasss

    French speaking deathlist

    Voici ma Deathlist française 2024, pas mise sur le nouveau thread consacré à la deathlist française officielle. Tant que l'année n'est pas finie, il peut toujours y avoir un changement de dernière minute, mais a priori ce sera cette liste que je garderai. Je suis curieux de vos retours si vous en avez : 1) Bernadette Chirac (17) 2) Philippe de Gaulle (=) 3) Jean-Marie Le Pen (5) 4) Micheline Presle (1) 5) Roland Dumas (10) 6) Edgar Morin (=) 7) Charles Biétry (NEW) 8) Jean Malaurie (22) 9) Gabriel Matzneff (RETOUR) 10) André Chandernagor (13) 11) Philippe Bouvard (9) 12) Madeleine Chapsal (11) 13) Marthe Villalonga (NEW) 14) Maryse Condé (=) 15) François Cheng (23) 16) Louis Mermaz (NEW) 17) Madeleine Riffaud (NEW) 18) Jean Dalibard (NEW) 19) Jean-Pierre Serre (27) 20) Françoise Hardy (7) 21) Michel Camdessus (NEW) 22) Robert Badinter (39) 23) Brigitte Bardot (44) 24) Jean-Charles Tacchella (NEW) 25) Line Renaud (34) 26) Roland Bertin (9) 27) Pierre Michon (NEW) 28) Nicole Le Douarin (NEW) 29) Brigitte Fontaine (38) 30) Alain Delon (46) 31) Marie-France Garaud (25) 32) Claude Zidi (NEW) 33) Frédéric Mitterrand (NEW) 34) Anouk Aimée (42) 35) Yvette Roudy (NEW) 36) Laurence Badie (NEW) 37) Bernard Pivot (32) 38) Jacques Borel (40) 39) Gaston Flosse (NEW) 40) Alejandro Jodorowsky (NEW) 41) Jacqueline de Ribes (RETOUR) 42) Jacques Balutin (NEW) 43) Dany Carrel (NEW) 44) Aldo Maccione (19) 45) Gilles Jacob (RETOUR) 46) Simone Garnier (NEW) 47) Pierre Vernier (NEW) 48) Isabelle Balkany (NEW) 49) Guy Gilbert (RETOUR) 50) Jean-Pierre Léaud (NEW)

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