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Everything posted by Gisooo

  1. Gisooo

    British Character Actors

    I noticed today another British actress who passed away since May 1, 2021. Henryetta Edwards (Wiki) was 95 RIP (1926 - 2021) Obituary
  2. Gisooo

    The Dead of 2022

    I believe you, Turkish people consume a lot of cigarettes and raki
  3. Gisooo

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Brazilian actress Theresa Amayo died at 88. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://g1.globo.com/google/amp/rj/rio-de-janeiro/noticia/2022/01/24/atriz-theresa-amayo-morre-aos-88-anos-no-rio.ghtml&ved=2ahUKEwij397T78r1AhXB8LsIHfdSBK4QFnoECEAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0BDyig-0AWj8NIyJWIVCNv
  4. Gisooo

    The Dead of 2022

    Another sad day for Turkish cinematography, actor Ayberk Pekcan (Wiki) known for playing Artuk Bey in historical-biographic series Diriliş Ertuğrul died at 51 from cancer. I can't believe, nothing in media that he was ill. RIP (1970 - 2022) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.memesrandom.com/ayberk-pekcan/&ved=2ahUKEwj16q7N6cr1AhU9h_0HHTtPBI8QFnoECFQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1JZzhLAomJdk07l3ZBOken
  5. Gisooo

    British Character Actors

    Valentine Palmer - British TV, theater and film actor died at 86, known for his appearance in Doctor Who https://www.granthamjournal.co.uk/news/veteran-film-stage-screen-actor-and-singer-dies-9236620/
  6. Gisooo

    Deadpool Detective Work

    Thank you, I was confused about Peter because here it says he died in 2020 at 93, weird??? @Lewd_Squirrel
  7. Gisooo

    Deadpool Detective Work

    @Ulitzer95 I saw it today, in December 6, last year she celebrate her 100th birthday, her IMDb birth date in June 12 is wrong. Look good as a old woman
  8. Gisooo

    The Dead of 2022

    German actor Hartmut Becker (Wiki) died at 83. RIP (1938 - 2022) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.bild.de/unterhaltung/leute/leute/hartmut-becker-der-grosse-charakterdarsteller-starb-mit-83-78920480.bild.html&ved=2ahUKEwiik5myt8r1AhXjlP0HHRevDcQQFnoECEIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3Fdf4ovu-zAeKvsbYK7mMz
  9. Gisooo

    The Dead of 2022

    Fatma Girik (Wiki) - One of the queens of Turkish cinema died at 79 this morning in a private hospital. So sad, RIP (1942 - 2022) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.dailysabah.com/arts/veteran-yesilcam-actress-fatma-girik-dies-at-79/news/amp&ved=2ahUKEwjf4bz4k8r1AhWuhv0HHUzpCcUQFnoECEcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3IGC8nmvi-GToNyGDp4OXL
  10. Gisooo

    Voice Actors

    Italian voice actor Renato Cecchetto died at 70 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.rovigooggi.it/n/116364/2022-01-23/morto-renato-cecchetto-omar-barbierato-una-notizia-che-lascia-sgomento-e-dolore%3Famp%3D1&ved=2ahUKEwjuz5bK-Mn1AhWqSvEDHSDDA-UQFnoECCQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0sNc9VjUjAJ1hrrpTX1Xli
  11. Gisooo

    Dead Pop Stars

    I was inside the topic, I did not commit any serious crime
  12. Gisooo

    Dead Pop Stars

    Also Canadian jazz singer Eleanor Collins (Wiki) born 1919, still alive aged 102 @msc
  13. Gisooo

    Dead Pop Stars

    Is this source reliable? @Ulitzer95
  14. Gisooo

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Polish actress Barbara Kwafftowna (Wiki) died at 93, RIP (1928 - 2022) https://film.interia.pl/wiadomosci/news-nie-zyje-barbara-krafftowna,nId,5787263
  15. Gisooo

    Hollywood Possibilities

  16. Gisooo

    Hollywood Possibilities

    German-American actress (Wiki) Marion Brash died at 90 in New York City, New York She appeared in classic TV Show like Bonanza, Bright Promise, Search for Tomorrow, Steve Randall etc. Her death noticed here, yet any source or obituary
  17. Gisooo

    British Character Actors

    British stage and film actress Hattie Ladbury is dead. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.whatsonstage.com/london-theatre/news/actress-hattie-ladbury-has-died_55771.html&ved=2ahUKEwjv6pvNrMf1AhUESuUKHZI_DYkQFnoECCYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw06dizG_l13CRGkkDJxcnq9
  18. Gisooo

    Deadpool Detective Work

    Eleanor Todd (IMDb) may be dead in 1985 according to Ancestry, she was born as Patricia Ann Knox and later married as Patricia Martinez, if it is her must updated in IMDb
  19. Gisooo

    Deadpool Detective Work

    This is a list of surviving actors who played in Sci-Fi TV Show The Twilight Zone (1959 - 1964) Marsha Hunt (Wiki) played Mrs. Henderson - Still alive, aged 104 Nehemiah Persoff (Wiki) played Carl Lanser - Still alive, aged 102 Jimmy Lyndon (Wiki) played Patrolman - Still alive, aged 98 Mark Miller (Wiki) played Roger - Still alive, aged 96 Betty Harford (Wiki) played Clerk - Still alive, aged 94 Eileen Ryan (Wiki) played Nora Reagan - Still alive, aged 94 H.M. Wynant (Wiki) played David Ellington - Still alive, aged 94 Ann Blyth (Wiki) played Pamela Morris and Constance Tyler - Still alive, aged 93 Susan Dorn (IMDb) played Marion Curtis - Still alive, aged 93 Died on February 26, 2020 in Westlake Village, California (off radar) Dodie Heath (Wiki) played Susanna Kittridge - Still alive, aged 93 Earl Holliman (Wiki) played Mike Ferris - Still alive, aged 93 John Lasell (IMDb) played Jonathan Wellington - Still alive, aged 93 David Sheiner (Wiki) played Doc - Still alive, aged 93 Michael Forest (Wiki) played Steve - Still alive, aged 92 Vera Miles (Wiki) played Millicent Barnes - Still alive, aged 92 John Astin (Wiki) played Charlie - Still alive, aged 91 Barbara Barrie (Wiki) played Myra Russell - Still alive, aged 90 Robert Duvall (Wiki) played Charley Parkes - Still alive, aged 91 Jack Ging (Wiki) played Young Man - Still alive, aged 90 Jack Grinnage (Wiki) played Henry - Still alive, aged 90 Read Morgan (Wiki) played Lefty - Still alive, aged 90 Nan Peterson (IMDb) played Woman in Park - Still alive, aged 90 William Reynolds (Wiki) played Lt. Fitzgerald - Still alive, aged 90 William Shatner (Wiki) played Bob Wilson - Still alive aged 90 Antoniette Bower (Wiki) played Eve Norda - Still alive, aged 89 Ron Hagerthy (Wiki) played Ben - Still alive, aged 89 Mitzi McCall (Wiki) played Waitress - Still alive, aged 89 Carol Burnett (Wiki) played Agnes Grep - Still alive, aged 88 Pat Crowley (Wiki) played Jackie Benson - Still alive, aged 88 Geoffrey Horne (Wiki) played Williams the alien - Still alive, aged 88 Julie Newmar (Wiki) played Miss Devlin - Still alive, aged 88 Conlan Carter (Wiki) played Esign Marmer - Still alive, aged 87 Suzanne Lloyd (Wiki) played Maya - Still alive, aged 87 Jean Marsh (Wiki) played Alicia - Still alive, aged 87 Joyce Van Patten (Wiki) played Eileen Ransome, aged 87 John Considine (Wiki) played McClure - Still alive, aged 86 Ruta Lee (Wiki) played Flora Gordon - Still alive, aged 86 Burt Metcalfe (Wiki) played Don Martin - Still alive, aged 86 Pippa Scott (Wiki) played Laura Templeton - Still alive, aged 86 Renne Aubry (IMDb) played Ms. Abernathy - Still alive, aged 85 Evans Evans (Wiki) played Mary Lou - Still alive, aged 85 Charles Kuenstle (Wiki) played Sonar Operator - Still alive, aged 85 Ron Masak (Wiki) played Harmonica Man - Still alive, aged 85 Asa Maynor (IMDb) played Stewardess - Still alive, aged 85 Robert Redford (Wiki) played Harold Beldon - Still alive, aged 85 Carol Byron (IMDb) played Carol Chase - Still alive, aged 84 Brooke Hayward (Wiki) played Paula Harper - Still alive, aged 84 Carol Eve Rossen (IMDb) played Lieutenan't Girl - Still alive, aged 84 George Takei (Wiki) played Arthur Takamori - Still alive, aged 84 Denise Alexander (Wiki) played Jody Sturka - Still alive, aged 82 Need some help with two names Peter Walker (born 1927) IMDb played Sam - Is still alive? Ellen Willard (born 1935 / 1941) Wiki played Ione Sykes - Her correct birth year and where is she now, still or not?
  20. Gisooo

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Jacqueline White as Elizabeth (b 1922) is the oldest surviving actress from Banjo (1937), also Jean Moorhead (b 1934) and Lanny Rees (b 1933) Sad that Sharyn died before Jacqueline and others, she was the youngest
  21. Gisooo

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Also here, maybe she will appear in SAG Aftra Spring 2022 at IN MEMORIAM
  22. Gisooo

    Hollywood Possibilities

    American former child actress of Golden Age of Hollywood Sharyn Moffett (Wiki) has died since December 23, 2021 at 85 Born as Patricia Sharyn Moffett she appeared in classic 40s films My Pal Wolf (1940), Banjo (1947), Child of Divorce (1946) and many more No obituary for her, no news, that's sad Her death was noticed here We'll miss you Sharyn (September 12, 1936 - December 23, 2021) RIP!
  23. Gisooo

    The Dead of 2022

    Canadian actress and politician Sonya Biddle died at 64 https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/montreal/2022/1/20/1_5748119.html&ved=2ahUKEwiX2tTo78L1AhVthv0HHRX_ACwQFnoECE8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3EIJ1TIaOUilczTfK-jEWa
  24. Gisooo

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Polish actress Antonina Girycz died at 82 (1939 - 2022) Obituary

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