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Sod's Law

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Everything posted by Sod's Law

  1. Sod's Law

    Doctor Who

    Bit off topic but it really winds me up how you can't delete your posts on this site. I tried to make a small edit and it's duplicated my whole post.
  2. Sod's Law

    Donald J Trump

    And they'll have to find a completely different nonpartisan jury for each and every one of these upcoming trials? Bloody hell, it'll be like mining ice in the Sahara. This must stretch the justice system to bursting point.
  3. Sod's Law

    General Election 2024?

    Starmer also doesn't exactly look his age. Without looking it up, I would have pinned him to be in his early-to-mid fifties.
  4. Sod's Law

    Donald J Trump

    So I guess the question now is... which of his fellow jailbirds will he pick as his running mate?
  5. Sod's Law

    Diane Abbott

    They should never have left this till the last minute. If they had decided earlier in the year (back when there was still the possibility of the election happening in May) whether or not she would be allowed to stand as a candidate in the next election, she would have melted into the background and not caused them as much of a distraction as she's doing now.
  6. Sod's Law

    Boris Johnson

    His posture is also terrible. Give it ten years and his head will have shrunk beneath his waist. You'd think a man of his background could afford a good chiropractor, yet there he is shopping at B&M.
  7. Sod's Law

    General Election 2024?

    That is amazing. Thanks for the laugh. Rees-Mogg should definitely be several steps lower on the chart than Sunak though.
  8. Sod's Law

    Doctor Who

    I came into this particular episode mostly blind and didn't know it would be the one with the rumoured 'charismatic fascist figure taking over Britain' subplot. I thought that plot would be in next week's episode instead (since it sounds deserving of a full episode all by itself and next week seems to be about the dangers of social media), I agree with the previous poster who said it seemed a little crammed in but I really loved the Inside No. 9 vibes overall.
  9. Sod's Law

    General Election 2024?

    Nooooooo. Robbed of another juicy Portillo moment.
  10. Sod's Law

    General Election 2024?

    All they need now is to find a lead balloon. Or a China shop.
  11. Sod's Law

    General Election 2024?

    I don't think that's true anymore. English Votes for English Laws was scrapped in 2021 on the grounds that it 'undermined the union'. Besides, since the majority of Scottish MPs were the SNP by that point (so there were no or very few Scottish MPs actually in government), it was irrelevant by that point anyway.
  12. Sod's Law

    General Election 2024?

    I cling to the faint hope that a good chunk of what Starmer says is mostly to avoid repeating Corbyn's mistake of scaring off Middle England and playing the politics game (keep expectations low and you may surprise people once you're in power), but even a party that does nothing is sort of an improvement over a party which has been actively harmful.
  13. Sod's Law

    That Portillo Moment

    My area only has the Labour Party, the Workers Party of Britain (Galloway's rabble) and Reform UK standing so far. No news from the current Tory MP who seems to have kept an extremely low profile ever since Boris left, other than his monthly 'please don't vote me out' newsletters.
  14. 'I am not just a Tory. I'm the last of the Tories'.
  15. Sod's Law

    That Portillo Moment

    The Arnold Rimmer of politics. I'd love to see that perma-smirk wiped off his face.
  16. Unless a new thread is started about this election and this thread is kept around for "Election 2029"...
  17. Sod's Law

    Coin/Banknote Collecting

    I inherited an aes grave coin from my granddad. It's a very early Roman coin from the time of the First and Second Punic Wars which was cast rather than struck. It's an absolute chonker and has the head of Mercury on one side and the prow of a trireme on the other. He bought it from an antique shop for £20 back in 2001-ish and later had it looked at by experts at Derby Museum (where he worked) to make sure it was authentic. Looking on eBay and auction sites, these coins tend to seem to go for several hundred quid to over a grand or more. Maybe Antiques Roadshow material one day?
  18. Wouldn't that just mean he's now free to stalk Sunak around the country during the campaign with his bullhorn and sign and photobomb him whenever there's press with cameras nearby? I'm sure there's a GoFundMe page somewhere that would pay his train fares.
  19. Though it raises the question of whether it's more damaging for the country if these morons voted or didn't vote. If they were forced to vote at gunpoint, chances are it would be for Reform UK because 'at least they stand out, guv'.
  20. He didn't play on that song though. They had about five different keyboardists during their run.
  21. Both rumours could be true. Hunt chooses to resign after hearing about the limited leeway he has to cut taxes in the next budget, so Sunak just says 'sod it' and calls an election to jump ahead of his resignation (which would seriously damage his government and make it look even weaker if that was announced first).
  22. Sod's Law

    Coin/Banknote Collecting

    I love collecting the commemorative ones (both UK and overseas), especially the ones that reflect historical events. I have several coronation coins and medallions including one from 1789 that commemorates George III's recovery from his bout of madness. My brother also got me a Lundy Island puffin coin last Christmas which was a great surprise.
  23. Sod's Law

    Crashing Companies

    I listen to the history ones like Dan Snow's History Hit. Not a lot of schoolboy giggling and politician sabre waving in those, though I'll accept I probably don't represent the typical podcast audience. In terms of spoonfeeding propaganda, I don't really see how even the podcasts you describe are any worse than older people who only read newspapers that confirm their own views, and at least they're not just swallowing what some Murdoch type figure wants them to think.

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