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Dave to the Grave

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Posts posted by Dave to the Grave

  1. I'm sorry but..... F**k all u idiots who speak lyke dis. This is our king, so go and F*** yourselves. I'm really sorry about swearing but i really feel hurt just readin this Bulls***. I'm tongan in blood and also tongan at heart..... please people of the world, dont say things that hurt other people. Tongans are loyal to the king, so if you dont mind me, ....... F*** You.


    tears are falling from my eyes as i write this. i feel useless, because i'm not able to reach over to you and rip your F***ing head, you son of a b****. i would acctually write these swears if i was a non tongan, but respect is in my blood, so i apologise again. you B**** A** M**** F*****. i'm very sorry.


    by the way.... F**k YOU, sorry

    What a very polite boy :) .

  2. He's going to Disney World.


    IYG - that is one hell of an amazing prediction. One could split hairs and say he was actually at Disneyland in California, rather than Disneyworld, but still. Was his latest stunt public knowledge five weeks ago, do you have inside info, or did you just craftily edit your post?


    Well done in any case.

    It's even better than that Cowboy Ronnie, IYG's post was one year and five weeks ago :o

  3. Granted Bottom is puerile, sick, self-consciously pathetic and - seemingly - allergic to anything like a real plot, but that's kind of the point. I struggle with half an hour, but five or ten minutes is a laugh. You've lost nowt much turning it off well before the end.


    Incidentally, if you hate Bottom don't even touch their 'Guest House Paradiso' movie. The outbreak of food poisoning in the guest house and the tidal wave of vomit that comes about are worse than anything they did on TV.


    I found it hilarious. I can not see a Brussels sprout to this day without thinking, 'sprout mexicane.'


    Incidentally, Bottom was shown during the early evening children's slot on Swedish T.V. in the mid 1990's.

    (The television show, not the body part. You have to wait until 7 o'clock for that)

  4. Old news I am afraid (17th August), but perhaps showing something of his frame of mind.


    Mr Melly has found a novel way of bequeathing his goods. At the launch of an 80th birthday exhibition of his own art collection, each picture carried a label saying who he will leave it to.


    Either he expects to die soon, or he is enjoying certain aspects of being old, and stringing the vultures along. The latter I hope.


    Given the opportunity I think I will do similar. When I have visitors to my death bed I'll put little 'post-it' stickers on my valuables, changing the names depending on my mood. Something to look forward to I suppose.


    (Sorry the link will not work).

  5. I don't even know why I'm posting this, I can't be bothered really and it's pretty pointless but, for what it's worth, I have a good friend who read Carr's book, sceptically at first, and stopped smoking completely after reading the last chapter 3 times. My friend is, however, easily-led, relatively poorly educated and open to almost any suggestive narrative, just like people for whom stage hypnosis works. If you're of that mindset, Carr's book will go a long way to helping you stop. If, like AtJ, you're an independent-minded type of person who isn't open to suggestion, or you just enjoy smoking, don't bother picking up the book.


    As for whether he's DL-fodder... of course he is. The world's most famous smoking cessation guru will get obits in every major paper on every continent, given that his book has been translated into 20-odd languages and sold 6 over million copies since it's publication in 1985.

    I'm so glad you did. I have long suspected that I was easily led, poorly educated and open to suggestion, now I have confirmation :) .


    I particularly enjoyed the first part of your post, were you trying to sound like Sir Rodney Ffing, by any chance?

  6. first of all let me intreduce myself heheh i am adi i am 17 years old girl from israel il try to put a picture if you want:)


    im here because i wanted to say what i think ...ofcourse i am jewish and i am realy interested about the war and holocaust and i want to know what you think!!


    hope theres no nazis here... i am realy nice so who are you and what are the topics??? where you from your age???? im curious !!! :P


    thanks a lot hope youl have me!!! ;)





    Hello swing heil


    To answer your enquiries from my point of view:-


    Go on post a picture.


    I think that all wars are bad, as was the holocaust.


    People of varying political views seem to exist on this forum, but I have yet to meet a nazi, although there was a guest sometime back called Himler, so who knows?


    I am really nice too, I'm Dave :).


    The topics generally seem to relate to death, although most of mine are about grasshoppers and bread shops in heaven.


    I am from Agen, and I am shocked to work out that I am technically old enough to be your father. :)


    I was wondering what your views were of this recent post?


    I am not being hostile, I am genuinely interested.


    Kind regards



  7. That's easy. I have stipulated in my last will and testament that I be buried with as much Hovis as they can squeeze into my chipboard coffin and then my first stop is a Jesus gig. I'll work myself to the front and when he dives into the crowd (congregation surfing I believe it's called) I'm going to dump my bread at his feet and say 'there you go, boss, change that fuc*ing lot into wine.'


    As a committed alcoholic I believe that it is important to plan for the afterlife that approaches more swiftly with each emptied can...


    I am no expert in matters biblical, BHB, but I think you may be a little disappointed in Jesus's response. Unless of course you plan to open a sandwich shop in heaven :rolleyes: .


    I have also just been advised never to visit Blackpool in September. Apparently it would all be too much for me.


    (I must get out more, I think I am starting to suffer from 'thread agoraphobia').


    Is it too much to seek a little variation from his act? Strikes me that this Jesus fella is a bit of a one trick pony.


    Mind you, I'm thinking about what you said about opening a sandwich shop in Heaven. Definite potential, I reckon. I'm going to spend the rest of the day thinking of possible names for the shop. All I've got so far is 'Divine Buns', which is a bit rubbish. How about 'Jesus Crust'? No, maybe not, give me a little longer.


    The Lava, the Bun and the Holy Toast?


    (Must get out this thread!)

  8. That's easy. I have stipulated in my last will and testament that I be buried with as much Hovis as they can squeeze into my chipboard coffin and then my first stop is a Jesus gig. I'll work myself to the front and when he dives into the crowd (congregation surfing I believe it's called) I'm going to dump my bread at his feet and say 'there you go, boss, change that fuc*ing lot into wine.'


    As a committed alcoholic I believe that it is important to plan for the afterlife that approaches more swiftly with each emptied can...


    I am no expert in matters biblical, BHB, but I think you may be a little disappointed in Jesus's response. Unless of course you plan to open a sandwich shop in heaven :rolleyes: .


    I have also just been advised never to visit Blackpool in September. Apparently it would all be too much for me.


    (I must get out more, I think I am starting to suffer from 'thread agoraphobia').

  9. Welcome Dave

    Love the icon. Isn't he the guy who electruted himself while changing a lightbulb stood in the bath?

    Quite possibly my favourite celeb death story. Certainly more interesting than the demise of my avatar


    Thankyou Handrejka.


    It most certainly is. A lesson for us all I suppose. I never fail to think of Claude every time I see a light bulb.

  10. Thankyou for your kind words of welcome Lady Di and Brinsworth House Baiter.


    Josco, I must confess to having posted on this forum a 'few' times before over the years, but, SttG and DttG could not be more different. :D


    PS. BHB regarding the avatar. I don't know if you have ever had that daft conversation about, who, if heaven exists, would you go and see in concert on your first friday night there? Either Elvis, Marvin Gaye or Otis Redding, would usually have been my reply. This was until I saw this man perform (only on video, bit before my time). In more ways than one, nobody does 'cheese' quite like the French.


    I'm off to find, if such a thing exists, an English language site for your perusal.


    Success of sorts, Bless the BBC


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