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Posts posted by Eesti

  1. Hoping for 7+ hits.


    Team Name: DDP Tofoa

    Joker (Pick 1): Wilko Johnson

    Pick 2: Clive James

    Pick 3: Billy Graham (rev)

    Pick 4: Wojciech Jaruzelski

    Pick 5: Zsa Zsa Gabor

    Pick 6: Valerie Harper

    Pick 7: Sam Simon

    Pick 8: Katherine Crowe

    Pick 9: Joost van der Westhuizen

    Pick 10: Robert Mugabe

    Pick 11: Pope Benedict XVI

    Pick 12: Muhammad Ali

    Pick 13: Fidel Castro

    Pick 14: George H. W. Bush

    Pick 15: Prince Phillip

    Pick 16: Stephen Hawking

    Pick 17: Lynne Stewart

    Pick 18: Joao Havelange

    Pick 19: Kirk Douglas

    Pick 20: Eli Wallach

    • Like 1

  2. Well... he outlived this thread, didn't he? Certainly no-one expected that. Everyone seems to have suddenly decided he is immortal. Or they've just run out of tasteless gags.


    At this point I'd just like to chip in with my latest "prediction" to add to all the other baseless predictions. They keep saying he's improving at the moment. Based on the assumption that they're not lying (and let's face it's that's probably not 100% safe assumption), I think he'll keep "improving" and clearing his lungs or whatever and they'll deem him fit enough to be wheeled back home and propped up in his sofa with 12 very-well-placed cushions again. Then just as he's in the ambulance on the way home his body will just suddenly give up and he'll croak. I managed to predict Murray would beat Djokovic in straight sets (although I didn't have any money on it sadly), I managed to guess the Royal Baby's gender (although that was a coin-toss obviously) so let's see if I can get this one right too, for three-in-a-row.


    I managed to guess the Royal Baby's name before he was born. I'm saying that Nelson Mandela will die next year.

  3. Brady is in my DDP. I wonder how likely he is to die?


    To answer your question, 100%, same goes for all life forms :)


    Clever answer. Let's ask again: when Brady is going to die?

  4. Right, there will be no more emails except for the yearly reminder of the new competition, that is if I can be fucking bothered to do this shit as life's too fucking short.


    If you want to see who's dead, go to the fucking website...


    Take a chillpill and relax. Just BCC next time and the show can continue. These emails are informative and I like them. Keep them going!


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