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Posts posted by Ulitzer95

  1. James McCoubrey did not last quite as long as Kimura as worlds oldest man.. http://en.wikipedia....James_McCoubrey


    Your new world's oldest man is Arturo Licata, a Sicilian and now the only male aged over 110 on the planet.


    Calm down. Plenty of 110+ year old men on the planet. The GRG are just an incredibly shit organisation and it takes them forever and a day to verify cases.

    • Like 3

  2. So you presume that he's frail and can no longer walk based on the evidence that he's sat down in a recent photo - and possibly (in your mind at least) because he's wearing a silly hat?


    Tell me Guest_Guest, is their a functioning brain in your head or just a monkey banging together a pair of cymbals?

  3. Bit of a smug reply but ho hum. Cant imagine his death going unreported due to the huge western fan base, somebody would be keeping a watchful eye out. Just digging out some possible 2014 nominees and came across Enzo.


    Well no offence intended dean1991 but you reported it as fact that he was alive when in reality we really don't know. In fact nobody on the internet knows, and his acting career stopped about 50 years ago. I'd be surprised if he was alive.

  4. 1945


    John Freeman MBE (b. 1915) Labour


    Total: 0 / 602




    John Freeman MBE (b. 1915) Labour


    Total: 0 / 606




    Tony Benn (b. 1925) Labour

    John Freeman MBE (b. 1915) Labour


    Total: 0 / 622




    Tony Benn (b. 1925) Labour

    Sir Richard Body (b. 1927) Conservative

    Sir Robin Chichester-Clark (b. 1928) UUP

    Lord John Eden (b. 1925) Conservative

    Lord Denis Healey MBE (b. 1917) Labour

    Lord Robert Lindsay (b. 1927) Conservative

    Lord Roy Mason (b. 1924) Labour

    Tom Mitchell (b. 1931) Sinn Féin

    Sir David Price (b. 1924) Conservative

    James Ramsden (b. 1923) Conservative


    Total: 0 / 628




    Tony Benn (b. 1925) Labour

    Sir Clive Bossom (b. 1918) Conservative

    Sir Edward du Cann (b. 1924) Conservative

    Sir Christopher Chataway (b. 1931) Conservative

    Sir Robin Chichester-Clark (b. 1928) UUP

    Lord John Eden (b. 1925) Conservative

    Sir Philip Goodhart (b. 1925) Conservative

    Lord Denis Healey MBE (b. 1917) Labour

    John Hollingworth (b. 1930) Conservative

    Lord Marcus Kimball (b. 1928) Conservative

    Sir Timothy Kitson (b. 1931) Conservative

    Lord Robert Lindsay (b. 1927) Conservative

    Lord Roy Mason (b. 1924) Labour

    Stratton Mills (b. 1932) UUP

    Lord John Morris (b. 1931) Labour

    Sir John Osborn (b. 1922) Conservative

    Sir David Price (b. 1924) Conservative

    Lord James Prior (b. 1927) Conservative

    Wilfred Proudfoot (b. 1921) Conservative

    James Ramsden (b. 1923) Conservative

    Sir Dudley Smith (b. 1926) Conservative

    Sir Peter Tapsell (b. 1930) Conservative

    Alan Thompson (b. 1924) Labour

    Jeremy Thorpe (b. 1929) Liberal

    Sir Colin Turner (b. 1922) Conservative

    Sir John Wells (b. 1925) Conservative


    Total: 2 / 629




    Norman Atkinson (b. 1923) Labour

    Lord Joel Barnett (b. 1923) Labour

    Tony Benn (b. 1925) Labour

    Sir Clive Bossom (b. 1918) Conservative

    Sir Edward du Cann (b. 1924) Conservative

    Sir Christopher Chataway (b. 1931) Conservative

    Sir Robin Chichester-Clark (b. 1928) UUP

    Bernard Conlan (b. 1923) Labour

    Sir Tam Dalyell (b. 1932) Labour

    Sir Patrick Duffy (b. 1920) Labour

    Jack Dunnett (b. 1922) Labour

    Lord John Eden (b. 1925) Conservative

    Michael English (b. 1930) Labour

    Ben Ford (b. 1925) Labour

    Sir Philip Goodhart (b. 1925) Conservative

    Sir Anthony Grant (b. 1925) Conservative

    Sir Eldon Griffiths (b. 1925) Conservative

    Peter Griffiths (b. 1928) Conservative

    James Hamilton (b. 1934) UUP

    Roy Hattersley (b. 1932) Labour

    Lord Denis Healey MBE (b. 1917) Labour

    Lord Terence Higgins KBE (b. 1928) Conservative

    Sir Peter Hordern (b. 1929) Conservative

    Robert Howarth (b. 1927) Labour

    Lord Geoffrey Howe (b. 1926) Conservative

    Lord William Howie (b. 1924) Labour

    Sir John Hunt (b. 1929) Conservative

    Lord Patrick Jenkin (b. 1926) Conservative

    Lord Michael Jopling (b. 1930) Conservative

    Lord Marcus Kimball (b. 1928) Conservative

    Sir Timothy Kitson (b. 1931) Conservative

    Lord Robert Lindsay (b. 1927) Conservative

    Lord Eric Lubbock (b. 1928) Liberal

    Lord George Mackie (b. 1919) Liberal

    Lord Roy Mason (b. 1924) Labour

    Michael McGuire (b. 1926) Labour

    Sir Patrick McNair-Wilson (b. 1929) Conservative

    Stratton Mills (b. 1932) UUP

    Sir David Mitchell (b. 1928) Conservative

    Lord John Morris (b. 1931) Labour

    Stan Newens (b. 1930) Labour

    Sir John Osborn (b. 1922) Conservative

    Sir David Price (b. 1924) Conservative

    Lord James Prior (b. 1927) Conservative

    James Ramsden (b. 1923) Conservative

    Lord Ivor Richard (b. 1932) Labour

    Lord William Rodgers (b. 1928) Labour

    Paul Rose (b. 1935) Labour

    Lord Robert Sheldon (b. 1923) Labour

    Sir Dudley Smith (b. 1926) Conservative

    Shirley Summerskill (b. 1931) Labour

    Lord Dick Taverne (b. 1928) Labour

    Sir Teddy Taylor (b. 1937) Conservative

    Jeremy Thorpe (b. 1929) Liberal

    Brian Walden (b. 1932) Labour

    Sir Dennis Walters (b. 1928) Conservative

    Sir John Wells (b. 1925) Conservative

    Alan Williams (b. 1930) Labour

    Baroness Shirley Williams (b. 1930) Labour


    Total: 13 / 630

    • Like 1

  5. Apparently, Ding Dong the Witch is Dead has reached No.1 in the Amazon download charts, and is currently at No.6!! I'm sure I'll be able to find a link somewhere. Found one


    Some people really are just sad obsessive fuck wits.


    RIP to the greatest peacetime PM this country has ever seen and to a hell of a woman. Reviled and revered for the exact same reason ultimately - because she made decisions which she felt were right for this country, rather than decisions which seemed easy, the latter of which many politicians are well too guilty of.

    • Like 2

  6. I was curious to see how many were still alive.


    Glad to hear I'm not the only one who looks such stuff up then!


    Was trying to figure out what the youngest year of birth for WWII veterans is now and more importantly who is the oldest WWII veteran and the youngest WWII veteran alive in the world today.


    All I could find was info on Calvin Graham (1930-1992) who was the youngest American to serve in World War II at the age of 12 > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calvin_Graham


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