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Posts posted by Ulitzer95

  1. Juan Carlos Gonzalez, one of the last three surviving members of Uruguay's 1950 World Cup winning team, is out of here aged 85. The two remaining ones now are Alcides Ghiggia and Anibal Paz.


    There is no evidence to suggest that Paz is still alive. He would be in his 93rd year, for a Uruguayan this doesn't seem extremely likely. As well as Alcides Ghiggia (b. 1926), the following are still alive:


    *Julio César Britos (b. 1926)

    *Juan Burgueño (b. 1923)

    *Washington Ortuño (b. 1928)

    *Rodolfo Pini (b. 1926)

    *Carlos Romero (b. 1927)

    *Héctor Vilches (b. 1926)

  2. Rumours abound that actor Alec Baldwin has been rushed to hospital.


    From the article we also learn that he has a daughter called Ireland. Naming your daughter after a car brand may be silly, but this is incomprehensible. What's next? May I introduce you to my daugther, People's Republic of China?




    Read this on Perez this morning, he's since been released. It was a false alarm after he blacked out and was found by his daughter...

  3. Here are some more names for you to add to the list Bruno (albeit only several of these are actresses):


    *Jean Fritz, children's author (born 1915)

    *Jean Erdman, dancer and choreographer (born 1916)

    *Jean Rouverol, actress and screenwriter (famously Blacklisted in the 1950s) (born 1916)

    *Joan Roberts, stage actress (born 1918)

    *Jean Craighead George, author (born 1919)

    *Jane Scott, rock critic (born 1919)

    *Jean Burns, Australian aviation pioneer (born 1919)

    *Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, head of state between 1964 and 2000 (born 1921)

    *Baroness Jean Barker, Conservative peer in the House of Lords (born 1922)

    *Jean Darling, child actress in silent movies (born 1922)
    *Jane Morgan, traditional pop singer who scored a UK No.1 in 1959 (born 1924)

  4. Paul Quarrington - Canadian author. Quarrington's quagmire concerns a cancer quandary.


    DEAD, a unique pick in the DDP this year.


    Obituary seems likely... :shock:


    Oh good, it'd been almost 24 hours since someone who I left off my team died. :dead3:


    Not sure how much coverage he'll get in the UK, but he'll probably slip by. If he doesn't, however, then I can fully justify having left him off. And if both he and Jenn Lyon get obits, it officially qualifies as my worst month for DDPing ever, no small feat. :rolleyes:


    Chin up CP, there's another 11 months to get through yet, and after coming 4th in '08 you shouldn't be so negative.... :shock:


    To be honest, I've never heard of him but Twitter seems to be going crazy which suggests his notability might be more widespread than Canada... in that case I expect BBC World will pick it up.

  5. After the Demjanjuk article, my mind fastly went to Erich Priebke.


    I found this TV Documentary from 1994 on youtube:



    It shows interviews with two nazi's, one being Priebke


    the other one was Reinhard Kopps, the man who helped many Nazi's obtain a false passport and fleed to argentina.


    The German wikipedia Doesn't mention anything on Kopps his dead, so he may be alive, does anyone know better?

    According to the Axis History Forum, which is usually a very reliable source for SS/Nazi-related bios, he died in 2001, aged 86. The page has an obituary from Spetember 2001 on it.... seems to be fairly notable so it's strange that I can't find anything else relating to his death on the internet.

  6. Trial session cancelled - Demjanjuk "ill"


    Anybody else think that a sweepstake is in order?


    I doubt if he will die soon, but I pick the 9th of march nonetheless


    (just to make sure no one claims this date if there is a sweepstake)

    Good shout, I was afraid nobody would reply and I'd end up looking like a pratt.


    Well I think he is ill.... to an extent. Although he's clearly exaggerating a lot of the time.


    Might go for March 17th, quite random but that's my birthday so I guess it's a present of a sort.... okay now I just sound like a creep...

  7. 1) It's TMZ, purely a gossip website and not always reliable


    No, that's true. Were they not the first to spread the Zelda Rubinstein-rumour, which misleaded most of the Deathlisting-community? :banghead:


    But anyhow: where there's smoke in celebrity-land, there's usually fire. We'll see.


    2) If it's true then you're right by default as it wasn't known to be a "publicity stunt" before her death. But I don't recall you saying anything about it being a publicity stunt anyway Tomb raider?


    I never mentioned a publicity stunt, no. I said that I "refused to take their 'engagement' serious", and it now turns out that I had every reason to do so.


    But let's stop quarreling, Ulitzer! Something in my posts seemed to annoy you, I'm sorry for that. On a forum like this, people always try to be a tiny little bit more humorous and witty than they probably are, so it doesn't always work out.

    Here, here. Although I wasn't trying to quarrel, I was just questioning what you said although I partly agree. I think we should both just get back to the point... this is a death-related forum and who honestly gives a stuff about how she lived, the broad's dead now and nobody seems that to be that fussed. Apart from Paris Hilton who seems to be on the attendee list for her funeral..... :rolleyes: *sigh*


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