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Saint Peter

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Posts posted by Saint Peter

  1. Jane went yesterday at 9 pm


    Sad really, however the drive by ranters will be passing shortly. I am preparing for a good old laugh.


    I fear you are going to be disappointed SP, as guests are blocked from posting on this thread and I can't see too many Janeites being bothered to register. Sadly, like adventurous DL picks and the 2-3-5 formation, I think that drive-by ranting is becoming a thing of the past.


    That explains the "deathly" silence then :crossbone:

  2. I don't think the Shipman remark bothered anyone.


    But as Lady Grendel and Windsor so rightly point out, there are certain subjects best avoided as they could lead to the getting hold of of wrong ends of sticks and knee-jerk reactions on the part of those not blessed with the requisite intellectual eminence to grasp the purpose and meaning of deathlist.



    Present company excepted.


    Point taken, however .....mmmmmmmshhmhhmsmmdd (gagged or what ever the cyber sign is)

  3. Dear Mod/Mods,


    I won't even mention which post was deleted yesterday.


    However here is a place to discuss what's off limits as the post's particular subject is probably discussed in every home and workplace in the UK.


    So the question is "What is to taboo for Deathlist ?"

    What was the deleted post about?

    I assume from the posts above this one that the post Saint Peter had deleted was about Madeline McCann.

    If so I cannot imagine what the detail of the post was that caused it to be deleted.

    Could anyone tell me, without actually using the bit of the post that was obviously too offensive to read, why the post had to be deleted?


    The post was not offensive.

    The mods just couldn't be arsed dealing with the problem that Peter created.

    It would have attracted masses of ranters and would generally have been more trouble than it was worth.


    Cheers Windsor, for clarifying the reason. Probably mildly offensive comment but amusing was "Dr Shipman had a responsible job, he saved the NHS millions !!".


    However events seem to be pointing towards what the ex-post was suggesting :rolleyes:


    I will watch with interest and won't utter the "Unmentionable"........

  4. Why can't we write "Portugal"? There, I just did it and my computer didn't blow up. Oh, wait, now I get it (see point 2 below).


    Not sure there are specific guidelines on what is acceptable for a thread or post, but some general themes that have emerged are:


    no links to spam, pr0n or any of that rubbish - these will be removed immediately;


    steer clear of threads about missing/kidnapped/dying/dead children. This is mainly to avoid lunatic ranters, Myra Hindley types etc. coming on to the site, and to show that there are some limits to our bad taste;


    no Nazis;


    no giving out personal details about any other DL member unless it's with that person's blessing;


    if you want to try to meet up with other DL'ers, do so via a PM, not a thread which the Emlyn Hughes fan club might read and then lie in wait with pitchforks;


    If you post too much or poorly or make some inaccurate or inane statement you'll likely get slagged off for it, but those are more misteps than strictly verboten (oops, almost violated point 3 above)


    However the post was focused how inept the parents are/were and why they seem to avoid blame. If it had been some family with less means, they would have been hounded for at least child neglect. Probably too much said already. :rolleyes:


    Me thinks there is a lot of folks with the same sentiments....

  5. id say getting to the extreme where someone starts to want to take things into their own hands in order to increase success would be particuallly taboo i personally would keep clear if it got to that extreme


    Hello 'Dead O'Gonner',


    You posted on the particular post that was removed yesterday. Can't mention the subject, however it involves a country surrounded by Spain and has beach.


    Was that post taboo?


    It's not actually surrounded by Spain it's neighbouring Spain.


    Ok surrounded by Spain and the Sea to be fully correct :rolleyes:


    As France and Andorra neighbour Spain, then that leaves you guessing between two soverign states.


    Hell, I don't want any drive by ranters knowing what I am talking about (I hardly know myself) :)

  6. id say getting to the extreme where someone starts to want to take things into their own hands in order to increase success would be particuallly taboo i personally would keep clear if it got to that extreme


    Hello 'Dead O'Gonner',


    You posted on the particular post that was removed yesterday. Can't mention the subject, however it involves a country surrounded by Spain and has beach.


    Was that post taboo?

  7. Dear Mod/Mods,


    I won't even mention which post was deleted yesterday.


    However here is a place to discuss what's off limits as the post's particular subject is probably discussed in every home and workplace in the UK.


    So the question is "What is to taboo for Deathlist ?"

  8. Hello millwall32.


    He couldn't have been all that , could he, if he was stabdt up? Most crowds will just throw tomatoes. :huh:


    "stabdt" to many long islands 'Madame Defarge' from NYC?

    To clarify: NYC is my adopted city but I'm from Pittsburgh, which has a lingo of its very own. Stabbed would probably be 'stapt'. Also, diphthongs at the beginning of words are ignored, as are some consonants. Rs, Esses,and Tees are given a special emphasis, loik 'iss, Zaint Pedurr.


    It must be the beer if you are from Pittsburgh. I don't think people from there are sophisticated enough there to drink cocktails ;)


    cum'on the Stealers!!! Maybe not :P

  9. He doesn't strike me as a man who'll be able to handle jail time.


    If he has not practiced loosening his sphincter, Big Bubba his cell mate certainly will. Do think he would rather be Mummy or Daddy :P


    His only hope is that he enjoys it!!!


    Hell mend him :huh:

  10. Seemingly she wieghs 60 pounds. i.e. 28kgs. and dropping.


    The average skeleton wieghs 20 - 25 kgs.


    The "Grim Reaper" is peeping from behind the curtains. I gave her two weeks .


    I'm just dreading after that last comment that someone else says "I gave her one" ;)


    It would be like the old saying "Shagging a bag of bones" :referee:

  11. Well I for one think it's the passing of a true giant


    Serious mistype there, in my IMHO it is the passing of a true git; racist git, sexist git...


    I remember him quipping at the suggestion at being a racist once.


    "Just because a dog is born in a stable, dosen't mean it's a horse".


    Clever, however in this day and age so unPC. :blink:

  12. So all the Sun readers are wearing yellow? Anyone know any unemployed snipers, I have a job for them.



    I still have ringing in my ears from school, "Boy you should be reading litrature, not litter", after being caught reading the Sun in the english class.


    Just as well I got out the habit, it seems it's just saved my life :lol:


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