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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    John Backus, the man behind the development of FORTRAN, and developer of Backus-Naur Form, died 10 years ago today, aged 82. STOP END
  2. Yes, most of us are nice down here, apart from me, I'm horrible.
  3. time

    Only Famous For Being Ill And Dying

    I've no idea how the Wikipedia 'categories' are generated but how did she end up being Austrian, born in 1932 and dying in 2014? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_Magill
  4. time

    Queen Elizabeth II

    'Secret' plans for when the Queen dies.
  5. Perhaps he uses it for the internet. Netflix & chill.
  6. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    5 years ago, Mervyn Davies couldn't swerve the inevitable. By unknown - http://www.ospreysrugby.com/news/3757.php, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=36295517
  7. time


    Yes. But they'll do neither.
  8. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    50 years ago Sir Frank Worrall died aged 42 a few months after being diagnosed with leukemia, He was the first sportsman to be granted a memorial service at Westminster Abbey.
  9. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Its the 70th anniversary of the death of Winston Churchill, aged 75. Not that Winston, obviously, but the US writer, who was, for a time, more famous than Winston S. Churchill, which is why the UK Churchill's books are written by Winston S. Churchill.
  10. time

    A Joke

    You're giving morbid dik waaaaaay to much credit if you think he was thinking along these lines!
  11. time

    British Character Actors

    The great Jim Baines, of Crossroads.
  12. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    30 years go Joe Gladwin, famous for his appearances in Last of the Summer Wine and Nearest & Dearest, died aged 81. He was just as famous for his classic Hovis adverts:
  13. time

    Dying Bigots

    Joseph Nicolosi 'ex-gay' therapy advocate and founder of the Thomas Aquinas Psychological Clinic, has died aged 70, complications of 'flu.
  14. time

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Robert James Waller, author of The Bridges of Madison County, dead at 77.
  15. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    75 years ago Wilbur Scoville, developer of the eponymous scale, died aged 77. Hopefully, he was not feeling the heat in the afterlife.
  16. time

    Art For Death's Sake

    If you're not a fan of Hodgkin's work, how about that of Lawrence Holofcener, who died on March 4th, a little past his 91st birthday. Visitors to London may have seen this: "Allies", located in Bond Street, unveiled by Princess Margaret in 1995. As well as being an accomplished sculptor, Holofcener also painted, acted and composed - he co-wrote, with Jerry Bock, Mr. Wonderful starring Sammy Davis Jr. and for Sid Caser's Your Show of Shows.
  17. time

    Last Word

    He's got a good face body of work for radio.
  18. time

    Film Producers

    Fred Weintraub, producer of Enter The Dragon, has died aged 88, complications arising from Parkinson's disease. He was also the founder of The Bitter End in Greenwich Village, which hosted a multitude of musicians and comedians, many of whom became major stars.
  19. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Tenth anniversary of Terry Nation no longer being a survivor, dying aged 66.
  20. time

    The Dead Of 2017

    Mike Smith, UK athletics coach has died aged 88. Coached the likes of Kriss Akabusi, Roger Black, Donna Murray, and was UK Coach of the Year in 2009.
  21. time

    Law And Order

    New York Times Obit.
  22. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Its ten years since the Grim Reaper asked John Inman if he was free, aged 71. Top Floor, Pearly Gates, St Peter, Clouds and Angels, Going up...
  23. time

    Dead Pop Stars

    and gets an 'Other Lives' obit (eventually).
  24. The accident happened at Withington Community Hospital, where there is no A&E. One casualty was taken to Wythenshawe Hospital 4.8 miles away, and one Manchester Royal Infirmary, 4 miles away. Withingon specialises in dermatology, urology, audiology and ENT, so probably not a great help in dealing with trauma.

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