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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    Christopher Lee

    I read that when it first came out, I'll have to give it another go. This is/was his last film. Maybe that's why they left it until today to release the news.
  2. time

    George Gaynes

    if only to imagine what might be happening to the vicar hidden behind his lectern.
  3. time

    The Dead Of 2015

    Another missed Ron(nie/ald) Kicking myself over that one, especially as he's the first entry on my longlist of Rons!
  4. time

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2016

    Looking at those Photos i would be surprised if he lives to see next year he looks as if he is near the end, wouldn't be surprised if he had Cancer. Must be something like that.I know he is 79 and has had infections but I doubt that alone would make you look that ill. I just saw these pictures before seeing your post, and I said exactly the same to my old man - he'll definitely be on my list if he sees January 1st. I might even make him my joker.He is an awful yellow colour as well.Liver cancer maybe?Or Stage 4 cancer that has spread to the liver.Whatever it is though I think it must be very serious.It is sad to see him like this. Still has a full head of hair if he was receiving chemo wouldn't it have fallen out or does that only effect some ? Also he may of chose not to receive chemo hence him looking bad and still having full head of hair. Isn't he reputed to have worn a hairpiece for years?
  5. time

    Political Frailty

    I was just about to post this news; he's particularly remembered, and generally despised, for his part in the selling of Brighton & Hove Albion's Goldstone Ground, leaving the club homeless for 18 years - he was the club's chief executive at the time.
  6. time

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    Ah, the old Arthur Askey/Marty Feldman duet...
  7. time

    Old Folkies Home

    Thank you Guardian!!
  8. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    185 years ago independence leader Antonio José de Sucre was assassinated, aged 35, in what is now Colombia. He was second President of Bolivia succeeding Simón Bolívar.
  9. time

    The Chequered Flag

    Franck Patricola, French motorcyclist has died following a crash during qualfying for the Isle of Man TT. He was due to début last year but withdrew after a crash during the North West 200 which left him in a coma for several days.. He subsequently recovered and raced in the event last month.
  10. time

    Quiz Time

    33,500 for me, which puts me in the 60th percentile for my age etc. Comprehensive school, technical college GCE O Level.
  11. time

    Charles Kennedy

    whisky, surely.
  12. time

    Charles Kennedy

    Heart attack is what I've heard so far, but I could understand the topping theory. Seriously, I hope it was a heart attack. And alcohol, underlying stress and being Scottish are all factors in other cases. He lived in Fort William - could have been the football team...
  13. time

    Academy Award Winners

    Oscar-winning costume designer Julie Harris has died aged 94 . She won the Oscar in 1966 for the film 'Darling' starring Julie Christie, and also kiited out The Beatles for 'A Hard Day's Night' and Roger Moore for 'Live & Let Die'.
  14. time

    From Cleric To Relic

    Perry moved to hospice care to await the inevitable. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-3102797/Top-ranking-Mormon-leader-heads-hospice-cancer-worsens.html Didn't have to wait too long.
  15. time

    The Dead Of 2015

    Composer, arranger, musician Johnny Keating has died aged 87. His most famous work is the arrangement of JohnnyTodd for Z Cars. but loads of other stuff too.
  16. time

    Tennis players

    Doris Hart has died aged 89. She won three Wimbledon titles on the same day in 1951, and won all the other Grand Slam tournaments during her career.
  17. time

    The English Language

    For me it's the insidious spread of the word "bathroom" instead of toilet (or any of scores of available words - lavatory, loo, WC, etc etc). "Going to the bathroom" has even become a synonym for urination or defecation, as with the child who "went to the bathroom in bed". Or "I was so scared I nearly went to the bathroom in my panties" (and she didn't mean she tiptoed along the corridor in her undies). Bit like opening the door in your pajamas. It amuses me that there are those who use the euphemism 'restroom'. I don't know anyone who ever went there for a rest!
  18. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    As its FA Cup Final day, a mention for Ted Drake, who once scored seven goals for Arsenal against Aston Villa. Died 20 years ago today(aged 82), as did Bobby Stokes (aged 44), who scored the winner for Southampton against Manchester United in the '76 final.
  19. time

    The English Language

    A couple of usages of English that rile/irk/annoy me: 1) The use of the phrase 'for free' when referring to the (lack of) cost of something ("I got it for free"). As "free" in this sense means "for no charge" this translates to "I got it for for no charge". I know that this is how people speak and it is in general usage nowadays, but to me it just sounds wrong - "free of charge", "for nothing", or even just "free" work better. 2) The use of "up to" as in "up to 50% off" or "up to every 6 minutes". Its meaningless, just words to make something appear better than it is actually is.
  20. time

    The English Language

    Including a few contributors to this site!
  21. time

    The English Language

    Historically, it was "Mrs Jones' situation" but "Mrs Jones's situation" is more favoured these days. Language evolves, not always for the better. Teaching in the U.K. is abysmal; that's why we are so far down the world ratings. My nephew was never corrected in class in the use of a double negative and it was left to myself to teach him. The first time he corrected his English teacher when she used a double negative he received a detention for being 'disrespectful'. I didn't do nothing means you did something and he didn't do anything wrong. Churlish of me to point it out possibly, but that's an incorrect use of 'myself' there!
  22. time

    The English Language

    Historically, it was "Mrs Jones' situation" but "Mrs Jones's situation" is more favoured these days. Language evolves, not always for the better.
  23. time

    By-Election Bingo

    Working on mine at the moment...
  24. time

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    I've started watching it on spike. It's a bit of a slow burner at the beginning but it's been picking up lately. The first series & a half are pretty so-so - picks up considerably as the Gus Frink storyline develops, and Aaron Paul is pretty good too.
  25. time

    Herman Wouk

    Actually, I am just the dark part of your personality. This whole forum is all you (or me). Yes, that possibility did cross my mind. I do have a sockpuppet here, for test purposes, but I don't think all the rest of the forum members are me, so they must be you. Close, but no cigar. I'll have the cigar!

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