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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    Miep Gies

    From the BBC.
  2. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    A little bit late, but I couldn't let it pass:
  3. time

    Gary Glitter

    So... Why were you on Amazon checking out his album sales? Well, someone had to ask...
  4. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Herbert Chapman, Arsenal's greatest ever manager, died this day in 1934, from pneumonia, aged 55.
  5. time

    The Weather

    Well, while most of the country is waking up to snow this morning I've just woken up to rain. It does look a bit icy and the buses are not running in some areas, but on the whole, I think we've got off light in this neck of the wwods. I like the snippet they're running on BBC local news from a driver, 'Andy', who claims stranded drivers have turned their lights off and are just 'chilling'! Update: The snow has started!
  6. time

    Queen Elizabeth II

    But even if she dies, we still get an extra day off. Its win-win!!
  7. time

    The Dead Of 2010

    Irish Actor Donal Donelly has died in Chicago, aged 78. He played Archbishop Gilday in The Godfather III
  8. time

    The Dead Of 2010

    TV producer David Gerber dies aged 86. He produced 'Police Story' and 'Police Woman', amongst others, and more recently 'Flight 93' the story of United Airlines Flight 93 on September 11.
  9. time

    Room 101

    Did Sky get sorted properly or did they still manage to cut you off? After the crud they've shown in the past two weeks, I'm beginning to wish I'd cancelled mine. I haven't been cut off just yet, but they still haven't changed my name on all the guff they send me. I can't really be arsed to bother now. I didn't watch that much telly over the holiday period, it's all the same crap every year. Not like in the olden days when there was only three channels, there was always something good on then. We thought exactly the same thing. Our saving grace we being able to watch really ancient films because the kids had never seen them. I must admit it was a trifle strange watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Neverending Story with two 19 year old Uni students! I concur whole-heartedly. I can only get 4 channels, (no channel 5 in my area) and finished up watching old 2 Pints of Lager on BBC iplayer. Oh, and I finally got round to watching Edge of Darkness.
  10. time

    The Weather

    That's a bit of a misconception time, only the north of Scotland is prone to snow, just ask Windsor, the rest of the country rarely gets snow and it usually only lasts a few days at most. I've never seen anything like this before, 2 1/2 weeks of snow so far and more on the way. It doesn't look like I'll be going to work tomorrow, my boss has been in contact to insist that none of us attempt to travel in if the weather, as predicted, worsens. Most of my colleagues have been snowed in too over the festive period, one got stuck in her car in the early hours of New Year's Day and had to be rescued by the police, so if there is a snowfall tonight I doubt any of us will be travelling tomorrow. Just as well I have plenty of Xmas books, chocolate and malt whisky to see me through being snowed in . Sorry, didn't mean to be quite so glib. As you might have noticed I was getting a teensy bit peed-off with my colleagues/customers who think that the (comparitively) little snow we've had here, was akin to some global catastrophe. I sympathise, having been snowed-in for several days in the outskirts of Sheffield in the winter of 78/79 (during a council workforce strike too), I can appreciate that its not all a barrel of laughs once the novelty has worn off. Hope things improve, or at least don't get any worse. Enjoy the chocolate and whisky!
  11. time

    Derby Dead Pool 2010

    He has cancer, liver disease & is fatter than Marlon Brando & James Corden put together. Sounds a good mix to me, plus he's a bastard. Ahh, so its not the people hes ripped off caught up with him then? Or is that covered in the 'hes's a bastard' sub-clause?
  12. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Donald Campbell, died this day in 1967, aged 45, attempting to set a new water speed record on Coniston Water.
  13. time

    The Weather

    Please Lady G. don't complain about the snow! You're in Scotland, its supposed to snow in winter. Besides which, down here in the south, the soft southerners (I'm a midlander, I can call them that) are still complaining about the snow and ice we had over a fortnight ago, which lasted all of 3 days. Honestly, to hear some of them you'd think they were going out and would be some time! Mind you, it is a bit nippy.
  14. time

    Last Minute Cuts

    I almost went with Rohan Kanhai, but then decided I had too many cricketers... can't remember which celeb I put in instead though. Maybe Ray Alan.
  15. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Fascist propagandist William Joyce, Lord Haw-Haw, was executed by Albert Pierrepoint, Jan 3 1946.
  16. time

    Derby Dead Pool 2010

    Victor Mears is an interesting pick, do you know something?
  17. time

    Deathlist 2010 Feedback

    It must be a well-nigh impossible task picking 50 names that are going to satisfy everyone (some of the people all the time etc) so I wouldn't criticise the committee for their selections. Bearing in mind that the idea of a dead-pool is to predict deaths, its not a bad idea to go for, in the absence of a long list of terminally-ill celebs, oldies. Selecting younger celebs like Lindsay Lohan or Amy Winehouse just because they have histories is no guarantee of success (As someone said, Iggy Pop and most of the Rolling Stones have very long histories and are still going), its the ones that don't have histories which seem to go young (E.g. Heath Ledger, River Phoenix). Oh, and anyone have any idea who this Notaxman12 is; he's made one post and then disappeared!
  18. time

    Deathrace 2010

    My effort, is there's still room: Time's-up team 1) Abdelbaset Al Megrahi 2) Ray Alan 3) Jean Alexander 4) Kenny Baker 5) Dora Bryan 6) Brian Close 7) Doris Day 8) Olivia de Havilland 9) John Edrich 10) Michael Foot 11) John Glenn 12) Sheila Mercier 13) Ron Moody 14) Ronald Neame 15) Peter O'Toole 16) Marguerite Patten (JOKER) 17) Prince Philip 18) Margaret Thatcher 19) Desmond Tutu 20) Jimmy Young
  19. time

    Derby Dead Pool 2010

    My team: (Time's-Up Team) 1) Abdelbaset Al Megrahi 2) Ray Alan 3) Jean Alexander 4) Kenny Baker 5) Dora Bryan 6) Brian Close 7) Doris Day 8) Olivia de Havilland 9) John Edrich 10) Michael Foot 11) John Glenn 12) Sheila Mercier 13) Ron Moody 14) Ronald Neame 15) Peter O'Toole 16) Marguerite Patten (JOKER) 17) Prince Philip 18) Margaret Thatcher 19) Desmond Tutu 20) Jimmy Young I know they're all pretty old but my excuse is that its my first time and I didn't understand read the scoring system. Still, I always believed in quantity, rather than quality!
  20. time

    The First Death Of 2010

    I went for Maggie (more in hope than expectation).
  21. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Lets start the new year off with not one but two Batman villains who barely had time to enjoy the celebrations: Victor Buono (King Tut), 1 January 1982 (aged 43) and Cesar Romero (The Joker) 1 January 1994 (aged 86)
  22. time

    New Year Greetings

    Happy New Year everyone. Sorry its the early hours of the morning but some of us have been working y'know! What willthe new year bring? Same as the last one!
  23. time

    Alec Bedser

    Yes, they do, and there may still not be a winner.
  24. time


    The appropriately nick-named Steve 'Dr Death' Williams has died after 'a lengthy battle with cancer'.
  25. time

    The Dead Of 2009

    Former Wimbledon manager Allen Batsford has died aged 77. He was their manager during the 70's when they had their great FA Cup run, holding (at the time) mighty Leeds, and was also manager when they were elected to the footbal league. When Wimbledon decamped and moved to MK, he became involved with AFC Wimbledon.

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