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The Four Horsemen

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Everything posted by The Four Horsemen

  1. The Four Horsemen

    Andy Fordham Memorial Darts Thread

    He's being reported in the paper today as joining "Celebrity Fit Club" in January, so provided he doesn't explode in the style of Mr Creasote over Xmas there's every chance of an exercise-induced cardiac in the New Year!
  2. The Four Horsemen

    Norman Wisdom

    I'm sure we all appreciate your sentiments, but how many times do we have to say this - WE DON'T BET ON DEATHS!!!!! Please read the intro to the Deathlist or any number of the other threads for further details and who knows, maybe you would then like to make a suggestion for next years list? Especially if you have some inside information on your relative...........
  3. The Four Horsemen

    Paul Marsden MP

    Wasn't it the same Paul Marsden who was very well versed in the ways of the web, in particular websites involving underpants and photography? Or was that another MP? Anyway, not wishing to defend MPs all that much, it is possible that one of his researchers came across the site and reported it rather than a vanity Googling moment............
  4. The Four Horsemen

    Ronald Reagan

    Were those names that were rejected for Flash Gordon's enemy before they came up with Ming the Merciless?
  5. The Four Horsemen

    Byron Nelson

    Used to be one of the honorary starters at the Masters along with Sam Snead and Gene Sarazen until a couple of years ago - Sam and Gene are very dead, so I don't have much optimism for Byron.......do you think his parents were dyslexic and meant to call him Bryon?
  6. The Four Horsemen

    Emlyn Hughes - Ranters Thread

    Nice to see that a profanity slipped through due to appalling spelling.........
  7. The Four Horsemen

    Nick Leeson

    OK, I give up - I can't even begin to work out what this is all about.......
  8. The Four Horsemen

    Elizabeth Taylor

    According to this story, it might be an opportune time to resurrect this thread.
  9. The Four Horsemen

    Fay Wray

    Could you not find a bigger picture, TH? I can hardly see that one.......
  10. The Four Horsemen

    Alex Ferguson

    As a seriously displeased Newcastle fan, he had better not come round my way for a few weeks or he might be reappearing in the "near misses" section!
  11. The Four Horsemen

    Norman Wisdom

    Is this insider knowledge? Either way, I thought it belonged here - just because he's almost 90 doesn't mean he warrants 2 threads!
  12. The Four Horsemen

    Death pools

    I think that there were some valid questions raised, and at least they appear to have read the site and thought about the content of it - unlike some. Just coming on, writing an expletive sentance with no reasoning or justification for that point of view is, quite frankly, tiresome and lazy. If you think people are sick in the head then please try and qualify your statement using reasoned and constructive language........but I won't hold my breath.
  13. The Four Horsemen

    Emlyn Hughes - Ranters Thread

    All of the passing ranters seem to have a Mary Whitehouse approach to things - they don't seem to feel the need to actually study the content of things, they just know that it's offensive, we're all sick and it's all offensive and unpleasant. I would also like to congratulate Mr/Ms Open Minded for their eloquence, but I suppose the name should have given it away - sadly, it's us against quite a few with a mind resembling a cul-de-sac. Oh well, fight the noble fight etc etc
  14. The Four Horsemen

    Arafat's (Inevitable) Death

    I think Teddy has stumbled across a very good idea of an offshoot of the DL - Take Your Celebrity Death Pick with Des O'Conner! All together, "Open the Box", "Take the Money". Seems like Arafat is already playing the Yes/No game...........
  15. The Four Horsemen

    Emlyn Hughes - Ranters Thread

    How come "Dick" gets through but "Head" doesn't? However, very nice of one the critics to put their email address in full so that, were we so inclined, we could bombard his inbox with all manner of rubbish. Clever............ Didn't Emlyn warrant a rant from somebody before he died? We should have guessed that it would multiply post-mortality. Sigh..........
  16. The Four Horsemen

    Gerald Ford

    If he's still around I would imagine Arafat might struggle onto next years list in 50th place.........
  17. The Four Horsemen

    Walter Cronkite

    I seem to remember suggesting Mr Cronkite a while back, but somebody said he's still broadcasting and getting around so doesn't sound like he's on the elevator to the stars just yet.........
  18. The Four Horsemen

    Arafat's (Inevitable) Death

    Apparently his coma is now reversible, but the Indy seems to think he's dying and the French can't seem to find what's wrong with him or whether he's dead or not. Although by the time I've written this response he may have been declared dead again.............
  19. The Four Horsemen

    Arafat's (Inevitable) Death

    Apparently his death has been swiftly denied, but he might be brain-dead according to the French, although they've also retracted that too. Confused? You will be........
  20. The Four Horsemen

    William Rehnquist

    I think you'll find it's actually underground sex.............
  21. The Four Horsemen

    Albert Hofmann

    I always considered DL contributers as more "boulevard" than "street"..........
  22. The Four Horsemen

    More Ideas & Possibles for 2005

    And who said this death prediction isn't an exact science!
  23. The Four Horsemen

    Arafat's (Inevitable) Death

    Nice to see the Middle English spelling of "Fairy" getting an airing again - I commend your knowledge of historical script!
  24. The Four Horsemen

    Arafat's (Inevitable) Death

    Assay a rafter?
  25. The Four Horsemen

    Lynda Lee-Potter

    Thought I'd merge this for practice purposes, in case you all thought I was being ultra-lenient!

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