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Paul Bearer

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Posts posted by Paul Bearer

  1. Pardon my ignorance and I apologise for being a worm,but is there a topic on here where we can post about people in our lives who have died??? or is that too morbid/outlandish??? because I just found out my ex mother-in-law died 2 years ago and I'm fucking overjoyed!!!!!!


    Yes, there is. Here. You might want to read a few pages before deciding to post.

  2. R.I.P I just saw his picture and he is nothing like the way i imagined him to look. His name sounds chinese to me for some reason but he is white.


    You haven't watched the Pink Panther movies or The Ladykillers then? His realm name is (was) Herbert Charles Angelo Kuchacevich ze Schluderpacheru. (Taken from the BBC obit page)

  3. Eesti

    there are many reasons, for me . . . in 1981 I found myself leaving school with reasonable qualifications, but not brilliant, only 3 A levels (at the time that represented top 5% of the population qualifications wise, I needed a job or a university place, the university budgets had been slashed over the previous 2 years and "youth" underemployment was around 60% couldn't get into uni so I needed a job, eventually I got one after about 4 months and about 150 applications, my Maths, Physics and computer science A levels got me a job on a production line soldering circuit boards together for £3 less a week than I would have got sat at home on social security, after a year I was on £65 a week still on the production line. I got a second job because I now had "experience" a whole £5,500 a year, great until the company went bust back where I started. This was because of thatcher and keith josephs' great experiment in reducing inflation and braking the unions' power. I spent years watching our industrial base destroyed by thatchers policies, massed unemployment and the destruction of countless lives and dreams to satisfy this woman’s ego, a conflict in the south Atlantic to get her re-elected.

    Her ego is boundless and she is callous beyond belief. The real human suffering that went into the levels of unemployment needed to brake the unions and fuel the personal vendetta against National union of mineworkers are her fault and to me can never be justified, she is just plain evil.

    Best regards



    By the way, OCD spelling and grammar Muppets I will never give either of those two a capital letter to their names. . . it is deliberate.


    Well put Sydney.


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