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Dead Wait

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Everything posted by Dead Wait

  1. Dead Wait

    Peter Sallis

    When I see that rarely updated threads have a new post I always assume the death has occurred......hmmm.......!
  2. Dead Wait

    The 4th Death of 2017

    Last dawn for Liz Dawn
  3. Dead Wait

    Johnny Hallyday

    Get a grip, he clearly meant James May - big car fan!
  4. Dead Wait

    The Dead Of 2017

    Has now... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-39283662
  5. Dead Wait

    Bruce Forsyth

    5 days in intensive care with severe chest infection..... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4276644/Sir-Bruce-89-spends-five-days-intensive-care.html
  6. Dead Wait

    The Dead Of 2017

    Killed Uncle Phil too (James Avery).....
  7. Dead Wait

    Shannen Doherty

    http://www.digitalspy.com/showbiz/news/a822058/shannen-doherty-finishes-her-cancer-treatment/ Cancer treatment finished - now waiting to see if clear or not
  8. Dead Wait

    Bob Barker

    How did you know who was who?
  9. Dead Wait

    Radio 4

    Interestingly the wedding took place in the hospital and immediately - would suggest days, maybe weeks rather than the optimism displayed in this report....
  10. Dead Wait

    The 3Rd Death Of 2017

  11. Dead Wait

    Time Added

  12. Dead Wait

    Leah Bracknell

    I would say it is less than that.It seems to act as a distraction to impending mortality.If you believe that stuff works it acts as a placebo and you feel more hopeful for a while until the situation becomes grave.It is I guess a way of keeping happy and enjoying the time you have left by having an almost delusional belief that you will be ok. As Bouncebackability notes those who sell bogus medications are pure evil for exploiting someone who is vulnerable and desperate. Or they're a business genius. A post in Donald Trump's advisory board beckonsYou notice the activity on the Leah Bracknell and think this is it but no, a link to something that I'm already bored of reading!! Cmon...Think you've got a long wait on this one sweetie. (Gut instinct will no doubt once again show how of the ball I am) Sweetie?!
  13. Dead Wait

    Leah Bracknell

    I would say it is less than that.It seems to act as a distraction to impending mortality.If you believe that stuff works it acts as a placebo and you feel more hopeful for a while until the situation becomes grave.It is I guess a way of keeping happy and enjoying the time you have left by having an almost delusional belief that you will be ok. As Bouncebackability notes those who sell bogus medications are pure evil for exploiting someone who is vulnerable and desperate. Or they're a business genius. A post in Donald Trump's advisory board beckons You notice the activity on the Leah Bracknell and think this is it but no, a link to something that I'm already bored of reading!! Cmon...
  14. Dead Wait

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    LOL - the list is meant to be growing shorter, not longer. :D Will update and pull them in later on (busy at work today so won't have time just yet). "Growing shorter" - isn't that shrinking?!
  15. Dead Wait

    Denis Healey

    Shouldn't this thread be linked locked now?!
  16. Dead Wait

    The 2Nd Death Of 2017

    That was bloody quick - fixed within 10 seconds yet you still managed to capture it for your quote! 😀
  17. Dead Wait

    The 2Nd Death Of 2017

  18. Dead Wait

    The Chequered Flag

    I'm sure the size of payoff he will have got will keep him going
  19. Dead Wait

    Star Wars Deaths

    So, they killed off Harrison Ford's character in ep7, Mark Hammill's (maybe) in ep8 and will probably have to kill off Carrie's in ep9 - well, I guess that completes the theme of the new trilogy eh?! I'm am of course assuming that the ep7 comment is not a spoiler as anyone who wanted to see it will have done by now and judging by the huge gross revenue there is nothing above that will come as a surprise......
  20. Dead Wait

    Star Wars Deaths

    So, they killed off Harrison Ford's character in ep7, Mark Hammill's (maybe) in ep8 and will probably have to kill off Carrie's in ep9 - well, I guess that completes the theme of the new trilogy eh?!
  21. Dead Wait

    Only Famous For Being Ill And Dying

    You say that but last year even Spade lost out through lack of an obit. Huh? Michel Delpech - died 2 January but no obit. Still.....he didn't need it with the 17 others deaths that DID produce an obit!!
  22. Dead Wait

    Only Famous For Being Ill And Dying

    You say that but last year even Spade lost out through lack of an obit.
  23. Dead Wait

    Donald J Trump

    No-one would want him up on their walls....
  24. Dead Wait

    George Bush Senior

    Ah, makes sense.....! In that case, I hate Kay Burley even more
  25. Dead Wait

    George Bush Senior

    Thatcher is the one who posted this at 10.57pm but the tweet from Kay Burley was before 3 this afternoon.... Tell me then, why the timestamp on Kay Burley's tweet says 10:54pm please? I'm looking at a time stamp that says 2:54pm - consistent with her time slot on Sky News. Not seeing what you're seeing....

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