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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. I keep on meaning to watch Blake's 7 (all the episodes are up on youtube) but I've not gotten around to it yet.

    Is it really as good as people say?


    It is good but not perfect.


    It suffers from the cheap BBC 70's special effects but makes up for it in scripts and performance.


    It paves the way for Babylon 5.

    • Like 2

  2. Yes he played 4 different parts in Dr Who, Gulliver in The Mind Robber (1968), First Time Lord in The War Games (1969), a Thal called Taron in Planet of the Daleks (1973) and Chancellor Goth in The Deadly Assassin (1976). He is a sad loss to the Whoniverse :(


    He was also a Shakespearian actor, when I was at school we went to the RSC to see Henry V with Kenneth Brannagh, Brian Blessed, Patricia Routledge and Peter Miles. Bernard Horsfall played Pistol if I remember right.

  3. An update on Ray Price...


    He's still on the road and singing, but this gig review does give away the fact that he opted not to undergo surgery following his diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. The fact that he is well enough to preform concerts might also mean he isn't receiving dehabilitating treatments such as chemotherapy either, in which case nature could well take it's course quite swiftly.


    ... On the other hand, he has taken delivery of a new tractor. :unsure:


    Read this and thought this was someone different. Then I realised I was thinking of Alan Price.


    Who is not terminally ill (I think).

  4. That is how people like that go - suddenly without notice sending the fans, the nation and the world into shock over the loss of a great and enduring entertainer. But as we all know when the time is up the time is up no matter who, what or where you are. Bennett is 86 and seems to be doing well but that will serve as the shocker for the disbellief.

    It's easy to put people on the list that are obviously aged and looking half dead already, like Kirk Douglas and others. But the hard part is picking someone that no one would suspect is going to just kick over and.............well you know.

    I just have this feeling lately about Tony, even played some of his songs on YouTube - check out "if I ruled the world".

    Well maybe Tony does rule the world the way he is still at the top of the game, you know?

    What do you think?


    Have you submitted a DDP team?


    That is where you can display your uncanny prescience about this years deaths and those who write the list might take notice of your suggestions in future.


    No I haven't gotten that far yet - just signed on this week or last week - don't remember much but there are a lot of empty bottles of wine laying around. So the DDP is a list of people I personally think are going to suck their last breath of air? I'll work on it.


    You have until the end of the year to get your entry in for 2014!

    • Like 1

  5. 1. Subliminal message?


    2. Subconscious desire?


    3. Freudian Slip?


    4. A literal suggestion?


    5. A plea to fill a sexual void?


    6. All of the above?


    Please Vote!!


    Fortunately I live in England where such vulgar expressions would be seen as evidence of the speaker being mentally deficient (or American). Two equally frightful possibilities.


    Suck my balls. Better? :D


    Rugby, Cricket, Golf or Football? It makes a difference.

  6. I was tempted by the Bob Dole theory and am glad to have the swift opportunity to remove myself from the last pick of Chapman "Going nowhere" Pincher. I rejected Thatcher because joy does not need to be accompanied by a correct prediction. So I have fatalistically gone for Gough Whitlam as he is on none of my lists.

  7. David Taylor, International Zoo Vet, Author & TV Personality(also the inspiration for the BBC TV series 'One By One') died 29/01/13 at the age of 79.


    Wiki seems to confirm this but I would have thought this warrented a mention on the BBC website.

  8. Well, I also suffer from depression and anxiety disorder (fear of everyday action, meeting new people)

    - when attacked by anxiety I usually shake and my skin itches, which sometimes develops into a rash

    - excessive blushing

    - cannot keep eye contact

    - I could be depressed for a whole day and suddenly switch into a mania

    - underweight

    - asthma


    but don´t worry, when I spoke to my psychologist about Deathlist, he told me that most of the people on the thread suffer from some mental disorder (usually latent) - so I guess that mental diseases are somewhat part of all Deathlisters


    When defending my work place deathlist to a colleague I said that it is interesting because it is a giant list and I am probably slightly autistic, I then added "Where better to hide a tree than in a forest" which about sums up my workplace.

  9. Brilliant nostalgic FA cup draw today Luton v Millwall,best thing Millwall ever did was smash up that place,I hope one of their boys breaks into the Luton boardroom and does a giant turd on Nick Owen's chair


    There is a giant turd in Nick Owen's chair!

    • Like 3

  10. 1. Subliminal message?


    2. Subconscious desire?


    3. Freudian Slip?


    4. A literal suggestion?


    5. A plea to fill a sexual void?


    6. All of the above?


    Please Vote!!


    Fortunately I live in England where such vulgar expressions would be seen as evidence of the speaker being mentally deficient (or American). Two equally frightful possibilities.

    • Like 3

  11. Candle-lit vigils.


    Why? Because they're fucking pointless.


    If someone dies in a nasty accident, I really don't understand how a candle will help. Futher, these vigils tend to be attended by absolute strangers and/or attention seeking fat folk who have no connection whatsoever with the victim.


    I really don't understand people.


    The British Candlemakers Federation would probably disagree with you.

  12. I am reading this and feel really guilty.


    I am the wrong side of 40, don't exercise, have a desk job but so far don't seem to have any real health issues.


    I am a tea-total,non-smoking vegetarian though.


    My Dad is 84 next week but my Mum died of Breast Cancer in her mid forties.


    If I keel over next week, my last words will be for someone to put something on this thread so you can all feel better.

  13. That is how people like that go - suddenly without notice sending the fans, the nation and the world into shock over the loss of a great and enduring entertainer. But as we all know when the time is up the time is up no matter who, what or where you are. Bennett is 86 and seems to be doing well but that will serve as the shocker for the disbellief.

    It's easy to put people on the list that are obviously aged and looking half dead already, like Kirk Douglas and others. But the hard part is picking someone that no one would suspect is going to just kick over and.............well you know.

    I just have this feeling lately about Tony, even played some of his songs on YouTube - check out "if I ruled the world".

    Well maybe Tony does rule the world the way he is still at the top of the game, you know?

    What do you think?


    Have you submitted a DDP team?


    That is where you can display your uncanny prescience about this years deaths and those who write the list might take notice of your suggestions in future.

  14. A king for a change. He'll probably make a mess of it, so I have good hope he'll be the last Dutch monarch.

    The first Dutch King since 1890.


    I think you're probably right: he will mess it up.


    For years there's been some support for the idea that we should actually call him Queen Willem-Alexander. A (rather nasty) republican website published this picture:







    I like that, he looks like Michael Heseltine.

  15. He has been mentioned elsewhere on this forum, but I think Hitler's Bodyguard would be a good addition to next years list. An article from this month states that Rochus Misch will no longer be answering 'fan mail' due to poor health (Article is in German).


    Wiki mentions that he is also terminally ill.


    Am I missing something?


    Who writes fan mail to Hitler's bodyguard? With the possible exemption of the membership of the BNP.


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