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Posts posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. So is that what Peter Gabriel meant when he sang "games without frontiers, war without tears"?


    "Hans plays with Lotte, Lotte plays with Jane, Jane plays with Leo, Leo is happy again"


    I repeat this song is not about sexual assault.

  2. I found my notes sheet for compiling my 15 today and I had crossed out Michael Winner replaced him with Kirk Douglas crossed out Kirk Douglas and replaced with Abdullah al Said and then threw Kirk back in when Dina Manfredi died.


    Damn Damn Damn

  3. Reuters


    Potential hit for DDT and OoO if the obit arrives (can't remember if Reuters counts)


    It does. The dye is cast. 2013 could already be shaping up to be a battle royale between the two best DDP teams...


    I think that should be die as in the singular of dice.


    As opposed to a colorant!


    I am sure this is another glasshouse comment as Time will often point out, sorry.

  4. Unelected heads of state have no place in a democracy in my view. I don't personally mind if only a tiny percentage of the population turn out to vote, at least we had the option. I shall now duck as any monarchists/royalists throw whatever comes to hand in my direction.


    Dear En Passant


    No need to duck, I respect your opinion but where is the main stream political thinking in the UK that is pushing for even including a republican debate in a manifesto. There is no appetite for it. I would also suggest that they are waiting till the Queen dies before having the debate out of respect. That is flawed thinking in my mind because that will be the worst time to have the debate. I think we should accept the monarchy, reform its worst excesses (reduce the civil list) and enjoy the status they bring us in the world.

  5. This is not a joke. More of a statement


    Americans have started a petition to kick Piers Morgan out of the country. Meanwhile, a counter-campaign has been launched in Britain to refuse to take him back.


    I hope we can meet the Yanks halfway on this, and put the cunt in the middle of the Atlantic.


    I must admit I think Piers is playing a blinder on this one. My admiration for him has increased by an infinite amount (Any number divided by zero is infinity!).

  6. The big guy is back on the road again this year, touring the UK with his 'Last At Bat Tour'


    Quoted from www.meatloaf.net

    "This series of incredibly special dates will see the singer perform a two-act show. The first act will include some of Meat Loaf’s greatest hits such as ‘Dead Ringer For Love’ and ‘I’d Lie For You (And That’s the Truth)’. The second act will be the classic debut album ‘Bat Out Of Hell’ – with all 7 songs performed in their original order."


    The Pavarotti of Rock is given us the impression that he ain't due on our list just yet folks!!


    Did you greet Michael Jackson's tour announcement in the same manner?

    • Like 1

  7. But that wouldn't happen, because that's not what's being proposed. There has never been a President Kohl or President Schroeder of Germany
    I have yet to see a realistic proposal for how a British Republic would function and how the head of states position would relate to that of the Prime Minister.
    Why the need for a proposal when the answer is "just do what Germany does"? http://www.republic.org.uk/What%20we%20want/In%20depth/The%20Case%20for%20a%20Republic/Policy/index.php


    Considering the overwhelming apathy that greeted the Police Commissioner elections do you think that the UK would turn out to vote for a figure head. I just don't see the republicans gaining mainstream political support in the UK.


    Do we want to be 'just like the Germans'?

  8. Whatever. He's going to hell in any case. Corrupt scumbag.


    Wanted to like this but it's a guest.

    Horrible, horrible man.



    Normally this level of vitriol is reserved for child murderes, dictators, reality TV stars and Margaret Thatcher.

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