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En Passant

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Posts posted by En Passant

  1. 8 hours ago, the_engineer said:


    before the war syria has a fertility rate of 3.5 and was projected to grow to around 60 to 70 million same with yemen. Syria now has a fertility rate similar to europe now and yemen is following a similar path. wherever there is high fertility war tends to not be far behind.

    If one were to swap instances of a leading y with an s....


    yeah yeah, sue me for flippancy but i found it amusing.

    • Haha 2

  2. I'd like to buy the world a Coke - 274 mins. Bud Really Light - 128 mins. Local Station Ads for Barney's Down Home Realtors or ScrewYouRight Ambulance Chasing Lawyers - 34.2 mins.

    Some guys paid millions to risk brain damage through head to head helmeted combat for your amusement - 60 mins. Spread over 5 hours due to the foregoing messages from sponsors.


    Soccer doesn't do it in the US because the notion of 45 minutes you can't interrupt with ads caused 348 pulmonary embolisms at various TV exec offices.

  3. 2 hours ago, Deathray said:


    I am aware of this rumour. But thanks for the thought. The more likely scenario, from the forums I hang out on - are that the writers have took the opportunity to fix one of the daftest plot-lines in the stories history of her going off to Peru (done by the previous producer and easily fixed by the new one) by ensuring that her character was returned to the country to see out her last days with her family; which also makes it easier to write Norris out for his forthcoming health problems (going to visit her, which he's just done for holiday took before Malcolm Hebden was hospitalised). It also has the added bonus of ensuring that streets residents still have a connection to her when Derbyshire does go in real life; as a character who served that long will require an in show recognition of their passing. As wonderful as it would be to have Derbyshire back as Emily, I think it's highly unlikely. She originally left for 6 months break remember (to be frank why would you if you don't watch the show?). The fan consensus seems to be, and it's one I concur with, that the intensely private woman that Eileen is she announced a 6 month break in order to leave quietly without any fanfare for her character and the myriad of associated publicity. The problem with the remedy is that we're supposed to believe the ancient Emily is the one looking after Freda when the more obvious scenario would be to say Emily was ill and Freda or Spider were looking after her! It's also worth noting that her exit scene seemed to be filmed with the cast very much viewing it as her exit in their acting unlike most break exits. 


    As an aside an FAO for all deathlisters that William Roache appears to have aged significantly over the past year or so as well as develop some quiet laboured speech patterns. Initially my thought was this was because of his in character stroke, however he recently appeared on that ITV Greatest TV Moments of All Time programme (which was an abysmally formatted pile of twaddle btw) show as himself and appeared frail and almost as if he had had a real life stroke. Coronation Street has form for writing around characters long-term illnesses into the show (Bernard Youens, Peter Dudley, Bill Tarney among others). 


    In the odd case anyone else on here has been watching (or more likely subjected to by a partner) the recent episodes, do we think that Luke's death could finally be the end for Phelan, I suppose we'll have to see if Eileen believes Seb or falls for Phelan's lies again but by goodness is it time they wrote him out; the guys body counts higher than any other Coronation Street serial killer now, must be time for comeuppance - no doubt with a few more bodies (I'm guessing they'll write Todd (Bruno Langley who'll never be allowed to work on Corrie again) out as a victim of Phelan after Summer's returned and Eileen's revealed him and Anna's leaving the show, no doubt he'd have her on a list of potential victims). 

    Could you expand on that?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 4

  4. 2 hours ago, Sir Creep said:

    I am NOT a stickler for grammar,

    I'm NOT one for prescience as a rule but* I got to this point and I sensed a 'but' arriving imminently.......and so it came to pass, Mystic Meg you have nothing on me.

    On topic: I'd like another go at this this year if I may, perhaps I won't cop 32 points or so within a  week this time.



    *is an ironic 'but' even possible? Maybe.

  5. 3 hours ago, Morbidkid said:

    I am Irish and even I can't defend this man there's a way for things to be done and aims to be achieved and murdering innocent folk isn't one of them.


    2 hours ago, Morbidkid said:

    My post was unrelated to your post and was a general reaction to his death. I don't know about nelsons crimes tbh.

    Has your account been hijacked? You'll have to change your name to MorbidAdult if you maintain this.

    Bloody hell I'm impressed. Way to go, seriously.


    • Like 1




    It's worth leaving the thread open just to annoy joeyruss. :D

    It'll be worth leaving the thread open so everyone can change their vote to vote Joao. :-p

    I already had :evil2:

    Me too. Anyone else before I decide to close the thread?



  7. And whilst I'm on that subject, the arseletics is no better. The 100m and 200m is more often than not the same person. And of the 5 fastest (men) times in history, 4 have been by people caught doping, and the other was Usain Bolt. Who is either A: a freak or B: just hasn't been caught yet.

    400m isn't a sprint, so ok. But 800 and 1500? 5k and 10k? meh.

    Football? like we don't get enough of that already. Golf? you're kidding right?


    I'm watching it for the archery, because it may be tedious, but you don't see it any other time. Oh that and the cycling, cause I do that a bit even if not competitively.

    • Like 1

  8. Splish splash? pfft.


    What's with having 354 events one person can win all of? the 50m some stroke, the 55m same thing, 60m same thing, more of the same with a couple of other strokes thrown in, relay of that @ every multiple of 50m....



  9. Caveat: I'm not a pc repair man, but that said..


    Ok, we are talking bottlenecks here.


    1. CPU - this might be the least of your worries and is probably up to the job, at least if you have item 2.

    2. GFX card - if you don't have one, you almost certainly need one, it might not need to be a top end one, but you'll need something (current cpu's are better at this than historical ones, but even then a gfx card is the single best upgrade)

    3, Ram - if you meet the minimum requirements for the game and O/S, adding more is unlikely to make that much difference and faster ram is fiddling round the edges and unnecessary. For your purposes ram is ram. Huge quantities of the stuff is normally added for video editing or running multiple apps concurrently not games per-se (so long as you meet the min req)

    4. Disk. The bottleneck on the disk as you describe it would be connecting it via USB since the interface is much slower than the device is probably capable of (but I'm a bit confused here, any machine from probably the last 20 years should have sufficient on board hard drive space to run a game assuming you didn't fill it up with porn) Also if you are thinking of opening the box to put ram in, fitting a disk internally is no harder a task and is a lot better than putting it on the usb.


    If you have a clunky too small internal drive, no discrete gfx card, too little ram and an old cpu then just as cat says, upgrading one will not fix it. If it improves anything at all it will simply push your bottleneck somewhere else.

    About the only circumstance it will help is if you simply don't have enough RAM to meet min specs but the rest of the kit is up to the job. This isn't normally the case as the components are normally of a similar age and level due to being bought on a single machine.


    It also depends on the game. Most games are graphically intensive. Which game is it? Lets assume it's Skyrim (2011) or something like that then it is definitely heavily gfx dependent and needs a gfx card.

    The games usually have a minimum spec published and if you don't have box it came in you can probably find out on the net. Does what you have already meet that minimum spec? Will adding a stick of RAM take it over the line?


    That said, to answer the question as stated, fitting a stick of ram isn't technically difficult or particularly dangerous, however you need to match it to what is already there and possibly install it in pairs, and that part, if you haven't done it before and the machine is old may be a bit confusing. Without knowing what the game is and the spec of the existing machine I doubt either of us can help any further.


    Finger in the air? On the information cat and I have so far? You can keep the monitor keyboard and mouse, the rest needs upgrading, a stick of ram won't fix it.

    Post what the game is and the spec of the pc you are trying to run it on.

    • Like 1

  10. Not meant unkindly but running a game off an external drive connected via a usb with 2GB ram isn't going to be providing Bugatti Veyron levels of performance however you configure it.


    Virtual ram will run an order of magnitude slower than real ram which is ok if you don't need the speed but it's still a kludge.

    Up to date gaming needs expensive components, it's just the way of it. Ofc if the game is 5 years old, then a level of performance commensurate with that period should be ok, but bear in mind some games have been known to stretch the limits of even high end stuff at the time of release.

    • Like 2

  11. Carlsberg - Probably the fastest route to dishevelment in the world

    Heineken - Reveals the parts other beers don't reveal

    Guinness - Is good for you us. You? not so much

    Bells - Afore ye go (to that wooden box)

    I bet he drinks Carling Black Label



    that's enough advertising slogans - ed.

    • Like 1

  12. Portugal? One of the two best teams in Europe. Ok.

    Yes yes I know it's a knockout comp. But Portugal? Portugal?? (for emphasis :P) They're crap but apparently very lucky. Mind you our lot are even more crap but not it seems remotely lucky.


    Glad I don't much care about football and only manage to watch once every 2 years out of some morbid fascination I can't really explain.

    • Like 1


    I know it's the sentencing guidelines (or would be here and probably is in SA also) and that many of us think they are sometimes a bit odd or at the very least at variance with popular opinion. But how is it 5 years for manslaughter and yet only 6 for murder? Here murder is mandatory life afaik, only the minimum term can be changed by the judge.


    I don't know anyone who thinks his tale had a shred of truth, he knew it was her and meant to kill her. But that's irrelevant now as he's been found guilty of her murder.

    6 years? I really don't get it.


    Money talks.


    Probably the most shocking thing is that there was a third person in the house that night, but someone ensured that he did not give evidence and he was only mentioned fleetingly in the trial.


    Of this, there is no doubt. It's been like that since the start of this sick joke of a case. Nothing much in single person trials has reeked as badly judicially speaking since OJ. The desperate struggle for justice over Hillsborough is up there for this country in my view, but that's not a single person homicide trial.


    Again afaik, in this country money might prevent you being found guilty when you are, the ability to buy better legal representation, knowing the system you are part of and so on, however it will not change the result once you are found guilty. For murder, it's life and that's that aside from the minimum recommendation.

    All I can assume is that in SA this is not the case, the money continues to talk after the verdict.

  14. I know it's the sentencing guidelines (or would be here and probably is in SA also) and that many of us think they are sometimes a bit odd or at the very least at variance with popular opinion. But how is it 5 years for manslaughter and yet only 6 for murder? Here murder is mandatory life afaik, only the minimum term can be changed by the judge.


    I don't know anyone who thinks his tale had a shred of truth, he knew it was her and meant to kill her. But that's irrelevant now as he's been found guilty of her murder.

    6 years? I really don't get it.

  15. If the majority of politicians believe, as they keep telling us, that immigration is a 'good thing', what's the problem?

    The bulk of MP's don't want to leave the EU (even some who pretended they did), so they abide by the peoples narrow vote to leave, but get to keep the free trade and are forced to 'reluctantly' accept the open borders. so it ends up pretty much 'as you were'.


    I need a copy of Politics for Dummies I think. :P


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