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En Passant

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Posts posted by En Passant

  1. 2 minutes ago, Tower1 said:

    (actually high-tech movie production)


    Tough crowd.

    We've also got a friend who can put you right on that vaccination cobblers.

  2. 1 minute ago, Clorox Bleachman said:

    Residents of Scotland get their free bus pass at 60. Not reason enough to move (unless you live in Edinburgh), the buses are mostly shite.


    It's the same in that there London, which has great buses and trains and underground trains and everything.

    I could easily dump my car if I still lived there. It's relatively cheap for the service compared with almost anywhere even when you pay for it - getting it free is almost funny.

    In fact the public transport is so good there compared to elsewhere one could almost be persuaded there's some shenanigans going on :rolleyes:

    I know I've moaned about council tax before, but honestly, how is it even remotely fair that your access to free public transport at a given age is defined by where you live?


    Trouble is, it's still London at the end of the day - far too many people in too small an area.

    • Like 1

  3. 3 hours ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    They’ll be fake weights made of plastic.



    That looks over what even super-heavy weight lifters clean and jerk and comp weights are red at that size, though out of comp might not be I suppose.

  4. 58 minutes ago, Toast said:


    Can't see that she has anything to complain about.  She's getting more than a quarter of the proceeds of the sale of the house which will be over a million £,  plus £155,000,  which is more than his children are getting.  He also made sure that she had plenty of time to make plans. 



    Not a damn thing, she was mid 50's he was a year off 90.

    If it looks like one, smells like one then there's a damn good chance it is one. I don't care how much they protest it was lurrrrve. Just unlucky she had to wait so long.

    • Like 1

  5. 7 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

    Got it actually from "pugile". 


    If the information was in the OP I wouldn't have to ask for clarity on the Forum.


    Oh I'm sure you were aware I was only using it as a springboard for joking about and personally I have little interest in boxing, so don't care what weight he was, in fact unless he was on one of my teams I can't say I care at all whatever the weight. This place is full of people I never heard of. The information was in the OP, you just have to be Italian :)

  6. Just now, YoungWillz said:

    What event please?


    Did you not get a glimpse of the photo from the link? You don't need a word of Italian to spot boxing gloves, so my guess is boxing, unless his mum was there to prevent him entering the middleweight division of knocking one out - which I could have entrered aged 16 but not sure was ever an olympic event as such.

  7. 2 hours ago, gcreptile said:

    Bruce Hoxton


    Who? I know they had a Bruce Foxton.

    I'm not blaming you of course, that's what it says on that page (and link).

    I suppose what I should be saying is 'nationalworld' who?

    • Like 1

  8. 1 hour ago, Tango854 said:

    Blackrock isn't as powerful or important as you think it is. And I don't think either of those institutions have the power to summon a waterspout whatever they want.


    I fear you may be missing something here.

  9. 2 hours ago, Youth in Asia said:

    Billion to one coincidence or revenge by BlackRock or the US justice system. Hmmm tricky one ..


    Nailed on then.

    We could get our very own expert on conspiracy theories empirical evidence @the_engineer to trawl the internet, darknet, lightnet, cosmic-significance-library and probably the almighty him(her)self and post the ensuing links here.

    If only he weren't so sadly abused hereabouts that he seems to have gone on a permanent holiday.

  10. In other news Hewlett Packard are heard to be considering a corporate name change. A source at the company says this has no connection with social media posts suggesting HP actually stands for Hit People.

     All news sources reporting Chamberlains confirmed death now.



    Survival chances for a 59 year old missing at sea for around 24 hours are single digit or less (well, if AI LLM can be trusted anyway). I suspect none of them will be found alive now - but I'll save the rips until that's confirmed.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Toast said:


    I'm still trying to muster the courage to watch that.


    I think it's worth it, it's different for a start. Depending on your empathy levels or ability to say 'it's just a film' you probably need to find a mustered day for sure. I'd sooner watch it again to see what I missed than put myself through Mulholland Drive again.

  12. 15 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:

     Mulholland Drive




    The Elephant Man was good but, entirely unsurprisingly, depressing.

    Eraserhead absolutely crushed me with sympathy for the chld/creature. I'd find that a hard if worthy watch if I saw it again.


    I've seen some but not all of his other work and I appreciate the effort to be different beyond words, there's not nearly enough of that, but sadly in his case its mostly all a bit too surreal for my taste.

    Still isn't the U3A ethos at least to some degree about showing that older generations can still pick up new things and aren't all 'you can't teach an old dog new tricks'? If so, give it a shot - it may not my thing but could well be others.



    • Like 1

  13. 37 minutes ago, time said:

    is there a bee scene in the original? I don't remember it if there is.


    No. It looks like one of those bolt on scenes added for 'dramatic effect' that are just one of the reasons these remakes are absolutely.....


    2 hours ago, Toast said:


    Count yourself lucky, the remake is dreadful



    And no Toastie, I'll add it to the list of Hollywood revamps I'm not going to bother with, i.e. most of them.

    • Like 1

  14. On 14/08/2024 at 21:18, Tango854 said:

    You don't need to win the popular vote to win the election, you only need to win the electoral college.


    Yeah, it's much the same here in reality, the popular vote doesn't actually win it. Just ours is 650 political constituencies with 1 mp for each rather than your allocated numbers of votes per state.

    • Like 2

  15. I didn't even know they'd remade it.

    Bloody Americans can't swallow anything that isn't made for the home market - there's nothing wrong with the original Edward Woodward/Christopher Lee one - that was one of the biggest shockers in a film when I was younger.

    • Like 1

  16. 15 minutes ago, Toast said:

    They're supposed to be against food waste.


    Ach, Politics again, they're about making profits and pretty much nothing else and will say whatever they need to say when pressed to subscribe to envrionmental or demographic issues.

    Sounds silly to complain about capitalism when talking about lettuce, but still.

    Can't remember who it was, but "It's the worst system, apart from everything else that's been tried" or something like that, Churchill probably, it's usually him.


    And naturally they don't sell this stuff in quantities to suit us, they sell it in quantities that suit them. If you've got a bottom line and the authorities can't or won't force you to cater to individuals you do whatever's best for profits you don't geve a shit about food waste it just means you sell more whilst saying 'every little helps' or something equally banal.


    I've gone off on one again haven't I? :lol:

    • Like 1

  17. 56 minutes ago, time said:

    I know bad weather has affected the harvest but 28% increase is taking the piss.


    I use beans, and it's similar, though I can still get it for a little over 10 quid a kilo in Lidl/Aldi and they had a bunch on offer a while ago so ended up with 4 kilos in store which I'm still working through.

    Lettuce was the one that got me, I mean lord knows why I know this, but they were 45p in all places before it all went crazy and the damn things are now 75-80p, in sheer monetary terms it's not that much, but the percentage is crazy. Olive oil is another thing where the 'harvest' was bad, but the price increase insane.


    This and shrinkflation and so on is indeed just taking the piss. As ever the price rockets when it goes up, and falls slowly afterwards, if at all. Although it does get reported in the news, not much seems to actually happen about it.

  18. Just now, Sir Creep said:

    Ridiculously poor miss by the Committee.   


    Yeah, cause we're all on that one - the terrible committee cockup when someone dies that they didn't name.

    FS Sir Cunto, You're smarter than this - show it for once.

  19. Ultimately Trump should be in jail by now, but somehow he isn't, he's still in a presidential race.

    I just don't understand it - every fibre of my being wants to believe it's the same for everyone, the law is fair to all.

    And yet every piece of evidence in the current age flies in the face of this.

    • Like 2
    • Facepalm 1

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