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En Passant

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Posts posted by En Passant

  1. 10 minutes ago, livingbygrace said:

    I put Keith in at #7 as well. When I mentioned lower part of the tally I meant low in standings.  I have 39 points so far


    It seems I'll have to retract my accusation of non-professionalism, you're outpacing me as of now I'm only on a feeble 36 Doh!(herty was a miss for me).

    However Godley, should she succumb, would see me surge ahead in this race to last place.

  2. 3 minutes ago, livingbygrace said:

    she is #25 on my list so I would only get 1 point for her.  But I already messed up early in the game and had Toby Keith fairly high on my list.



    I'm already miles out of it also having picked Toby Keith (at #7) and others.... So Godley at #10 will have me pushing an unbeatable score.

    • Haha 1

  3. Then that's your opinion and you are entitled to it. But you ought to make it clear it's an opinion and you haven't, you just called them both perverts.

    You may say that doesn't matter, but if either of them ended up in gen-pop in a uk jail whether it's factual or an opinion would matter a great deal.


    Look, I've already said don't like Schofields behaviour either, but there's a difference. One has broken the law and there is empirical evidence proving that, the other has not.

    We don't live in a world where thought-crime is a crime. At least not yet.

  4. Just now, Ulitzer95 said:

    relationship from the time he was 18 onwards.

    This is legal. Had they been in any form of sexual relationship when he was 15, then yes, but 'first met' doesn't qualify or practically the whole population would be in trouble.


    2 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    The whole thing stinks. Also let's not forget that Schofield did all this whilst pretending to be straight, whilst lying to his family, to the public, and not to mention his totally hypocritical moment of handing over a list of alleged pedos to David Cameron live on telly without a shred of evidence (most of the names on that list btw turning out to be innocent).


    No doubt. But these are moral transgressions.


    5 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    Why are you defending this man?


    I'm not. And I agree his behaviour was utterly reprehensible.

    But I get annoyed when people are described as perverts and paedo's when they are not - that's all.

    • Like 3

  5. 7 hours ago, Ulitzer95 said:

    Whilst I understand he's not broken the law like Huw Edwards (at least as far as we know) it seems like he's got the same reprobate mindset.

    Why are producers obsessed with giving these perverts a place on our screens?

    Except that:

    Edwards is sexually attracted to children or at least pictures thereof and is thus categorically a pervert.

    Schofield likes other adult (if younger than himself) men and is thus not a pervert - legally or otherwise. Morally questionable behaviour? Sure.

    • Like 1

  6. 16 hours ago, The Old Crem said:

    It’s sort of a u turn as in politics not ruling out something tends to imply it’s going to happen. 


    I'm sorry crem but that is simply speculation again. Partly yours.

    There are numerous examples of media outfits asking if something is going to happen on the basis that a non-commital answer implies its a possibility or even probability, this creates news when there is none.


    I scan The Guardian (as the only 'broadsheet' available freely now) and ask of each article "Is this news? Or woulda/coulda/shoulda?" You may be surprised at the number of articles that are the latter even when not marked as 'opinion'.

    • Like 2

  7. 1 minute ago, The Old Crem said:

    Labour U turn and decide to keep the single person council tax discount says the Telegraph.. 


    I'm not sure how that's a U-turn since they never expressly said they were implementing it in the first place.

    So far as I'm aware they've simply said they're not ruling any measure out that hadn't been previously (i.e. income tax, VAT and NI)


    Further, since they've already got a good deal of bad press over the cessation of Winter Fuel Payments for pensioners I'd imagine that whacking all solo pensioners for another 500 quid a year (based on a 2k average council tax) is not going to look pretty (this only my opinion)

    • Like 3

  8. 1 hour ago, The Old Crem said:

    I agree that Social care really should be a National funded thing. The postcode lottery has been very noticeable for a long while. 


    And for those under the misapprehension that council tax is mostly spent on bin collection, the police and fire services and potholes or suchforth (nobody really does but it's oft quoted) -around 60p in the pound in 2020 went on either adult or childrens social care (split about 70/30 adult/child).  The table quoted was a forecast at the time not hard data - it's the best I found with a short search.


    Re-iteration, I'm not saying these costs should not be paid, of course they should - I am saying I can see no justifiable reason why folks in Hartlepool should pay more for them because more care homes are located there than in Oxford Street, Pall Mall or Mayfair.


    1 hour ago, The Old Crem said:

    Labour ruled out updating the bands (Would be electoral suicide in London as even the poorer areas like where I am wouid get massively higher bills). 


    As to this, it's a fudge at best anyway. What would be the point in Westminster or Kensington and Chelsea having a huge surplus whilst poorer areas were still left with Councils going bust? It needs a complete overhaul and the only reason I can think of that it hasn't is that all parties are terrified of it electorally - especially those with memories long enough for the poll tax riots.

  9. Just now, JQW said:


    FFS! Just block the cretin!


    He's already been given a final warning.

    After adding quotes to his posts for a while has somewhat slipped back to his old habit of wildly speculating. The ice will crack at some point with one or other of the Admins finally losing patience and hitting it with a hammer.

    • Like 3

  10. 3 hours ago, The Old Crem said:

    With Labour assume anything they won’t rule out doing when asked as something that is going to happen. 


    They'd better bloody not. It's already one of the most wildly unfair taxes where a two up two down in Hartlepool or somewhere similar pays more for 'local' services than a mansion in Westminster. It needs reform without question, but not that way.


    Any decent society should pay for services such as adult social care. it should not however do it on the basis that more social care is required in poorer local areas than in rich  Central London ones on the basis that thats where the social care is required (and even possibly that's where they put the  recipients in the first place because it was cheap). In my view even the poll tax was fairer - why should a single person pay effectively double what a couple does? They already pay 1.5 times the amount.

    There's nothing 'local' about it - it's a nationwide obligation and should be paid for nationally.


    • Like 2

  11. 9 minutes ago, Sod's Law said:

    How the hell is Jenrick doing so well? He occupies the worst of both worlds in that he's both boring and dangerous. He's neither a roof-raising populist nor a moderate in his politics (just look at his asylum policy). Same with Cleverly to a slightly lesser extent. I'm really not sure who would vote for either of them in an election. 


    My guess is he's simply the slipperiest turd in a barrel full of turds. I've not forgotten his planning duplicity - the turd.

    In brighter news, it definitely won't matter in any meaningful way for at least 4 years and hopefully longer :D.

  12. 8 hours ago, livingbygrace said:

    I had Michael Beint on my Windy City Sub list but was a little apprehensive about it because I was uncertain if he was alive yet.


    I know this isn't what you meant but this does read like a record attempt for youngest entrant in any dead pool comp ever - not even born yet?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3

  13. 17 minutes ago, gcreptile said:

    holistic methods, no chemo, no masectomy:


    Alternatively (pun utterly intentional):

    No medical intervention. No evidence based treatment. No brain cells. Thus sadly probably - No chance.

  14. 12 minutes ago, harrymcnallysblueandwhitearmy said:

    Paul Weller


    Another self-opinonated dick tbh. Quite why the ability to pen a few tunes means we should pay more attention to their opinions, particularly political ones, than those of others has always eluded me, see also, actors.....

    • Like 2

  15. 6 minutes ago, Bentrovato said:

    Out within the month and it was the butler after all. Marvellous. Just get her a job as Jimmy Carter's nurse is all I ask. 


    He's 99 years and 10 months too old for her to be remotely interested in the gig.




    too soon?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1

  16. Turns out there's a site (of sorts, more of a twitter/x page) that is currently attracting even more ire than we have historically - including now a Scottish MEP which has made front page news.

    It's in Spanish and apparently ranks countries by the number of their respective tourists that will be going home in a body bag due to having fallen from a balcony.

    The UK currently tops the, cough, "ranking".

    • Haha 1

  17. 14 minutes ago, Gooseberry Crumble said:

    Your very cynical lol! You don't think it could have been love of a kind?


    I never read the Daily Heil, but since you linked to it and I trust your judgement in these matters implicitly - I looked.


    I'd never given it a second thought til then (nor indeed that much even now), but lets be honest here "I thought I could live here (in this 5 million pile) for the rest of my life"?  Not, "I'm devastated the love of my life is gone, I don't care about the money of course it should mostly go to his kids". Now that could just be the papers take on it, they have form and are after all a clickbait outfit, but it's unlikely to be an outright lie, she could sue if it were.


    or TLDR: No, I don't.

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