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Scraggy Taters

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Posts posted by Scraggy Taters




    Winston Mosely, Kitty Genovese's killer is another one who'll probably die behind bars. Don't know much about him but he's getting on in years and as the case was pretty infamous he'll more than likely get a UK press mention.

    Died, indeed behind bars. Can't say I'll be mourning that one.


    And he does indeed get a UK press mention even if it is just the Daily Mail, which I don't seem to be able to link to.

    Have a like, some weird offshoot of ocd compels me to follow some links I'd rather not and the Daily Heil is right up there.


    Right up there on the far right if I'm not mistaken ?

    • Like 1


    One of my work colleagues copped off with a woman he met in his local pub last night.

    After spending the night with her, they went their separate ways (as ya do) and while he was tidying his bed up this morning, he found a (golf-ball sized) soggy red onion under his duvet. He swears there was no onion the day before as he doesn't eat raw onions & hadn't bought any for months.


    Well, no prizes for guessing where that had been.... :puke:



    As a bloke I really can't answer that one personally. Maybe she ran out of tampons ?!?


    I don't ideally wish to add 'oniony vagina' to my Google browser history as Mrs Taters will be asking awkward questions on the morrow.






    Don't be orry. Nobody will ind.

    I took the pains to find the pornstar thread!! http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=1598

    Yes it's fucking stupid in't?! I created a proper 'Porn Star' thread that disappeared days later, only to find it was merged into some thread titled Lara Roxx. I'm like WHO THE FUCK knows to look THERE? (Note: Unlike other cheeky titles, this one doesn't have an explanatory subtitle). But the Braindeads who run the show know better than you or I on this matter. In the meantime I've still never heard of Lara Roxx nor would have any idea what's in a thread with said title without opening it, which I guess I'm responsible to do for 1900 threads, according to Lord & Lady Braindead.




    Surely it's not that difficult to work out that a Pr0n actor is a porn actor?


    No but, lets face it, that rant upped his post count by a whole extra one.


    and yours...



    erm, ooh.. and mine !

    • Like 2

  4. One of my work colleagues copped off with a woman he met in his local pub last night.

    After spending the night with her, they went their separate ways (as ya do) and while he was tidying his bed up this morning, he found a (golf-ball sized) soggy red onion under his duvet. He swears there was no onion the day before as he doesn't eat raw onions & hadn't bought any for months.


    Well, no prizes for guessing where that had been.... :puke:








    A king and his court jester were washed up on a desert island. The king sent the jester off to explore the island in search of a woman. A day later the jester returned to report that the island was completely uninhabited.


    "Nonsense, jester!" the king said. "You must find me a woman!" So the jester set off again, but returned a day later with the same result.


    "Jester, I cannot survive without a woman!" thundered the king. "Look again!"


    Sadly, the result of the third search was just the same. And by the end of the week the king was at his wit's end.

    Read that three times now and still don't get it.

    He who laughs last had the joke explained to him.

    Indeed. That, or he just didn't find it very funny.



    Not a "knee slapper".



    I liked it.



    I understood it, didn't find it that amusing and to be honest I've never been much of a knee slapper.



    Weak in the knees?


    No, that's rheumatoid arthritis.

  6. If you mean 'Quincy M.E.' then I doubt it as Jack Klugman died over 3 years ago.


    If you mean 'Quincy Jones' then very likely, as he's not long turned 83...but may be dead by Christmas ?





    The mother of supermodel Imam, or let's say, David Bowie's mother-in-law, Maryan Baadi:



    That's bad luck, losing your husband and then your mum in the space of just a couple of months.

    Some would say bad luck, I'd say RESULT.


    If I had manic depression I'd still chuckle at that one. :hatsoff:


    It's called bipolar disorder these days and as a sufferer I've never laughed at anything, ever!


    I do apologise, personality psychology isn't my strong point so I shall leave it at that. Sorry Cat.

    • Like 1


    Whereas I've taken up gardening.

    Many a time have I tended to my overgrown bush in the garden, tool in hand, occassionally given it a good trim while the neighbours look on in amazement while I get a sweat on pushing the bulb into a dirty hole.


    At least you can't be arrested for using a old fleshlight in your own garden.


    Indeed ! It does help as I do most of my bush-trimming at night while next doors ginger pussy makes weird noises amongst my foliage.



    As the band members are all dead now, they'll be 'something in the ground'.


    Pete Townsend ?


    He played the bass



    As I understand it, he wasn't a formal member of the band. Call him a session musician for this. Anyway, Townshend will be dead by the year's end, if my list has anything to do with it.


    I'll second that Willz & Buford.

    Townshend had a lucky escape from the fuzz a few years ago regarding downloading kiddie-porn... claiming the material was for 'research'.

    The Reaper will catch up with him sooner rather than later methinx.

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