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Scraggy Taters

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Posts posted by Scraggy Taters






    Maybe they should - like - get together and talk it over!



    Nah, they don't talk anymore.



    That's so funny....


    Was that the B-side ? :scratchhead:


    British veteran actors Geoffrey Bayldon ('Catweazel' & also 'The Crowman' in Worzel Gummidge), Sean Connery (The original James Bond & the chap who got his knob out in the 1973 flop-flick Zardoz) & Michael Caine (you're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!') must be nearing the end ?

    Bayldons alive?????


    I'm confidently assuming so. 92 & still going strong.. doing what I don't know, but he's probably comatose on Horlicks & Werthers Originals in a nursing home in Berkshire as we type. :smileyd: (Just reverted my avatar pic back to Mr Bayldon as 'Catweazel')

    • Like 1


    Congrats to ImNotHades for posting this forum's finest ever "I'm not mad I'm actually laughing at how mad I'm not"



    Aye, a gem





    Sinead not taking it well, on the blower to the DEA I think.


    7 hours and 15 days is it?


    I thought she was lashing out at Arsenio Hall because he was speculating how long it will take for the first posthumous releases.


    7 hours and 13 days,


    So local radio stations are going to blare out the song in Prince's honour.






    To be fair regarding the posthumous releases - there's about 100 albums' worth of high-quality recording and the value of recorded music is still bumping along the bottom as the generations used to paying for it still bother. Crass as it may seem, if I was managing Prince's catalogue I wouldn't exactly hang around now.



    They're gonna milk that cash cow for as long as they can.




    There's a herd of cash cows there; the man suffered from making music. Possibly more than any of his peers.


    Though, after 1995 (The Gold Experience era), he was just churning out rush-released material that nobody remembers.

  4. British veteran actors Geoffrey Bayldon ('Catweazel' & also 'The Crowman' in Worzel Gummidge), Sean Connery (The original James Bond & the chap who got his knob out in the 1973 flop-flick Zardoz) & Michael Caine (you're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!') must be nearing the end ?


    I'd prefer it if the obits start, 'The fashion world mourns...'

    No no, "Kanye West. A genius and legend of music, fashion and film dies after wife holds fart too long and falls asleep next to his head. "


    Or his head becomes stuck between her arse cheeks.

    The last thing he'll hear before he suffocates to death is the Scottish paramedic saying "We kanye get him oot !"

    • Like 1




    Yes, I wouldn't recommend typing 'fucking google' either... :unsure:

    Do I dare to do that.....idiot me searched for the above mentioned "thing"..... ended on "Scottish men traditionally don't wear anything under kilts"...i got that with images


    I got the same images when I typed in 'ginger nuts'.


    what's wrong with us?


    Nothing mateypeeps, 'right topic, wrong forum' methinks. :blush: Best move on.. ^_^


    Yes, I wouldn't recommend typing 'fucking google' either... :unsure:

    Do I dare to do that.....idiot me searched for the above mentioned "thing"..... ended on "Scottish men traditionally don't wear anything under kilts"...i got that with images


    I got the same images when I typed in 'ginger nuts'.

    • Like 1

  8. Well, going by the number of times Prince did the splits in some of his late 1980s videos (Kiss & Alphabet Street for starters), I doubt he had a 'huge ackman'.... more of a 'tiny pacman'.









    Actually, I have seen fried egg on pizza. The Grosvener Cafe (long since gone and mourned) used to serve it, and it was lovely. Obviously, the egg doesn't bloody go in the oven, its not part of the pizza itself!


    Mind you, meat in the US tends to look like this from what I know:


    And all of them fit my definition of not cooked properly. So glasshouses and stones about the old food poisoning, eh.


    No, I will admit that I like it done so that a good vet might be able to get it back on its feet


    A 'knock the horns off and put it on the plate' type of gal eh? :lol:



    A cream pie perhaps?



    < consults Urban Dictionary and then wishes hadn't >



    Did the context not give away the nature?


    On a totally unrelated note, the whole premise of deathlisting is "pointlessly tasteless" according to the stazi mods at DigitalSpy. http://forums.digitalspy.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2147965


    Eugh, Digital Spit... it's the homosexual, manic depressive, left-wing version of Deathlist, minus any humour whatsoever.


    Hey, Corrie Fan2 Deathray, I didn't know you are a homosexual, manic depressive left-winger. :lol:



    With an Inactive Member giggle.gif


    Nothing wrong with Deathrays 'member' .. very much active I hear ! :sherlock:

  10. Absolutely Des O'Connor! 84 he was in January - haven't seen him about for a while. Didn't notice him at Ronnie Corbett's funeral last week .... so where is the tangerine coloured old boy!


    No doubt comparing B&Q colour charts with David Dickinson & Dale Winton.


    Des :- "Love the mahogany David !"


    David :- " No Des, it's more 'Mauritian Sunset' "


    Dale : - "More Jasmine tea boys ??"


    Des & David in unison :- "Fuck off Dale and take yer tea-boys with you !!"

    • Like 1

  11. It just got me!!! Prince was the real life Austin Powers. And boom.....



    I doubt Prince denied all knowledge of owning a Swedish penis-pump, despite being 'hung like a baby-carrot'.



    Grime MC NoLay in "critical condition" following car accident.


    Should be popular on this forum considering how many posters here also have the nickname "No lay"

    Maybe they find it difficult to even have a libido at all when surrounded by people who cum over Football Manager?



    lol @ u if you've never got dome while guiding Ilkeston to the Europa League final with a 5-4 aggregate win over Napoli.



    Meh. Been there, done that. Bit trickier with the Long Eaton under-14s girl team against Real Madrid.. as half the team were at home downloading the new Beyonce album 'Lemonade', three were 'poorly' with menstrual onset & the goalie had yesterday ran off to Nottingham to meet some '17 year old Jason Derulo fan' called Zain 'Doctor' Zorders. (?!) Met him on an internet chat-room apparently & didn't hit the block button.




    Biblio do you think you might have a list problem, should we book you into list rehab?


    I can handle it. Sometimes I can go days without creating a list....... I'm fine, I really am.


    How are the 'Listaholics Anonymous' meetings going btw ? :ph34r:



    Not well. The first thing we do is write a list of all those attending and then cross reference it against previous attendance. We then all have a drink so we create a list of who wants coffee, tea or other beverage and by the time we have done that we compile a list of future meeting dates.


    I am definitely going again next week.......


    That is encouraging news !

    Re : 'Other beverage', s'pose no alcohol is permitted at such meetings.. can't have you all 'Brahms & Liszt' can we ? ...

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