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Posts posted by Godot

  1. Just been looking up some stuff on Shirley Temple and found this

    - great stuff. Nothing to do with Temple, I just noticed that she and Garland went to the same dance school and were both up for the part of Dorothy in Wizard of Oz.


    More in the same vein:


  2. Can I ask a question, I may be being a right dunce though. Pete Postlethwaite was 64 at time of death, meaning 8 points, plus 3 for a unique pick makes 11, so why has the team who picked him 'Old Ma G's Gravy Mix' only got 9 points?

    A gravy-lover writes: Thanks Lardy. If a 50 point bonus were in my gift you'd have it. Hugs and kisses, G. Hadn't spotted that.

  3. Has anyone else had this bastard virus called Security Shield that tells you your computer is infected with all kinds of crap and promises to remove it for some vast sum? The thing is a virus in itself and it's one hell of a job getting rid of it. Is there any fellow sufferer who can advise me how to go about it? I would pay for something like Spywear Doctor if I could be sure it would work. I have McAfee on the computer but it didn't stop this little sod getting through.


    I've Googled it but there seems to be lots of advice, usually involving buying some protection software. I think all these bastards are in it together and don't trust any of them. I'm definitely getting a Mac next time.


    I had this about a year ago. I think http://www.combofix.org/ killed it for me.

    Aye it looks like it might, like all the other security stuff and virus zappers I'm downloading but this little bastard whacks them as soon as they poke their heads above the trench. So they're all lying doggo in the bottom of the trench refusing to come out. Something told me I should disable my existing security software. How? Kick it in the shins? It's like having an army of superheroes that are all trussed up by the bad guy before they can bring their powers to bear. McAfee, Spy Doctor and now this new one, Stopzilla - they're all there, snivelling and powerless while the security shield guys are popping out all over the place, pulling faces, throwing custard pies, kicking me up the backside. Meanwhile I'm writing this in safe mode. It's like having an invisible cloak but I have the feeling that its powers too could be failing. People keep telling me I'll have to do dangerous things like going in something called the registry file. This seems akin to snipping coloured wires in an unexploded bomb. The thought of it is bringing me out in a sweat. I just thought I'd be able to creep up behind it and knock it on the head.

  4. Has anyone else had this bastard virus called Security Shield that tells you your computer is infected with all kinds of crap and promises to remove it for some vast sum? The thing is a virus in itself and it's one hell of a job getting rid of it. Is there any fellow sufferer who can advise me how to go about it? I would pay for something like Spywear Doctor if I could be sure it would work. I have McAfee on the computer but it didn't stop this little sod getting through.


    I've Googled it but there seems to be lots of advice, usually involving buying some protection software. I think all these bastards are in it together and don't trust any of them. I'm definitely getting a Mac next time.

  5. Well after reading his Wikipedia entry it looks as if I'm probably the only one on here who's not familiar with the guy, what with his credits for Star Trek and I Robot and the like.


    But the bit I liked best on there took me to a cameo in Gay Talese's celebrated feature on Frank Sinatra. The whole feature is a long read but worth it. Gay Talese is new to me but shouldn't be; amazing to think he wrote that without getting an interview with Sinatra. The piece was written in 1966 long before the Godfather films that alluded to Sinatra's mafia connections. Talese is 78, coming up 79, and will get an obit when the time comes. But he looks OK just now.

  6. Anyone want to buy Harlan Ellison's first typewriter?


    Starting bid is $40,000



    I like his hat.

    Nice little story there. I must read A boy and his dog. I didn't know that Cormac McCarthy had been accused of ripping that off for The Road. Haven't read any Ellison. Can anyone tell me whether he's a good read and what might be his best stories (only if you've read them rather than passing on a second-hand review or Wikipedia entry)? It's good to know a little bit more about one's DDP picks. I didn't even know what Ellison looked like and he does look promisingly peaky. I hope he gets himself a good sale to buy an ice cream or whatever anyone close to death might crave. Maybe it's publicity and a chance to get even for some grievance. If so, it's probably served its purpose. If he writes as well as McCarthy he's certainly worth reading.


    Just a note on rip offs: is it wrong to take someone's idea and do your own version? Almost everyone has heard of 1984 by George Orwell but Yevgeny Zamyatin's We that inspired Orwell's book is far less well known. I'm not saying Zamyatin's is a better book but its ideas are original (unless there is someone who could claim he was ripped off by Zamyatin).

  7. Just seen the King's Speech - brilliant film, must be an Oscar contender. I predict it will get the BAFTA for best film but that it will be beaten to best film in the Oscars by The Social Network because the Americans stick to their own when they have a half decent film which that is. But Colin Firth will win the Oscar for best actor. Geoffrey Rush deserves best supporting actor too and might get the BAFTA but the Oscar there is more likely to go to Christian Bale in the Fighter although haven't seen that yet. I hope Bale doesn't get it after exposing himself as a shit in that outburst that's still out there on the internet. There's a link to it somewhere on the DL but it's easy enough to find if anyone is yet to be convinced that Bale is a grade a twat.


    Helena Bonham Carter is also good in the KS. She has to get an Oscar sooner or later.


    I've been looking on the Internet for some archive recording of George VI's earliest speeches, particularly the one at Wembley in 1925 but can't find it. The BBC has surprisingly little but lots on Edward VIII. If anybody finds the Wembley speech I'd be glad of a link. I was just curious to know how bad his stammer was in the early days. The film suggests it had something to do with being left-handed and forced to be right-handed, and generally having a miserable childhood.


    I have been a fan of this site for a number of years, and have often used it as a conversation stopper both at home and at work, but I must protest on the strongest terms abvout this years list (2011), despite a spectacular start with Gerry Rafferty, it rather lacks anyone of real character in the debutant department.


    The fact the list had failed to spot Anne Francis, star of Forbidden Planet, a film that not only was the best in its genre, but also was that important she was name checked in the opening title of The Rocky Horror Show, this leads me on in my rant, tal;king of Rocky Horror, why no mention of the supreme creator himself, surely Richard O'Brien is getting close to finding himself as a qualifier.


    The world of Science Fiction and Fantasy does seem not to get enough mentions, you drag you feet in not nominating Stan Lee, the overlord of Marvel Comics, co creator along with Stan Lee (88) of Spider-man and Dr Strange, Steve Ditko (83) should also be marketable for the 2012 list. Brian Aldiss, the leading British SF writer anyone?


    Perhaps we should already be thinking laterally for 2012, and trying to come up with some more original ideas for candidates than the also rans, has beens and never really weres that currently occupy such a dull list as we have this year.

    Welcome Mike. I think this is called getting your retaliation in first. Pull up a chair.

  9. It's all over and the English have something to smile about. 3-1 and the Ashes come home. :party:


    The Ashes :burnash:stay home! We already had them! :party:

    Well done to the Poms, for once.

    I feel that last time, you won, but didn't earn it -- Australia (Ponting more like) gifted it to you with some baffling and very poor captancy.

    But this time you won it well, no questions asked.

    Like I said, well done. Now, shut up and let's get on with something else.


  10. I am sure Ron would be happy to be photographed in a Deathlist T-Shirt. We would just have to clear it with the nursing home and his parole officer.


    Nothing smug about Ron and being alive. Given all his health scares over the years, it is a credit to the medical staff since he got out of prison that he is still going strong.




    PS: I think Clive also deserves a T-Shirt, the only man to be on the list longer than Ron.


    Chris, very nice of you to post these messages. I'm up for Ron getting a DL T-shirt - I'll stand a share of the cost.


    On a wider note, would Ron like to attend the next DeathList Convention as our most honoured guest, if so we can rearrange time and place (very much closer to you) so as he is not too inconvenienced?

    Cagey. B)


    Anyway 11 squid shouldn't be out of the way for a man of means . All that swag must be worth a pretty penny by now. Surely Ron hasn't spent it all? I forgot, they had it nicked. Not very clever to entrust it to a lawyer. The thieving bastard.

  11. Blah, blah sock, blah blah.


    Blah blah pizza blah.



    I always thought strangulation was considered sexual? He might have used the sock to deposit his load.


    I'm not sure we're allowed to post links to other forums but Forten Times has quite a lengthy thread on the murder, between us all I'm sure we can solve this one.



    Interesting stuff. They have no fucking idea either. On your ejaculatory sock theory Handy it seems unlikely he would have used the sock for two contemporaneous physical acts. If he had a hand at both ends there would have been no room for his knob. Unless, of course any masturbation was immediately after strangulation, but even then, jacking off in to a sock, even a killer sock isn't generally done. Is there a precedent? I think the police must know much more than they're letting out to try and coax someone in to slipping up in something they say.


    I'm only surprised the teacher hasn't got Max Clifford on the case yet. That he hasn't is probably something in the teacher's favour. If he comes out squeaky clean from this he should hire the best libel lawyer he can find. They'll have a field day. The South Africa note, if true, could be telling.

    • Like 1

  12. Dead and very nearly buried - the entire Australian cricket team. England 636-9 at lunch. What a series. Let's all do the sprinkler.

    For the sake of neatness and DL posterity I'd like to record that England's first innings total was 664 all out, before the sword was applied in the afternoon. With three wickets left and a day to go, the kindest thing we could say about Australia is that there's a trace of a pulse. It's raining here but you wouldn't know it. All I can see are the sunny uplands. Bring on the open-topped bus. B)

  13. Not even a sock this morning. It's all getting a bit thin. Surely the combined intellects of Deathlisters can crack this case wide open. OK, we didn't find Madeleine but there was no shortage of theories.


    As Windsor has suggested, I think it was someone who knew the area and possibly knew her. The problem with the mad teacher is that he's just too obvious, the classic nutter who diverts attention from the real killer. But he's still under suspicion so perhaps the police are waiting for him to trip himself up. He was said to be a weedy individual. The police reckon that the person who dumped the body might have been thinking of the quarry on the other side of the wall. Maybe the dead weight was too much to lift. And what about the unsolved murder in the area many years ago? Is that connected? The danger is that the police jump to too many conclusions too soon and overlook some things that don't fit their assumptions. It's happened before.


    In a case like this the police have to sift out the hard facts from the conjecture. If they'd have done that with Peter Sutcliffe they'd have caught him years before they did.


    Her boots were left in the flat so are we to believe she went out in her stocking feet? Maybe she never went back there but quite a few of her things that she would have taken out with her were in the flat including the pizza receipt. It's possible she was murdered there with her sock, then her killer ate the pizza and removed the package with her body. The package could have been dumped anywhere and the sock saved as a souvenir. Another few days without anything new and they'll have to resort to the reconstruction of her last known movements, always a sign of desperation.


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