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Posts posted by Godot

  1. It's a good list which could return a record body count if the contenders pull their fingers out. I like the father and son Douglas listing. I hadn't heard of Fergie Frederikson but Miser's given him the thumbs up so I must put that down to a lack of worldliness. The committee must have picked this early in the session.


    They remain remarkably faithful to Betty Ford when she's let us down so often in the past. But Biggs, another favourite, must surely take his bow this year.

  2. I suspect this will be one of the thinnest threads on the forum. If he had been listed as "butler" rather than actor I might have twigged who he was. There was a time when the committee would have rejected him under the fame rule but this year's choices look to have been influenced by a desire for a high body count. I recognised him as soon as I saw the face but he doesn't have strong name recognition.

  3. A few last minute adjustments to the team sheet and it's in. Last one to be pulled out of the squad was Ruth Bader Ginsburg who's naturally disappointed given her promising symptoms, but she failed to deliver in 2010 so I've sent on Elizabeth Taylor in her place. Taylor's been in such good form of late it's hard to keep her out of the side but she really needs to score this time.

  4. Anyone with even half an interest should see this Kinks documentary before iplayer nixes it. Elegiac, especially for an ex-north Londoner like me. I wrote several of my, ahem, best songs in a house directly above the bridge shown at 39:55. Ray's a witty and genial host too - thank you for the days, Davies.

    Thanks for the post Harry, missed it on the box, great documentary.

  5. This will only appeal to a few, but I did enjoy reading this rambling account of a hapless Sheffield Wednesday supporter's trip to watch his team play Exeter City on Saturday. It was the only game in Leagues 1 and 2 not to be called off due to snow and the Wednesday fans had to battle though appalling weather conditions to make it to St James Park. Many hundreds turned back, but those who arrived in time got to watch one of the most inept teams ever witnessed get battered 5-1 by a rampant Exeter (I speak with authority as I was there :( ). Some fans didn't make it back to Sheffield until 8am on Sunday.

    Great post DDT. That account ought to be read by some of those rich arseholes in the premiership to remind them of what the game means to people at the grass roots away from the telly money, the big trophies and the prats who run FIFA. The nose-clipping story was a bonus.

  6. I thought we already had a sitcom thread?


    Anyway, Gerald Sim, John Nettleton, Dora Bryan, Stephen Lewis, Geoffrey Hughes, Penny Marshall, John Horsley, Hywel Bennett, Tony Booth and Bill Pertwee would be amongst the next.


    But then every so often we have somelike Anton Rdogers or that chap from 2.4 children that just go *snap* like that...

    Do you mean this one?


    Thanks OoO and guest, I've refrained from amalgamating as I was sure there was another thread addressing this subject but couldn't find it, if TMIB has no objections I will merge them tomorrow, but if TMIB would like to keep his thread, let me know.


    As I have had no feedback/objections, I have merged the threads. There are probably a few other threads for forgotten sitcom actors that could be merged into this one too (let me know if you come across one and I will do the necessary). If Godot, who started this homage to Mollie and her compatriots doesn't mind, I'd like to change the title to reflect that it is for all forgotten sitcom stars. Mollie can, of course, have a starring role in the byline.


    That would make sense. Some of those oldies in the Vicar of Dibley such as John Bluthal could be worth reviewing.

  7. Babs the Impossible by Sarah Grand. While it lacks a mature vernacular for effective expression of abstract ideas. The writer tries hard, and it's evident in a very whimsical tale about a small English Hamlet that has optioned not to add a rail road through it's lands, and consequently missed the industrialization and has fallen by the wayside. A Feminist, Grand writes and describes 5 different country noble women, who cope with boredom in very different ways, economic stagnation and perhaps genetic stagnation, as all able men have the ability to escape the depressing but beautiful village. The story is told through the eyes, of Babs (Lorrane) Kingconstance, a tempermental child who hasn't coped with personal stagnation and stunted intellectal growth. She however applies herself to be a hellion girl and indicates a very strong intelligence, as she devises ways to make life hell for everyone to relieve her boredom... including her glutton dimwitted mother heiress of the Kingconstance fortune, her suicidal aunt who is also called , a loony bachelorette Miss Spice, who entertains herself with unhealthy delusions of fancy in everyday things and exists in a wonderful but unrealistic fantasy world, etc etc etc.


    The book was charming in a quaint way. It could be a parody of Victorian-Edwardian era romance novels, by describing in limited vocabulary, but very descrptive minute ways what goes through the minds of women who are bored housewives suck in the boonies, before the age of mass media, television, internet, Sex toys, and recreational drugs, or Tai-bo palates.

    Mmm, on reflection, if it doesn't have a mature vernacular for effective expression of abstract ideas I think I may give it a miss. That's the first thing I look for in a book.

  8. I have recently unearthed several ecclesatical leaders, who are very aged or in frail health. Sadly none of them are really famous enough to qualify for their own thread, but I would think most of them should get an obit in the UK.


    It has been a spiritually enriching experience, reading about the exploits of fine fellows below. Feel free to add any men of God I might have missed:


    Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria

    Archbishop Christodoulos

    Patriarch Maxim of Bulgaria

    Whakahuihui Vercoe of Rotorua

    Cahal Cardinal Daly

    Pavle, Patriarch of Serbia

    The Most Reverend and Most Holy Father, His Beatitude Ignatius IV, Patriarch of Antioch, the Great City of God, of Syria, Lebanon, Arabia, Cilicia, Mesopotamia and all the East


    I predict they will all be dead within 2, 3, 4 years. :angry2:


    Patriarch Maxim of Bulgaria, 96, has been forced to issue a statement confirming that he is still alive, following media reports that he has died, or was gravely ill.




    It's almost worth entering that last one in the DDP, just to give TMIB a hard time. :ninja:


    On the question of titles I was reading in the paper this morning that Prince Edward got Earl of Wessex after he saw it on telly when there was a character in the film, Shakespeare in Love with that title. Edward thought it sounded cooler than the Duke of Cambridge, the one on offer at the time.


    The thing is that while the rest of us sit around our Christmas lunches pulling crackers, these arseholes are trying out titles on each other which are then "bestowed" and the rest of the lumpen numpties (otherwise know as subjects) just swallow the whole rigmarole and double their orders for Hello magazine. I'm with the mob.

    • Like 1

  9. Jazz saxophonist James Moody dies at 85.


    Heir and convicted murder John du Pont dies at 72.


    Here, here and here. Don't you even bother to look, you ignorant yank cunt?


    If you are going to insult members, at least have the decency to sign in so we know who you are.



    Look, some of us fought a protracted longish campaign to have the swear-filter removed, arguing that people here didn't need to be nannied by a bit of software. Windsor you have form. Now stop it. Right sentiments, wrong way to express them. Sometimes I'm really not surprised you were kicked out of the Boys' Brigade Band.


    I don't call people cunts all the time. Just when they do something rather cuntish. Like what that cunt did there.


    Anyway. Point taken. What was the point in having the swear filter removed if not to swear?

    I suppose it's a bit like the freedom to bear arms in the US: to be used when a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. And maybe, as you say, this was one of those occasions, but it can become habit-forming. Anyway for fuck's sake, I'm not really worried about cuss words, just a bit bored today, ticking off one more day I don't have to go Christmas shopping.


    Besides, if it's good enough for

    Andrew Marr and
    , I suppose it's good enough for you. My apologies, carry on.

  10. In these uncertain times of war in Westminster and carnage on the cobbles, it's nice to see they've forgiven Junkie Jim for whipping it out in Miami all those years ago, if the offending chap was indeed whipped out.


    It's about this time I usually rate my albums of the year... but does Liege and Lief or Penguin Eggs really count? :angry2:

    And yes, who the hell is John Grant?


    Ah well, maybe it really is all over.


    Oh please Guest_Truth_*, you Dear Abby of New York, help me to get through this midlife crisis.

    Harry, my man at the turntable says what you need is Pitchfork. Yet to come up with a 2010 list but he (my man at the turntable) reliably informs me that five of last year's top 10 list were "real gems". He ventures The Suburbs by Arcade Fire as one of his albums of the year. Personally I'm rather fond of Seasick Steve, my cousin in the Boondocks.


    Liege and Lief took me back to that teenage world of hurt. I never really got over lending out my copy of Court of the Crimson King and never getting it back. I wonder if others have lingering resentment for albums loaned and never returned? It wouldn't have mattered had it been Tubular Bells which I still have and only play these days to annoy the missus. Note to self: must play Tubular Bells tomorrow.

  11. Jazz saxophonist James Moody dies at 85.


    Heir and convicted murder John du Pont dies at 72.


    Here, here and here. Don't you even bother to look, you ignorant yank cunt?


    If you are going to insult members, at least have the decency to sign in so we know who you are.



    Look, some of us fought a protracted longish campaign to have the swear-filter removed, arguing that people here didn't need to be nannied by a bit of software. Windsor you have form. Now stop it. Right sentiments, wrong way to express them. Sometimes I'm really not surprised you were kicked out of the Boys' Brigade Band.

  12. Is it wrong that I'm gutted she couldn't hang on another for a few more weeks...


    Not wrong, but illogical since every DDP player with a shout of winning would have had her. The debate would have been whether to make her your joker. But now that's all academic. Had she survived, including her in your team would not have won you the DDP but not including her would have left you needing to make ground on those who did. This is probably the most literal definition of a dead certainty.

  13. Since the founder of WikiLeaks is not going to go away unless his disappearance is arranged as some have suggested, the saga of WikiLeaks is going to run and run. So perhaps we should record its progress here.

    Is he good DeathList material or is he too well known to "fall" under a No. 7 bus? It's not as if he hasn't made any enemies. Some are smelling blood already. From Wikipedia:

    An editorial in the Washington Times by Jeffrey T. Kuhner said Assange should be treated "the same way as other high-value terrorist targets" and be assassinated. Former Nixon aide and talk radio host G. Gordon Liddy has reportedly suggested that Assange's name be added to the "kill list" of terrorists who can be assassinated without a trial. U.S. Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell has called Assange "a high-tech terrorist". Former U.S. House speaker Newt Gingrich has been quoted as saying, "Information terrorism, which leads to people getting killed, is terrorism, and Julian Assange is engaged in terrorism. He should be treated as an enemy combatant." Fox News' National Security Analyst and host Kathleen Troia "K.T." McFarland has called Assange a terrorist, Wikileaks "a terrorist organization" and has called for Bradley Manning's execution if he is found guilty of making the leaks. Incoming Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Peter King, has requested the Obama administration to declare Wikileaks a "Foreign Terrorist Organization".



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