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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders

  1. Definite realignment of the series to be sure but then Dr Who has always done that. I didn't get all that antimilitary nonsense from the Doctor either. I was watching the Horror channel the other day and it had 'The Robots of Death' from 1977. Now there was a Dr Who story, the absolute business!

    Haven't seen that one. I think the Doctor should have been more anti-military, not less.


    My word, some of you Brits certainly are passionate about the show!


    Please... don't paint all Brits with such a broad brush, we're not all the same. I don't stereotype about you kangaroo fuckers do I?

    • Like 1

  2. Queen Victoria died on 22 January 1901. Therefore there are only 16 Victorians left who are verified the youngest of whom is Opal Thompson who was born on 13 January 1901.

    Not even enough for a DDP team.


    Surely to qualify as a "Victorian", you have to have been a subject of the monarch of the day. Therefore there are only 2 - the UK's Ethel Lang, and Violet Brown from Jamaica, who is a little older. Hopefully Ethel outlives the Jamaican lady, only seen appropriate that the last Victorian alive is from Britain!



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  3. May I eulogise by saying he was the funniest Brass Eye victim by far? (IMO)


    Definitely top 3 anyway.


    He'd be mad as a lorry if he read this


    I'm "lightly bonkers". Because he was in my 2015 DDP line-up. And I only just started putting it together the other day...

  4. If like me you prefer to watch a parody of someone while they're still around (if possible), you should seek out and watch (or re-watch) the brilliant Simpsons episode "The Trouble with Trillions" in which Fidel Castro "appears". (Although it's not him providing the voice, obviously.......)


    Also, dunno if anyone in these times still does the thing with the male relatives at X-mas where you all sit down and watch "guy movies" (i.e. action movies) but the brilliant and underrated Die Hard 2, which features a Castro-esque leader as one of the main villains is definitely worth watching (again).


    That should be enough Castro for any sane person.....


    I assumed it was meant to be Noriega...


    What, with the cigar and beard? Yeah....

  5. If like me you prefer to watch a parody of someone while they're still around (if possible), you should seek out and watch (or re-watch) the brilliant Simpsons episode "The Trouble with Trillions" in which Fidel Castro "appears". (Although it's not him providing the voice, obviously.......)


    Also, dunno if anyone in these times still does the thing with the male relatives at X-mas where you all sit down and watch "guy movies" (i.e. action movies) but the brilliant and underrated Die Hard 2, which features a Castro-esque leader as one of the main villains is definitely worth watching (again).


    That should be enough Castro for any sane person.....

  6. https://www.facebook...352578144925097 -Frankie Fraser dead at 90 according to this and twitter posts.
    He's being mawned by milyuns


    He's in a coma according to this


    That's 2 days old! This could still be a false alarm though. However the number of illiterate Brits mourning on twitter seems to indicate it's true.


    Also I think we might have to wait until tomorrow for a UK news report on this is if true cos his barbarism was relatively mild, done for personal gain not for "Allah" and he presumably didn't speak a word of Arabic and he couldn't have videotaped it given he did it so many decades ago so all the UK news staff will just be like "BOOOOOORIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING".

  7. The following 3 are reportedly on deaths door and would be close to certain deaths if they make it to Jan 1

    Mad Frankie Fraser

    Peter Sutcliffe

    Gordie Howe



    Er..... yeah..... I know he is... because I'm the one who alerted DL to it while everyone else ignored how much of a gargantuan lardarse/sickly old coughbag he has become. *facepalm*


    Might not even actually bother picking him now, I'm so annoyed. :shoot:

  8. Wrestlers no one cares about:

    Superstar Billy Graham -Liver problems

    Jake "the snake" Roberts cancer and pneumonia/lung damage.


    Everyone stop using my sarcastic remarks as a template now....


    That's what Fred Hoyle said about "Black Holes"...


    I had to Google that to check whether it was an episode of Filthy Rich and Catflap.


    Also, to the people saying "Keep"...... there's still over a month to go!

  9. Wrestlers no one cares about:

    Superstar Billy Graham -Liver problems

    Jake "the snake" Roberts cancer and pneumonia/lung damage.


    What...? I think enough people like/remember Jake the Snake.... when I made that was remark I was talking about people who suggest "Verne Gagne" and other incredibly obscure types should be on the front page.


    Everyone stop using my sarcastic remarks as a template now....

  10. Incidentally, re Mad Frankie, the man's duties on behalf of the Krays included extracting teeth without any pain relief (other than that provided by the concussion from the earlier beating), so he wasn't short of enemies. He was shot in 1991 but wouldn't grass the shooter to the Old Bill.


    All told, he's done well to see 90.


    Wow, so much effort. If he'd been born 30 years later he could have just made them watch the Nevermind the Buzzcocks "intros round".

  11. Private Eye magazine.


    Any DLers still read it? I've been finding it really dull in the last few months..... okay, years....... and I'm not just saying that cos they've been upping their anti-UKIPism recently. Not even "Dumb Britain" and the Colemanballs section make me laugh any more. I wish it would stop (dis)gracing our doormat.

  12. According to this morning's Sun, Mad Frankie Fraser isn't going to see too many more days. Probs cheated us if we missed him this year. In the unlikely event he rallies, he's nailed on for next year.


    Fuck. Was gonna suggest his name for the front page..... and did for this year's ( :rolleyes: ).


    Come on Frankie, we all know you were born experienced enough to defeat this coma.....

  13. False accusatons of rape are very common these days, because the assumptions favour the woman's story over the men's...


    Yes, and if anyone dares suggest that the man is innocent, or the woman led him on, they are trampled by the mob of howling sheeple.


    Another thing I agree with that someone recently got shot down for saying: being raped by a stinking ugly violent stranger who jumps you in a dark alleyway IS worse than being "raped" by somebody that you have previously had consensual sex with.


    The worst thing is that footballers have got away with a lot of shit before but now they all finally start protesting and it's for a guy who obviously just got screwed over by a girl who changed her mind afterwards. Utter dipshits.

  14. So now that the mid terms are over do we skip straight to 2016 or shall we pause a while to watch the viscious scrap that is going to be the UK 2015 General Election?


    very real potential that both leaders will be challenged directly after the election or even before. Green-Lab-SNP-Lib-UKIP coalitionis my bet on the government after the election.


    WTF? Cameron's not going anywhere sadly. Also who right now gives a flying fuck who the leaders are after the election?


    Anyway I'm loving seeing Ed Miliband in trouble. The Labour party are showing balls I never thought they had, talking about changing leaders this "close" to an election.... does anyone else think he's done now? A lot people on Thurs/Friday were essentially saying this phase will pass but the talk has got way more powerful over the weekend.


    Can't stand the sodding weirdo, surely they are going to get rid of him now, you can't have this much talk from party people about someone being useless without getting rid of them.......?


    Labour party rules do not allow the leader to be removed from within the party this close to an election so unless he falls on his own sword he will be leader in May 2015. I do get the impression with a lot of this talk is that it is designed to make Ed Milliband look weak rather than evidence that he is weak. What he could really do with is a couple of high profile celebrity deaths to keep the press occupied so they don't spend their time thinking up stupid Ed Milliband stories.


    Ed Miliband is actually one of the most effective Leaders of the Opposition in recent memory. After all, his intervention prevented the Syrian bombing (thus in retrospect preventing said country to be handed to IS on a plate), forced the issue on higher energy prices, stood up to Murdoch over the BSkyB takeover and hacking and had the cannonballs to stand up against his Blairlite brother against all expectations and win. To top it off he's taken a principled stand over Palestine which has pissed off the Zionists and no mistake. If that's what he's like in opposition, what will he like as PM? Hence the plotting to get rid of him...


    Er....... Zionists eh? And you guys suggest us EU-sceptics are "paranoid"?


    Cheeeeeerist. This thread should never have been bumped in the first place.


    Oh well, almost all the people who "liked" that post were already on my fucktard list anyway so not too much damage done... :blink::rolleyes:

  15. The way Dave Whelan is holding the scarf in this picture thinks he may be one to keep an eye on.


    You mean....... like a confused old lady? Yeah..... not sure if getting excited over a hand is a bit too much but he does look kinda rubbish for his age generally.


    Also he got in trouble for saying stuff about Jews, which is the sign of a senile mind.

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