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Dr. Zorders

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Posts posted by Dr. Zorders

  1. Today 10 years ago Dutch cyclist and 1978 road world champion Gerrie Knetemann died, aged 53




    The same day director Theo van Gogh was assassinated. Guess which death is all remembered today.




    I've got to hand it to that Dutch-Moroccan fella who shot him........ killing Van Gogh in the street was the perfect way to refute those silly allegations he made that Islam is somehow, like, violent or something. Such a witty riposte.

  2. I miss The Pooka.

    Utter class.


    Did he die, or go to prison or something?

    Well, IIRC, his/her ( who really knows) persona did go to prison and he/she was out on licence.....

    They wrote one of the most brilliant posts on here ever, they were witty and very very clever.

    The Ying to my fuggin yang or summat.


    Er.. did you mean to imply what you just did?

  3. I miss PROPER Tizer.


    Eh? Did they change the recipe or something or is u just havving a laff?


    Anyway.......yeah, Tizer, Twixes, Lion Bars, Yorkies, Toffee Crisps and most importantly


    That was a great childhood, praise be to whoever decided to put that Esso garage only about 180ft away from my house. Now if you'll excuse me I've got to go inject my insulin....

    • Like 2

  4. So, as far as I can tell Frankie Muniz has almost made it through an October without having a (mini-)stroke for the first time since 2011, good job bro.


    I remember I felt really bad for him when I heard the reports, but that was before I remembered how much he probably got paid just for playing a boy who talks to a camera so I think I only feel about 60% as bad now. Still bad though.

  5. I thought maggots came out of Apples not faggots.



    WTF? Did you put on your favourite Doctor Who outfit this morning without realising a bad wash had rendered it the exact same bunch of colours as Roy Chubby Brown's on-stage gear?


    That was Colin Baker's costume, wasn't it?


    Yeah thats what I was thinking hahaha

  6. I have it on good authority that there is an announcement pending about Denis Norden. The dusty bugger is rumoured to be on the verge of 'rolling a seven'.


    Is this information from his "driver" again? If so, fuck off. Worst driver since David Coulthard, and/or the 1999 video game.

    • Like 2

  7. Apparently cameras have been allowed into Broadmoor for the first time, for a documentary which will air next week.


    But I've read about it and we won't bee seeing Sutcliffe or any of the public's, er.. "favourites". And it'll probably be shit cos it's ITV

  8. Helen Fawkes first words in months are.....tumours are shrinking.


    Over 50 bouts of experimental chemo cannot be good though I would have thought.



    This is easily one of the most depressing blog posts I've read. Seems like these experimental drugs she's been receiving have been very successful at extending her life, but at what cost? At the age of 41, lying around watching the telly all day and still feeling tired, being sick all day throwing up at the mere thought of receiving another dose of the chemo drug... I wonder whether that's a life worth living. Perhaps for the false hope that this time the effects are gonna last and the new wonder drug will make the cancer disappear once and for all (and when the cancer starts growing again, yet another more toxic chemo drug should await her).


    To be honest, this makes me think that if I ever get diagnosed with advanced cancer, I should opt for a good dose of sleeping pills instead of this.


    You know Sky1 show three episodes of The Simpsons every night, right? Sometimes more?

  9. This dying scientist/defence worker made a so-called "confession" about the goings on at Area 51, back in August.


    Some rather weird comments/odd descriptions from him but he says some of the aliens are friendly and "helping us" invent stuff or something.




    And he has some pictures which he holds up to the camera like something filmed in your garage with a camcorder or something.

  10. Does anybody ever wonder just what the fuck Mr. C does all day? Or attempts to do? (Apart from sit around sporting that confused old man look that he has in all his pics.) It's an odd situation he's in because most dictators don't retire from dictating - they either get deposed in a bloody fashion or they die in the job.


    I know he had a stroke a couple of years ago so I guess that means visits from lap dancers are off the menu.

    Does he sit back and reminisce to himself about his favourite moments of oppression?

    Does he bug Putin with text messages and offer him Worthers' Originals if he comes round to visit again?

    Does he pose in front of the mirror in his JJB threads and make comments like "Classy!" and "Pimp!"?


    Surely we are only days or weeks away, I feel ecstatically excited about his imminent demise, the only thing I don't like is I neglected to put him on my HPDP entry.

    • Like 1

  11. I picked up a paper hankie and it ran across the table shouting. It said: "Salmon live in trees and eat pencils, David Moyes is the best football boss there ever was and JFK topped himself with an exploding gob stopper."


    Honestly, it was nowt but a tissue of lies!


    Eh....... quite awful but still better than a couple of the ones Phantom has posted.

  12. https://twitter.com/Jtillathekilla2 -Judging by Jennifer Tilly`s photo last night Sam was honoured at ana wards ceremony and she had to collect it in his honour.Not surprising as he had double chemo in the week and thanked his nurse for getting him through a "tough night".I am surprised a doctor sanctioned double chemo given his obvious physical frailty.

    With enough money people can always find a doc who'd give the OK. I guess it was actually his own decision. They might tell him about the risks, the side effects, the slim chances of success - but if Sam still insists he'd wanna go forward with it, then they can't stop him. Sam's tweets, especially earlier this year, revealed a very determined, combative attitude towards his disease. And the fact that he & the earlier chemo rounds had seemed to fare much better than initially predicted could have fuelled his false hopes that he might even stand a chance against the cancer. Now he might be resigned to his fate (though I'm not sure), but if he wants to prolong his life as much as possible, he has to pursue an aggressive course of treatment since the cancer should become more and more resistant to chemo and affect more and more organs.


    So basically you're saying:


    Cancer's gonna cance.

    • Like 1

  13. Does my hand make it look like I'm signalling "M." to some guy and "iddle finger" to another? If it does I apologise.


    They should give you a warning for this shit. When was the last time the mods dished one out...

    Granted, it may appear "trollish" to mention a former politician in an actors thread but it's actually not. In 1937, Gough worked as a small-time actor/bit player in an Australian film. While his role was insignificant, fact still remains: he has a movie in his resume. It's mentioned in his own thread here btw.




    If Paul or anyone else wants to warn me, I won't mind, but I don't think they deem my post as "warn-worthy". :rolleyes:


    Yeah I saw that broh............. I knew it was technically correct....... but .... anyone who cares enough about Gough the Cough for that tidbit would already find it there........ so hence why it was a bit of a Deathray-ey post... anyway I was only (kinda) kidding, calm down!!!!!!


    (that post was a bit LFNy or summat wasn't it)


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