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Magere Hein

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Everything posted by Magere Hein

  1. Magere Hein

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    FTFY (before somebody else leaps in and does so, it can be pedant city around these parts ) Ah, who gave you the nod? Welcome to the DL Pedants' Society.
  2. Magere Hein

    Deathrace 2016

  3. Magere Hein

    Suicidal Celebs

    It'll be an ipad. Know! he as gut a fone that corects is automatic the type and stuf. Not easy that, typing with your tongue on a phone in your mouth.
  4. Magere Hein

    Quiz Time

    You got 2/10 Brain dead How did you do? You beat 15% of others.
  5. Magere Hein

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    Well she has got to survive the infection and surgery.I am not holding my breath though. It's not you we want to hold his breath, we have a list of others for that.
  6. Magere Hein

    Lookie Likey

    It seems they also have a job as Dutch footy analyst Jan van Halst.
  7. Magere Hein

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Well, I'm making progress. I quote V.F.F. Chladnl, Neue Beiträge zur Kenntniß der Feuermeteors und der herabgefallenen Maſſen; part 5, in: Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Volume 2, Berlin, J. C. Poggendorff (ed) , 1826, Published by Abrosius Barth, Leipzig So the dead man was a drummer who was beating the retreat. Annalen der Physik was and is an old and respectable scientific journal. The article gives as source: Asiatical Journal, Oct 25, 1825. p. 486 and says it quotes a message dated 17 January 1825 in the India Gazette. No more time now, I have leads.
  8. Magere Hein

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    I've been trying to find out who exactly got killed by a meteorite 200 year ago. And failed. There were close calls though. If confirmed, this may well be the first recorded 'death by meteorite'. Evah. If confirmed. Second one on that list for January 1825 has "man killed, woman injured in meteorite fall" Yes, but that one isn't very well documented. See here for a discussion. According to http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1945-5100.1951.tb00184.x/pdf(table 1, pp 76-77) : Well it was 200 years ago, they probably didn't think of it at the time. Nowadays we record practically everything. True, but there were newspapers and scientific journals then. I don't suppose killer meteorites were common as holy grails in a Monty Python film then. Somebody must has noticed and written a Letter to the Editor.
  9. Magere Hein

    David Bowie

    And more importantly: who's next? Bowie's hairdresser's plumber? I know, right. And don't start in on the mechanic who maintained said hairdresser's plumber's Ford F-250, because that's my second cousin's stepmom's current husband after his dad died. He does have stage 3 pancreatic come to think of it. Who does? Your second cousin or Bowie's hairdresser's plumber's car mechanic?
  10. Magere Hein

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    I've been trying to find out who exactly got killed by a meteorite 200 year ago. And failed. There were close calls though. If confirmed, this may well be the first recorded 'death by meteorite'. Evah. If confirmed. Second one on that list for January 1825 has "man killed, woman injured in meteorite fall" Yes, but that one isn't very well documented. See here for a discussion. According to http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1945-5100.1951.tb00184.x/pdf(table 1, pp 76-77) :
  11. Magere Hein

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    There's no denying the fact that every little thing can do for poor old Zsa Zsa, but I don't think this is it. She's survived much worse. Should complications arise, I'll reconsider. BTW, I threw her off my DDP team long ago. Too little expected return for investment.
  12. Magere Hein

    David Bowie

    And more importantly: who's next? Bowie's hairdresser's plumber?
  13. Magere Hein

    Death Anniversary Thread

    I always like to leave something for you Sir C. And once you've reached Dostoyevsky it's hard to move on. Those books are on the shelf to impress visitors. You're not required to read them.
  14. Magere Hein

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    I've been trying to find out who exactly got killed by a meteorite 200 year ago. And failed. There were close calls though. If confirmed, this may well be the first recorded 'death by meteorite'. Evah. If confirmed.
  15. Magere Hein

    Animal Antics

    And very apropos it is: the animal lives in Hartlepool! For a while, at least.
  16. Magere Hein

    Liam Neeson

    The Virgin Mary?
  17. Magere Hein

    Plane, Train And Automobile Crashes

    >100 people hurt, 55 badly. (says Sueddeutsche Zieitung)
  18. Magere Hein

    Lester Piggott

    Plenty of other Dutch swearwords though. I advise to use the expressions there with reluctance. Some are real, useful and hard-working Dutch swearwords. Others are rarely used or even made up. Several are badly spelled and using those involves the risk of being laughed at. The English word ''bollocks'' has several meanings. There is no single Dutch word that captures all those meanings at once. Using http://nl.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Bollocks as a template, let's see: something rubbish -> kutzooi a falsehood or series of lies -> gelul something great -> N/A the best possible -> N/A testicles -> kloten exclamation on making a error.-> kut! Dutch has no swearwords for something great or the best possible. Why should it, they don´t exist anyway in this context. Swearing and name calling in Dutch follow a relatively simple procedure. 1. Take a basic independent word for the person or thing you want to insult or swear at: vent, lul, pik, piemel, zak, eikel for males, wijf, kut, hoer, snol for females, kind, aap for children and ding for things as well as homo, nicht and flikker for (homosexual) males. Gender-neutral alternatives are hufter, boer, hond, knurft, sukkel. If you're in a mellow mood, you can leave it at that. 2. Prepend a word for emphasis. Usable are: 2a. The names of genitalia (or parts of male ones): klote, zak, lul for males, kut for women and children. 2b. The names of diseases: pokken (smallpocks), kanker (cancer), tering (tuberculosis), pest (plague), tyfus (typhoid fever), pleuris (pleurisy) 2c. The names of human waste: stront, poep for shit, pis, zeik for piss, snot. Examples: klootzak, lulhannes, kutwijf, teringwijf, kloteding, pleuriskind, snotaap, kankerhoer, pisnicht. Kutweer is bad weather. In exceptional cases step 2 is repeated: teringsnotaap, kutzeikwijf. A few independent words work well for name calling: (for males) - hufter - boerelul (for females) - trut - takkewijf There´s more, but the above description will cover most cases. Swearing in Dutch is rather primitive. The above names of diseases, genitalia and human waste are much used and there's the mainstay: godverdomme.
  19. Magere Hein

    Adverts - you either love 'em or hate 'em

    Dunno, I used to drive a Volvo Amazon named Bob.
  20. Magere Hein

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    We also have the Arrogant Academics topic for such talking heads.
  21. Magere Hein

    Joey Feek

    OK. Have I told you of the new machine we have for that problem?
  22. Magere Hein

    Joey Feek

    That's not a cute puppy, that's a bad dog! They even cut off most of its tail for punishment!
  23. Magere Hein

    Joey Feek

    Ah yes, garden flowers, how could I forget.
  24. Magere Hein

    Moon Dust Between Their Toes

    According to the ever accurate Wikipedia, the Apollo Program set back the American taxpayers $25 billion, presumably dollars of 1973, $133 billion when indexed to 2015. The same article quotes a 2009 estimate by NASA of the Apollo program costs in 2005 dollars as roughly $170 billion. That's a hefty bill, whichever way you calculate it. Elsewhere on Wikipedia it's claimed that the program consumed roughly 4% of federal spending 1964-66. I can't be arsed to look up what that would amount to in the current US budget, but it would be several hundred of billions. I don't see NASA doing it. Manned space flight works well for prestige and national pride and the imagination, but it's not the best exploration available for the money. I'm glad NASA put the money in probes and space telescopes. For prestige and national pride the Moon is not attractive anymore, Mars is. If the Chinse get their finances in order, they might find it attractive enough. It seems to me the Russians lost their appetite (or the budget, or both). The big problem is of course economics. Only nations can bill manned space flight. The only inroad for commercial space flight is tourism. It might help, but it's a trip only few can afford. Otherwise: there's nothing out there worth the cost of taking it and selling it dirtside. A penal colony, perhaps?

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