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Magere Hein

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Posts posted by Magere Hein



    Seems to be a year for former prime ministers. :D

    Oooh, may I suggest former Dutch PM Piet de Jong (b. 3 April 1915) for consideration for the 2006 list?regards,Hein
    still alive at 100 years old.


    Yup, tough guy. I suppose he's one of very few ex-PMs who saw combat in WWII.



    I'm surprised that Christopher Lloyd doesn't have his own thread. I did a search, & the only thread that his name popped up in, was this one. :/


    Sad, but true I'm afraid to say. The only reason being is that if Christopher Lloyd had his own thread it would result in a major paradox within the space time continuum.

    But I doubt anyone will hold objection to this thread being shared with other BTTF actors/actresses demises.. though I doubt the dog who played Einstein/Einey is still with us.


    Well, at least DeLorean is being resurrected: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-01-28/delorean-back-to-the-future-car-production-to-resume/7119934



    Are they really new?

  3. As I may NEVER get to post in this thread again (ahead of others that is, e.g. Magere Hein lol), I am here to announce the passing of the former CEO of Belgacom--the leading telecommunications company in Belguim--Didier Bellens. I even am posting my first obit in the deceased's native tongue and an obit I can't read but trust it says what it's supposed to (unless it was written by Mr. Alexander Yacht).


    A few comments on that article, without providing a trnslation:

    - Mr. Bellens' native tongue was French,

    - Mr. Bellens died from a non-specified "long illness",

    - Mr. Bellens got the sack in November 2013 after several confrontations with Belgian government ministers, the Belgian government being the major shareholder of Belgacom,

    - Mr. Bellens was a suspect in several cases of trading shares with inside knowledge and being bribed.

  4. MHDP - Multilingual Handicap Deadpool

    The rules v. 1.0

    1. Competition period
    1.1 The competition runs during the tropical year that starts on the March equinox 2016, 20 March 2016 04:30 UTC and ends 20 March 2017 10:28 UTC.

    2. Competitors
    2.1 A competitors must be a member of Deathlist Forum.
    2.2 Each member of Deathlist Forum may enter one team.
    2.3 A member becomes a competitor by posting a team in this topic ("MHDP"), or sending a PM containing the team to @Magere Hein.
    2.4 Only teams entered before the competition period compete.

    3. Teams and picks
    3.1 A competitor may choose to give his or her team a name. If no name is chosen, the competitor's Deathlist member name is used.
    3.2 Once posted or PMd, the team is fixed.
    3.3 Each team consists of 20 picks. One of those picks may be assigned as Joker. If no Joker is assigned in the entry post or PM, the first pick mentioned is used as Joker.
    3.4 A competitor may assign up to two substitutes, and a substitute Joker, who will take the place of picks who die between posting or PMing the team and the start of the competition.
    3.5 Picks must be people aged 18 or older. Minors, animals, plants, corporations, mythical beings and anthropomorphic personifications cannot score and are not replaced by substitutions.
    3.6 Picks must be named unambiguously. In case of similar names for different people, additional information like day of birth, nationality or reason for celebrity must be supplied. In case of confusion the intended pick is considered to be the one who didn't die.

    4. Scores and standings
    4.1 All teams start the competion at a score of 0.
    4.2 When a pick dies within the competition period, teams who have that pick as a member may score points.
    4.3 To score, one or more Qualifying Obits must be posted in a separate topic ("MHDP obits") within the deadline. From the number of languages in which obits are found a multiplier is calculated that will be applied to the pick's basic score. Each team with the pick as a member will be awarded that score. A team for which the pick was the Joker will be awarded double that score.
    4.4 After all scores are added to previous scores, a new standing is calculated and posted in this topic.
    4.5 The team that has the highest score at the end of the competition period wins.
    4.6 In the event of a dead heat on points, the winner will be selected according to the following criteria, applied in this order:
    4.6.1 The most hits
    4.6.2 The youngest average age of hits
    4.6.3 The most amusing team name

    5. Obit qualification
    5.1 To qualify as an obit, an online or printed text must mention the name of a particular and identifiable person and that that person died. More evidence may be required to convince me that the person mentioned is the one on a team claiming points.
    5.2 Anything in writing from a source that has status as a reliable news source qualifies, provided that:
    5.2.1 It can be identified as a news source, and
    5.2.2 it can be reasonably translated e.g. by Google translate.
    5.3 Reliable news sources are: newspapers, television stations, press agencies, government information agencies, both national and local, and the websites of all those. Dedicated news websites, sports news websites and such are ok. A corporation news page may qualify if it has a demonstrable history of reliable communications.
    5.4 The qualifying communication must be in text. Spoken messages do not qualify for reason of translation, stills or footage of text may do if the text can be easily converted to a translatable text. Scans of newsprint may qualify if the source can be identified from the scan.
    5.5 Social media like twitter, facebook and linkedin, encyclopedias like Wikipedia, advertisements, internet fora and anything that is user editable are not reliable news sources. Youtube may be, but only its content, not comments.
    5.6 In case of doubt, reliable news source must be demonstrated by evidence. For future reference lists will be maintained of internet domains that have been evaluated as reliable news source and unreliable (or not a news source) respectively.

    6. Scoring
    6.1 The value of the basic death depends on the person's age:

    • 18-29 years: 12 points
    • 30-49 years: 10 points
    • 50-59 years: 9 points
    • 60-69 years: 8 points
    • 70-79 years: 7 points
    • 80-89 years: 6 points
    • 90-99 years: 5 points
    • 100-109 years: 4 points
    • 110+ years: 3 points

    6.2 On top of this, bonus points are awarded as follows:

    • free-happy-smileys-296.gif Double death: +3 for each pick, when two or more picks die on the same day. For this rule the same day means: on the same date after conversion to UTC. Time of death needs to be provided for this bonus.
    • 54.gifFelicitous female: +3 for a female pick who dies on International Women's Day, March 8, UTC. Time of death needs to be provided for this bonus.
    • ghost.gif Unique pick: +3 if a team is the only competitor to pick that person.
    • shock.gif Unnatural cause: +3 for murder, suicide or accident (but not state executions).

    6.3 Language multiplier
    6.3.1 A multiplier is calculated, according to the number of different languages in which an obit can be shown.
    6.3.2 Showing means posting a link to a website showing the obit, a picture or a scan, and a translation if required. I can read Dutch, English, German and French, so I won't need translations for obits in those languages. When there's reason for doubt, it's a claimant's duty to provide evidence that a proposed obit is written in a particular language.
    6.3.3 A dialect is, for scoring purposes, a language when it has a Wikipedia.
    6.3.4 Everybody may propose obits, not just contenders.
    6.3.5 Once an obit qualifies, it counts, it cannot be retracted.
    6.3.6 Of each dead pick only one obit counts for each language.
    6.3.7 The value of this multiplier is

    1 + log2(l)

    where log2 is the logarithm to base 2 and l is the number of different languages for which obits are found and approved. Each new language increases the multiplier, but by rapidly diminishing amounts.
    6.4 The basic score from 6.2 is multiplied by the language multiplier.
    6.5 That score, rounded to the nearest integer, is the final score.
    6.6 joker.gif Joker: Take the total of all the above and double it.

    7. Deadline for obits
    7.1 After the death of a pick has been announced in this topic there's a limited time to propose obits.
    7.2 This period ends one week after UTC+0 following the first mention.
    7.3 Proposals entered after this time will be ignored.
    7.4 Only after this period the score for a pick will be calculated and a new score board posted.
    7.5 Additional time for evalutation of obits may be awarded as need demands and reason permits.
    7.6 For all time calculations the forum server time is used.
    As an example: Christy O'Donnell's death was mentioned first in the DDP topic on 09 Feb 2016 - 7:05 PM CET (UTC+1). That's 09 Feb 2016 - 18:05 PM UTC+0 (GMT). The deadline ends 10 Feb 2016 + 7 = 17 Feb 2016 - 0:00 UTC.

    8 Additional rules
    8.1 Prisoners on "Death Row" i.e. awaiting state execution can only score points if they die of other causes. Picks that are on trial or are put on trial and are found guilty and executed are not disqualified but will not claim the unnatural points bonus.
    8.2 Hostages of terrorist organisations. We have no absolute knowledge of whether they are alive, dead or when they supposedly died. Terrorist organisation members are included but there has to be official verification of when they died from both sides of the conflict (i.e. "The West" and the terrorists themselves).
    8.3 In all cases these rules don't cover Magere Hein is the sole arbitrator, but debate much encouraged.

  5. Since I got no comments that need further reflection, I'll finalise the rules later today. There will be one rule change, I have an idea for an additional bonus. The rest is just a few editorial bits.


    I'll accept MHDP teams from now. Start thinking about whom to pick, if you haven't done yet.


    By way of a prize for the winner: one tin of stroopwafels, sent to any address in the world by surface mail, or its value and postage to any charity that accepts PayPal payments.




    The prize stroopwafels will be a bit smaller.

    • Like 3

  6. But Bush Snr on the other hand looks far more likely to shuffle on in the near future. He was certainly nowhere near standing up to acknowledge the applause, stayed slumped in his seat and just waved a hand in the air.

    Pretty much like his presidency, then. :D

    • Like 3


    Driver decides to take shortcut across frozen lake work to avoid and falls through the ice. The driver survived.





    The driver did get out safely, and the fact that the SUV went through directly between two 'thin ice' signs added a bit of dark humor to the incident.



    Aha, the cool stuff.


    On 23 December 2015, Magere Hein wrote the following in the Christmas Extra-Curricular Thread:


    People who gave a Royal Institution Christmas Lecture

    Erik Christopher Zeeman died back on 13 February at the age of 91. http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/maths/general/news/new/?newsItem=094d434552cfc0810152eaf835027917


    I understand DDP awaits an obit, but I haven't found one as yet.


    Guardian Obit for Zeeman: http://www.theguardian.com/education/2016/feb/24/sir-christopher-zeeman-obituary


    Unique hit and died on the 13th. Wow.



    Hehe. :biggrin:

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