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Sly Ronnie

Guess the date of the next UK General Election Sweepstake!

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8 hours ago, Redrumours said:

Noooooo not another 25 Weeeeeeeeek's.!!!!!

The only consolation is that they won't be sitting for more than half that time. Summer recess will be here in no time, then two weeks after that ends, it's conference season, Sunak will be out of the country schmoozing with other Commonwealth heads of government, and then an election campaign. So once you get to summer (fingers crossed) there's just not enough time for them to do any more damage. 

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25 minutes ago, Sod's Law said:

The only consolation is that they won't be sitting for more than half that time. Summer recess will be here in no time, then two weeks after that ends, it's conference season, Sunak will be out of the country schmoozing with other Commonwealth heads of government, and then an election campaign. So once you get to summer (fingers crossed) there's just not enough time for them to do any more damage. 


And there's also the hope that a November election, when it's cold and dark will only exacerbate the hatred the country has for the Tories. Small mercies.

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3 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:


And there's also the hope that a November election, when it's cold and dark will only exacerbate the hatred the country has for the Tories. Small mercies.

And if he's betting on a Trump win in the US to galvanise the right in the UK, I think he's extremely mistaken. A Biden win wouldn't shift the polls here that much, but I reckon in the event of a Trump victory, people here would be more likely to see the chaos unfolding in America and think 'no more, please'. 

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I got an email from my local council saying elections are imminent and they are looking for people to be at polling stations and to do counting etc. This is because I have previously done postal vote work for them. When I click link though it doesn't give days such as "I can be free 10th to 14th June etc etc." They never usually send things like this for an election that is a guessing game date wise.



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1 hour ago, ladyfiona said:

I got an email from my local council saying elections are imminent and they are looking for people to be at polling stations and to do counting etc. This is because I have previously done postal vote work for them. When I click link though it doesn't give days such as "I can be free 10th to 14th June etc etc." They never usually send things like this for an election that is a guessing game date wise.




Dear Fiona,


At some point this year (when the Prime Minister gets his fucking act together) a UK Parliamentary General Election will be called. Once again, we will need people to work at polling stations.

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The grapevine is humming. Ministers have been told to attend cabinet today at 4pm on pain of death. The King is at Buckingham Palace today. That's all I'm saying.

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2 minutes ago, TQR said:

The grapevine is humming. Ministers have been told to attend cabinet today at 4pm on pain of death. The King is at Buckingham Palace today. That's all I'm saying.


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4 minutes ago, TQR said:

The grapevine is humming. Ministers have been told to attend cabinet today at 4pm on pain of death. The King is at Buckingham Palace today. That's all I'm saying.

Where was the King before today? If was there anyway then it could mean anything still, however if he made a special trip today to Buckingham Palace that would strongly backup the election rumours.

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In 1974, Ted Heath sent a telegram to the Queen, who was in New Zealand at the time, asking for a dissolution. This was on February 7th. When it was granted, Parliament was immediately dissolved and a General Election was held on February 28th 1974.


Now that's what I call a snap election!

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My bet would be they still see out Whitsun recess, which starts tomorrow. They return Mon 3 Jun and dissolve parliament that Thursday (6th). The election would be held on 11th July in this instance.

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6 minutes ago, Sly Ronnie said:

In 1974, Ted Heath sent a telegram to the Queen, who was in New Zealand at the time, asking for a dissolution. This was on February 7th. When it was granted, Parliament was immediately dissolved and a General Election was held on February 28th 1974.


Now that's what I call a snap election!

Since then election campaigns now have to be legally a bit longer. 

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16 minutes ago, Sly Ronnie said:

In 1974, Ted Heath sent a telegram to the Queen, who was in New Zealand at the time, asking for a dissolution. This was on February 7th. When it was granted, Parliament was immediately dissolved and a General Election was held on February 28th 1974.


Now that's what I call a snap election!


Didn't end well for Heath anyway!

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If this is something stupid like a reshuffle he'll just make things even worse for them come the GE. Not that they give a fuck mind


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15 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:






Chris Mason's column on BBC website say he's not completely discounting that we might get a date soon, but there are also whispers it could be a reshuffle? Just putting that out there. Not sure who there's left to reshuffle, though, frankly.

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1 minute ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

If this is something stupid like a reshuffle he'll just make things even worse for them come the GE. Not that they give a fuck mind


Snap. :lol:

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There's whispers of Cunt standing aside but would their really be a need for Piggy Cameron to come back if there's only going to be a few changes unless Piggy is going to the treasury

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3 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

There's whispers of Cunt standing aside but would their really be a need for Piggy Cameron to come back if there's only going to be a few changes unless Piggy is going to the treasury

YARN | I'm a pig! I need commitment! | Muppet Treasure Island (1996) |  Video clips by quotes | 7ee9c620 | 紗

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- David Hameron has cut short his Albania visit, Corinne Stockheath has delayed a trip abroad

- SPADs are currently in a meeting

- No.10 has gone full submarine on everyone

- All ministers to attend cabinet like their life depends on it

- Death and dOwDeN were locked in meetings yesterday

- Lots of tells in PMQs, from the attempted statesmanly demeanour of leaders, via Kruger's pathetic little campaign-ready conniption, to the knowing laugh at Flynn's GE question


Again, just saying what has been observed today.

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3 minutes ago, TQR said:

All ministers to attend cabinet like their life depends on it


9 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

There's whispers of Cunt standing aside but would their really be a need for Piggy Cameron to come back if there's only going to be a few changes unless Piggy is going to the treasury


Jeremy C..Hunt has now pulled out of an ITV interview this evening....

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We've been disappointed so many times previously when the election should've been called and hasn't been, not even Sunak turning up at the lecturn with a little fucking blue rosette attached to his kids size 9-10 jacket would convince us at this point.

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Both rumours could be true. Hunt chooses to resign after hearing about the limited leeway he has to cut taxes in the next budget, so Sunak just says 'sod it' and calls an election to jump ahead of his resignation (which would seriously damage his government and make it look even weaker if that was announced first). 

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