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Guest The Ghost of Christmas Past

Long past the sell-by date

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oh dear is it really going to be necessary to go to a different internet cafe so you fools are unable to realize it`s the same person ? Well, if I must, I will - a message will appear on here later which is clearly from me, and yet from a different IP address - I`ll keep changing and you can`t stop me because you can`t block every place in the world now can you ?


My message stands: The Death List is on its last legs. Face it.


The Evangelist.

As far as I am aware you aren't being blocked by "us fools."

Unlike yourself, we do value free speech, and we ceratinly don't threaten to try and silence every dullard that disagrees with us.

That is what makes us and you such different creatures. We value opinion and debate. You are obviously so threatened by it, you want to stop it by whatever means you have available.

Hardly the trait of someone with even half an intellect.

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Using more than one name is usually a sign of some kind of mental problem Silicon Chip/The Ghost of Christmas Past/The Evangelist.

Honez, with all this multiple name stuff, I can't help wondering who 'the Ghost of Christmas Future' was. :blink:

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Using more than one name is usually a sign of some kind of mental problem Silicon Chip/The Ghost of Christmas Past/The Evangelist.

Honez, with all this multiple name stuff, I can't help wondering who 'the Ghost of Christmas Future' was. ;)

Yeah, me too. :blink:

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Guest The Evangelist

Ah well, I`ve only just started. There`s much more deviousness to come. Enjoy your last days of the death list. And, "Rude Boy", I can`t be stopped in "2 seconds flat" , or, indeed, at all!


The Evangelist.

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Gosh, this is exciting..........


Hardly the trait of someone with even half an intellect.

By the way Honez, how big is whole intellect

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Gosh, this is exciting..........


Hardly the trait of someone with even half an intellect.

By the way Honez, how big is whole intellect

Two to three times bigger than that of one of the posters in this forum. Our good selves not included of course. :blink:

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Ah well, I`ve only just started. <snip>

Evangelist, pet,


Apologies if I have interupted your quest but I would appreciate it if you were able to reassure me by confirming that you do not live in the UK? I only ask because I feel much more comfortable knowing there is a significant body of water between myself and headcases like yourself.




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Ah well, I`ve only just started. <snip>

Evangelist, pet,


Apologies if I have interupted your quest but I would appreciate it if you were able to reassure me by confirming that you do not live in the UK? I only ask because I feel much more comfortable knowing there is a significant body of water between myself and headcases like yourself.




Feel reassured. All three of his/her personalities hail from Australia. And the last time I looked, there was rather a lot of water between Terra Australis and the United Kingdom.

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I think its generally the case that the more words you know, the less you need ;)

So do you really mean 'less'? ..or 'fewer'? :blink:

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I think its generally the case that the more words you know, the less you need :P

So do you really mean 'less'? ..or 'fewer'? ;)

Yes you're right - it should be fewer (but not necessarily the right) words.


Oh, and before anyone else in pedants' corner notices, I missed an apostrophe as well. :blink:

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Guest board in it 101

im sorry but im 14yr sold an in an IT lessoni have to be in the pointless sites are made realy for us and by us and most if u hu r complainig about it wot the hell r u doing here u like 30 and cn do wot evr u want get a life :referee:

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im sorry but im 14yr sold an in an IT lessoni have to be in the pointless sites are made realy for us and by us and most if u hu r complainig about it wot the hell r u doing here u like 30 and cn do wot evr u want get a life :referee:

As far as being legible goes...I got to the part where

you said you were 14.

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im sorry but im 14yr sold an in an IT lessoni have to be in the pointless sites are made realy for us and by us and most if u hu r complainig about it wot the hell r u doing here u like 30 and cn do wot evr u want get a life  :dead:

Perhaps you could swap IT classes for English classes, then we could possibly grasp "wot the hell u r doing here".


I wish I was 14 again and knew everything. I'm quite happy with the 30 bit though. :referee:

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im sorry but im 14yr sold an in an IT lessoni have to be in the pointless sites are made realy for us and by us and most if u hu r complainig about it wot the hell r u doing here u like 30 and cn do wot evr u want get a life  :referee:

I think this is a fairly accurate translation into English...


I'm sorry to intrude, but I'm am a fourteen year-old, in an IT lesson I'd rather not be in. In my humble opinion, pointless web sites, such as this, are really intended for the amusement of bored youngsters, in exactly the kind of predicament I now find myself.

So, to those of you who post messages complaining about this site, why not go to another website that is more suitable to your tastes? Being both older and wiser than myself, you must recognise that you have many more opportunities to exercise your freedom of choice than I do right now.


Ah, that's much better!


A semblance of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and a coherent message to boot.

If only the young whippersnapper had said that in the first place.


Not that I agree with his/her argument, but I'll let other members pick that to pieces.

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im sorry but im 14yr sold an in an IT lessoni have to be in the pointless sites are made realy for us and by us and most if u hu r complainig about it wot the hell r u doing here u like 30 and cn do wot evr u want get a life :referee:

14-year-old, the thing in front of you is a COMPUTER KEYBOARD.

As there is one key for each letter (unlike your mobile phone) you can type in ALL the letters instead of just some of them. What's more, you can use PROPER ENGLISH (if you know what that is)

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im sorry but im 14yr sold an in an IT lesson


Who would possibly want to buy an illiterate teenager? Apart from Michael Jackson, of course.

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Ah well, I`ve only just started. There`s much more deviousness to come. Enjoy your last days of the death list. And, "Rude Boy", I can`t be stopped in "2 seconds flat" , or, indeed, at all!


The Evangelist.

Anyone seen this bloke around recently?

I was kind of looking forward to him dropping in from time to time, but he seems to have wandered off.

What a shame, but hardly surprising. :(

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Ah well, I`ve only just started. There`s much more deviousness to come. Enjoy your last days of the death list. And, "Rude Boy", I can`t be stopped in "2 seconds flat" , or, indeed, at all!


The Evangelist.

Anyone seen this bloke around recently?

I was kind of looking forward to him dropping in from time to time, but he seems to have wandered off.

What a shame, but hardly surprising. :blink:

No, and his threat to "remove" deathlist seems to have come to nothing after 4 months.

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im sorry but im 14yr sold an in an IT lessoni have to be in the pointless sites are made realy for us and by us and most if u hu r complainig about it wot the hell r u doing here u like 30 and cn do wot evr u want get a life :)

if you go onto deathlist.net at your age you probably will grow up with a morbid fear of death.

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No, and his threat to "remove" deathlist seems to have come to nothing after 4 months.

Maybe he isnt going to remove the DL rather prevent people dying.

Maybe its Aubrey de Grey again!

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Maybe he isnt going to remove the DL rather prevent people dying.

Maybe its Aubrey de Grey again!

Perhaps he is a member of the Protonelectron Society. :angel4:

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Perhaps he is a member of the Protonelectron Society. :angel4:

...then we can find him and ask him about his plans. First Saturday of the month at 2pm. Meet at Speakers' Corner, Hyde Park, London.


Bring a picnic! cheers.gif

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im sorry but im 14yr

There is absolutely no reason at all to apologize for being 14, most of us once we get to 15 and beyond were apparently at one time or another 14 except of course for those who skipped that year in much the way that some children skip a grade in school. Don't pester me on how it's done it has something to do with the latest form of new math.

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