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Death Watch Beatle

Risen From The Grave (Or The Ashes)

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Well we may need some new rules - sucesses just have to be dead at 31 December - they can come back to life after that without the point being deducted - a fair rule i think.


Of course this could be an opportunity in disguise...


Is the "Back-to-Life List" a possibility?



Jim Morrison

Lord Lucan

Take That...

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:ph34r: - As a fully paid up member of the Gary Barlow fan club I was actually aware of that Yeti


Many a jestful word said in truth... or something :)

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Has anyone signed a D.N.R. for Take That yet? They have been clinically dead for years. Not sure if that counts for a real death on here. Perhaps another spin-off list awaits.

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According to the Daily Mail ...


"Laurence Olivier will be returning from the dead to star in the Hollywood fantasy film Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow. Old footage of Lord Larry, who died aged 82 in 1989, from various films will be used to create a villianous leader of killer robots in the blockbuster which is due out in September. New dialogue was recorded by another actor for Lord Olivier's voice. Co-star Jude Law reveals 'He plays my nemesis. You only see him the last minutes, and he's in holographic form'"

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I know he hasn't been a contender for the DL for a couple of centuries now, but this news article amuses me, and I thought I would share it with you all.




It tickles me to think how he might of sworn. The following is probably translated from ye olde germanic:


"You have played a bum note sir, YOU CAD!" or "Conductor, the 2nd violin is a no-good bounder and a scoundrel to boot!"


Could any language scholars amongst us, enlighten me as to the calibre of profanities Mozart may have uttered?


DWB ;)

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"Tourette's is a constant battle between chaos and control, having a compulsion and trying to control it, and that translates into music," he said.


Interesting translation. I've always cherished Wolfgang as the ultimate eccentric, and his forays into public shock-speech, as documented in numerous diaries/journals were something I always thought to be challenging the uptight staus quo. I'd be crushed to find it proven involuntary. ;)

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Antonio López de Santa Anna



His personal heroism in battle, which resulted in having several horses shot out from under him and the loss of half of his left leg, became the basis of his subsequent effort to secure his power by creating a cult of personality around himself. In 1842 he arranged for an elaborate ceremony to dig up the remains of his leg, parade with it through Mexico City, and place it on a prominent monument for all to see.

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To return to the original subject of this thread:


Andy Kaufman - what a great bloke! I wasn't aware of this latest twist to the tale until now.


Sadly, as his resurrection was supposed to take place on 16th May this year and we're now in September... Might be a triple-bluff, but there's only so far you can take such a ruse, and 20 years is pushing it a bit! I'll have to scour the net for any subsequent pieces of information on this stunt.


The film "Man in the Moon" was one of the most enjoyable I've seen in years. Totally confusing, but an absolute scream! It was instrumental in moving Jim Carrey quite a few steps up the actor ladder from the bottom rung towards the top (ie. SILLY to SERIOUS). I'd advise anyone who hasn't done so already to watch it.

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