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Things To Do While Waiting For Death... 2006

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That's not really him singing that song; someone's just cut together words from a few speeches he's made that are the same as the words from the song, and dubbed them over a soundtrack to make it sound like he's singing it.


You're such a killjoy, SC :blink:

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That's not really him singing that song; someone's just cut together words from a few speeches he's made that are the same as the words from the song, and dubbed them over a soundtrack to make it sound like he's singing it.


You're such a killjoy, SC :D


Well I for one thought it was very clever and funny, thanks for posting it Bou :blink: .

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Can anyone explain this one? :D


Please? :)


My guess is that it has something to do with the thickness of the black lines. :D



The pieces of the left picture wouldn't fit as depicted in the right one, because of different angles. Count 'm: the slope of the hypotenuse of the triangles is 3 to 8, the slope of the skewed side of the quadrilaterals is 2 to 5, slightly more. In the right picture, behind the lines, there's a very acute parallelogram of white in the middle with area 1.




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Can anyone explain this one? :D


Please? :)


My guess is that it has something to do with the thickness of the black lines. :D



The pieces of the left picture wouldn't fit as depicted in the right one, because of different angles. Count 'm: the slope of the hypotenuse of the triangles is 3 to 8, the slope of the skewed side of the quadrilaterals is 2 to 5, slightly more. In the right picture, behind the lines, there's a very acute parallelogram of white in the middle with area 1.





I have read and re-read your explanation, but I just don't get it. And I have stared hard at the diagram to try and find the 'parallelogram' but it not appearing to me. I have now printed of a copy of the diagram and with some scissors will attempt to try it out. How sad.



Have done the scissors thing. It works, all pices fit as they should, so I am even more perplexed.


Aaarrrgggghh. I hate not understanding things, and it's too early to have a beer and calm down.

Edited by Josco

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I have read and re-read your explanation, but I just don't get it. And I have stared hard at the diagram to try and find the 'parallelogram' but it not appearing to me. I have now printed of a copy of the diagram and with some scissors will attempt to try it out. How sad.



Have done the scissors thing. It works, all pices fit as they should, so I am even more perplexed.


Aaarrrgggghh. I hate not understanding things, and it's too early to have a beer and calm down.

They say a picture says more than a thousand words:




Do you see what I mean?




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I have read and re-read your explanation, but I just don't get it. And I have stared hard at the diagram to try and find the 'parallelogram' but it not appearing to me. I have now printed of a copy of the diagram and with some scissors will attempt to try it out. How sad.



Have done the scissors thing. It works, all pices fit as they should, so I am even more perplexed.


Aaarrrgggghh. I hate not understanding things, and it's too early to have a beer and calm down.

They say a picture says more than a thousand words:




Do you see what I mean?




I do now, thanks.


I can have that beer in peace now, and I owe you one.



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Try this out.

I'm just about to attempt number 3.

(Took me ages to figure out what I was supposed to do)... a great way of passing time whilst awaiting death** Here






** = exclamation mark.

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I have read and re-read your explanation, but I just don't get it. And I have stared hard at the diagram to try and find the 'parallelogram' but it not appearing to me. I have now printed of a copy of the diagram and with some scissors will attempt to try it out. How sad.



Have done the scissors thing. It works, all pices fit as they should, so I am even more perplexed.


Aaarrrgggghh. I hate not understanding things, and it's too early to have a beer and calm down.

They say a picture says more than a thousand words:




Do you see what I mean?




Thank you, Hein. It's pretty obvious once it's been pointed out. But I couldn't have got there by myself!




Cure your asthma or hayfever, whilst waiting for death.

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That's not really him singing that song; someone's just cut together words from a few speeches he's made that are the same as the words from the song, and dubbed them over a soundtrack to make it sound like he's singing it.

You're such a killjoy, SC :P

Well I for one thought it was very clever and funny, thanks for posting it Bou :blink: .

We have a winner! Sorry LG, got you again! I'm just gutted that it was you who took the bait. :)

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That's not really him singing that song; someone's just cut together words from a few speeches he's made that are the same as the words from the song, and dubbed them over a soundtrack to make it sound like he's singing it.

You're such a killjoy, SC :P

Well I for one thought it was very clever and funny, thanks for posting it Bou :) .

We have a winner! Sorry LG, got you again! I'm just gutted that it was you who took the bait. :P


You swine SC, as anyone who knows me will testify I am extremely gullible and easy to wind up, it's something of a sport in my family to tell me tall tales, I fall for them almost every time, providing my parents, siblings and husband with great amusement :blink: .

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Going back a bit I just did the Dante's Inferno test. I was a 7th leveller - violent

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That's not really him singing that song; someone's just cut together words from a few speeches he's made that are the same as the words from the song, and dubbed them over a soundtrack to make it sound like he's singing it.

You're such a killjoy, SC :P

Well I for one thought it was very clever and funny, thanks for posting it Bou :) .

We have a winner! Sorry LG, got you again! I'm just gutted that it was you who took the bait. :P


You swine SC, as anyone who knows me will testify I am extremely gullible and easy to wind up, it's something of a sport in my family to tell me tall tales, I fall for them almost every time, providing my parents, siblings and husband with great amusement :blink: .


hahaha yup it is all true


and you guys now have the evidence too :P


Live long with phospher


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Find out which X-Man you are


You Are Jean Grey




Although your fate is often unknown, you always seem to survive (even after death).

Your mind is your greatest weapon, literally!


Powers: telepathy and telekinesis, the ability to project thoughts into the mind of others, communication with animals


Which of the X-Men Are You?



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You Are Shadowcat




You're like a little sister to some, but others see you as a sex kitten.

You are well trained in martial arts, a bit of a computer geek, and can totally kick butt.


Powers: the ability to "phase" through walls and other physical objects


Which of the X-Men Are You?



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Find out which X-Man you are



Which of the X-Men Are You?



You Are Cyclops




Dedicated and responsible, you will always remain loyal to your cause.

You are a commanding leader - after all, you can kill someone just by looking at them.


Power: force beams from your eyes


Which of the X-Men Are You?



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***You Are Storm***





Exotic and powerful, Storm descended from a line of African priestesses.

Emotions can effect your powers, but you are generally serene.


Powers: controlling weather, creating winds that lift you into flight, generating lightning



Which of the X-Men Are You?



You mean those hail storms, lighting and rain a few weeks ago was my fault. Great. . . I totalled the truck !! :skull:


However, the resemblance is quite uncanny.

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I'm Storm as well! Since we can fly, truck disorders shouldn't be as much as of a nuisance

to us as they are to the earthbound. Sorry to hear yours is totalled, though.

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You Are Iceman




You tried to live a normal life, but it just wasn't possible

A bit of a slacker, you rather tell jokes than cultivate your powers


Powers: turning self and others into ice, making ice weapons, becoming nearly invisible


Which of the X-Men Are You?




I am really quite spooked by how accurate that assessment of my character actually is!


Welcome to the forum, Bloody Mary.

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while waiting for death you could get stuck in a traffic jam on ascot high street for an hour like i did this morning. :banghead:


Why do i live in ascot and its ladies day today.

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Why do i live in ascot and its ladies day today.

Sounds like a good day for a holiday. Somewhere else.




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You Are Iceman




You tried to live a normal life, but it just wasn't possible

A bit of a slacker, you rather tell jokes than cultivate your powers


Powers: turning self and others into ice, making ice weapons, becoming nearly invisible


I am really quite spooked by how accurate that assessment of my character actually is!

I am also Iceman, equally not surprised and quite accurate.


I can certainly turn any lady into ice merely by looking at her. What's more, they never ever melt, even after I become nearly invisible.


Sometimes even telling jokes is a bit of an effort for me to be honest, I'm sure you've all noticed.


I will let you know if I ever advance in ice weaponry, I've had no luck so far. Maybe if I waited until the winter I'd do better.

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