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but it also needs the inventive and the quirky who will set off on some flight of fancy.

Those quirky and inventive w**k jokes you mean?


My they were hilarious.


Don't know how we managed before Hacky came along and decided to share himself with us all.


He really shouldn't have bothered.

Don't be a curmudgeon. A few purile comments, so what? Anyway Bou or Millwall or someody suggested a poll that sounds nice and democractic, better than your comment about "where's the great one" or whatever it was. This isn't a dictatorship like Italy under Mussolini where the trains ran on time.

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I didn't mind the purile comments but could have done without Hayley Mills' nips on full view whilst browsing at work...

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Is this to be merged now?

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I don't think they do need merging... two threads show how our outrage is double!


Or summat.

Yep. I'm not normally one for people power but this is an exception.




What was the best part of the Dicky O thread?

For me it had to be Pooka's bordering on the pathological obsession with Tessa Wyatt... ah, heady days.

Pathological obsession?


Those were Tessa's last words to me.


As in, 'Hey you in the bushes - you have a pathological obsession'


I believe that she moved house shortly thereafter.

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Is this to be merged now?

I'll be damned - I want this deleted!

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May I also make the humble request to our fine and upstanding moderators that two of the three Richard O'Sullivan threads be deleted or merged. One Dicky O thread is truly enough.

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Right, here goes:


There are no "rules" per se about posting, but there are various things that could be construed as "guidance". I don't think anyone is trying to be dictatorial and control what people are posting, but I think the whole Richard O'Sullivan thread business has obscured what brought everyone/the majority to this site in the first place. I doubt anyone clicked on Deathlist.net with the intention of finding out about flower arranging or the Women's Institute.

It would be preferable if the threads in the forum bore at least some relevance to the subject matter in the title, that's not to say that there can't and indeed shouldn't be a certain degree of diversion but to have 10 pages or so of a thread devoted to onanism, Hayley Mills and personal abuse is undeniably excessive when the thread originally was concerned with Richard O'Sullivan.


All the forum postings need are a degree of judgement, discretion, consideration and thinking about before submitting to the live site. As a general guide, the forums are for messages relating to celebrities and the chances of their demise with a bit of added trivia and information thrown in. If you want virtual conversations on whatever subjects you wish to discuss, please use instant messangers or emails or whatever.


Remember, it's quality not quantity that counts.

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I think Four Horsemen has summarised things very well.


This forum does need to be steered in the right direction occasionally when it goes off at a tangent. Nobody wants to have to close threads or warn members as there are plenty of forums out there that do that way too often. There are also plenty of forums which are completely out of control and become very boring very quickly.


Id be grateful if people would keep posts somewhat on topic and cut out unnecessarily offensive comments.

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This thread is full of offensive stuff - you should delete it.

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This thread is full of offensive stuff - you should delete it.

I agree this Dicky thread is superflous it should be deleted.


Its primary purpose is now defunct, banish it to oblivion.

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Nobody wants to have close threads or warn members as there are plenty of forums out there that do that way too often.

I agree of course. But do we really need three threads??

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It's part of the historical record of deathlist. It should be merged or locked as a reminder to future deathlisters of somethng they might be reminded of.

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It's part of the historical record of deathlist. It should be merged or locked as reminder to future deathlisters of somethng they might be reminded of.

Will you shut your fat face for once.


It should be deleted like the rest of the spam.

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Right, here goes:


There are no "rules" per se about posting, but there are various things that could be construed as "guidance". I don't think anyone is trying to be dictatorial and control what people are posting, but I think the whole Richard O'Sullivan thread business has obscured what brought everyone/the majority to this site in the first place. I doubt anyone clicked on Deathlist.net with the intention of finding out about flower arranging or the Women's Institute.

It would be preferable if the threads in the forum bore at least some relevance to the subject matter in the title, that's not to say that there can't and indeed shouldn't be a certain degree of diversion but to have 10 pages or so of a thread devoted to onanism, Hayley Mills and personal abuse is undeniably excessive when the thread originally was concerned with Richard O'Sullivan.


All the forum postings need are a degree of judgement, discretion, consideration and thinking about before submitting to the live site. As a general guide, the forums are for messages relating to celebrities and the chances of their demise with a bit of added trivia and information thrown in. If you want virtual conversations on whatever subjects you wish to discuss, please use instant messangers or emails or whatever.


Remember, it's quality not quantity that counts.

Yes Four Horsemen I have just been looking at the quality of your photograph (accidentally pressed the wrong key). It puts dear Haley to shame. Is it Windsor by any chance?

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Whisper, whisper, whisper, whisper, whisper, whisper pardon me,

I beg you, Shut up/.

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Without having read a single post, I can't believe you guys wrote 15 pages of posts in the span of a day on RICHARD O'SULLIVAN.


You guys are doing the man more justice than life itself ever has. ;)

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I think this thread should be merged with the original one.

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Original thread is now open, so this thread is locked. Let it plummet like a stone to the bottom of deathlist where it can compost down to its' base elements along with Dennis Skinner and Harvey Keitel.

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