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It might pay to type in those names with "lives in" to see if any of them reside in Hampshire.

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Robert Smith (The Cure) - what was the inspiration behind the song "Boys Don't Cry?"


Robert Smith has been married to his wife for nearly 25 years. They met at school as teenagers and have been together ever since. And I think they live in Surrey. Or is it Sussex.


Anyway. Is this person necessarily famous?

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Robert Smith (The Cure) - what was the inspiration behind the song "Boys Don't Cry?"


Robert Smith has been married to his wife for nearly 25 years. They met at school as teenagers and have been together ever since. And I think they live in Surrey. Or is it Sussex.


Anyway. Is this person necessarily famous?

The press are suggesting that they had worked with Davidson in the past and, IIRC, they were an Entertainer.

Lets be fair about this, its highly improbable that someone who had been molested 25 years ago by, say, somebody working in the BBC canteen would actually remember what they looked like, let alone their name. Celebrities are far easier to remember.

Its probable that 99.99% of the people that will be arrested/charged subsequent to this investigation will be known to the general public.

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Robert Smith (The Cure) - what was the inspiration behind the song "Boys Don't Cry?"


Robert Smith has been married to his wife for nearly 25 years. They met at school as teenagers and have been together ever since. And I think they live in Surrey. Or is it Sussex.


Anyway. Is this person necessarily famous?

The press are suggesting that they had worked with Davidson in the past and, IIRC, they were an Entertainer.

Lets be fair about this, its highly improbable that someone who had been molested 25 years ago by, say, somebody working in the BBC canteen would actually remember what they looked like, let alone their name. Celebrities are far easier to remember.

Its probable that 99.99% of the people that will be arrested/charged subsequent to this investigation will be known to the general public.

I would be very surprised if it was Robert Smith, or indeed most of the people on that list. Particularly the musicians. Most of them have not, to my knowledge, done anything notable with Davidson. But equally I'd be surprised if it turns out to be Bruno, who's always come across as very wholesome. He went out with Anthea Turner, for goodness' sake...

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Supports the Tory Party, though, which gives him something in common with Davidson

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Anyway. Is this person necessarily famous?

The press are suggesting that they had worked with Davidson in the past and, IIRC, they were an Entertainer.

Lets be fair about this, its highly improbable that someone who had been molested 25 years ago by, say, somebody working in the BBC canteen would actually remember what they looked like, let alone their name. Celebrities are far easier to remember.

Its probable that 99.99% of the people that will be arrested/charged subsequent to this investigation will be known to the general public.


Oh, fair enough, I hadn't read any of the actual reports beyond the brief original one. I was thinking more that it could have been a situation away from the BBC, where someone might have pointed the finger at (for example) "his mate who was called Roger and lived next door". Such a person would probably be easily identified. So it is possible that some unknown joes might get hauled in.

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My thoughts turned to Davro again but he's 54

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My thoughts turned to Davro again but he's 54


I'm sure there must be some medication or counselling available for that.



Edit - my 2000th post and its some pathetic joke about Bobby Davro. Oh the shame.

Edited by time
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My thoughts turned to Davro again but he's 54

....but not as often as they turn to Alexander Armstrong, eh Handy!!!

You lil devil, you! :)

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My thoughts turned to Davro again but he's 54

....but not as often as they turn to Alexander Armstrong, eh Handy!!!

You lil devil, you! :)


Just been watching Pointless actually and speculating on how well endowed our Xander might be. I really hope he doesn't turn out to be a nonce now.


(For the record, i have never once thought about Mr Davro's cock)

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My thoughts turned to Davro again but he's 54

....but not as often as they turn to Alexander Armstrong, eh Handy!!!

You lil devil, you! :)


Just been watching Pointless actually and speculating on how well endowed our Xander might be. I really hope he doesn't turn out to be a nonce now.


(For the record, i have never once thought about Mr Davro's cock)


Oh come on! I've just had my tea for fuck's sake!

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Bobby Davro is one of the celebrities, along with Jack Straw, who Viz have repeatedly suggested is notorious for their tiny dick.

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Bobby Davro is one of the celebrities, along with Jack Straw, who Viz have repeatedly suggested is notorious for their tiny dick.


I love Viz, and it is thanks to them that I recently found out that the young actor Tyger Drew-Honey's dad is none other than massive w***er and porn-merchant Ben Dover! However I was less than impressed to discover that Tyger's real first name is Lindzi - a combination of his dad's first name Lindsay and his mum's first name, erm, Linzi. They both deserve a severe kicking for that.


I always preferred Pascal in those films anyhow.....

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My thoughts turned to Davro again but he's 54

....but not as often as they turn to Alexander Armstrong, eh Handy!!!

You lil devil, you! :)


Just been watching Pointless actually and speculating on how well endowed our Xander might be. I really hope he doesn't turn out to be a nonce now.


(For the record, i have never once thought about Mr Davro's cock)


Oh come on! I've just had my tea for fuck's sake!

Sausages, I take it? :lol:

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My thoughts turned to Davro again but he's 54

....but not as often as they turn to Alexander Armstrong, eh Handy!!!

You lil devil, you! :)


Just been watching Pointless actually and speculating on how well endowed our Xander might be. I really hope he doesn't turn out to be a nonce now.


(For the record, i have never once thought about Mr Davro's cock)


Oh come on! I've just had my tea for fuck's sake!

Sausages, I take it? :lol:


Fish, actually. :D (True fact!)

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Bobby Davro is one of the celebrities, along with Jack Straw, who Viz have repeatedly suggested is notorious for their tiny dick.


I love Viz, and it is thanks to them that I recently found out that the young actor Tyger Drew-Honey's dad is none other than massive w***er and porn-merchant Ben Dover! However I was less than impressed to discover that Tyger's real first name is Lindzi - a combination of his dad's first name Lindsay and his mum's first name, erm, Linzi. They both deserve a severe kicking for that.


I always preferred Pascal in those films anyhow.....

Ive seen his parents acting skills, not too shabby.

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Bobby Davro is one of the celebrities, along with Jack Straw, who Viz have repeatedly suggested is notorious for their tiny dick.


I love Viz, and it is thanks to them that I recently found out that the young actor Tyger Drew-Honey's dad is none other than massive w***er and porn-merchant Ben Dover! However I was less than impressed to discover that Tyger's real first name is Lindzi - a combination of his dad's first name Lindsay and his mum's first name, erm, Linzi. They both deserve a severe kicking for that.


I always preferred Pascal in those films anyhow.....

Ive seen his parents acting skills, not too shabby.


Oh come on (again)! I can't take him seriously, he puts me right off my stroke!

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My thoughts turned to Davro again but he's 54

....but not as often as they turn to Alexander Armstrong, eh Handy!!!

You lil devil, you! :)


Just been watching Pointless actually and speculating on how well endowed our Xander might be. I really hope he doesn't turn out to be a nonce now.


(For the record, i have never once thought about Mr Davro's cock)


Oh come on! I've just had my tea for fuck's sake!

Sausages, I take it? :lol:


Fish, actually. :D (True fact!)

Nope, you are not dragging me to the sewer with you....... :lol:

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Bobby Davro is one of the celebrities, along with Jack Straw, who Viz have repeatedly suggested is notorious for their tiny dick.


I love Viz, and it is thanks to them that I recently found out that the young actor Tyger Drew-Honey's dad is none other than massive w***er and porn-merchant Ben Dover! However I was less than impressed to discover that Tyger's real first name is Lindzi - a combination of his dad's first name Lindsay and his mum's first name, erm, Linzi. They both deserve a severe kicking for that.


I always preferred Pascal in those films anyhow.....

Ive seen his parents acting skills, not too shabby.


Oh come on (again)! I can't take him seriously, he puts me right off my stroke!

Aye, thats how it all began for Savile!!!

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Now getting back on track, it would be most unfortunate for me if the name Robert Smith starts getting bandied about as a fiddler, as this is also the name of my betrothed. Which is extremely amusing, as he hated goths when we were young. But I can't see it myself, not least for the fact that I'll bet he never worked with that twat Davidson.

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Well, his name was just there for the sake of completeness as per Wiki's list of British male celebrities born in 1959. Which was obviously not that complete anyway as it omitted Bruno Brookes. So the arrestee may not even be on that list.

Ah, I'd obviously just found a summary list, as a category search for 1959 Births brings up more names. 7801 of them in total. Hm. I think I'll just wait for the name to be released in the news...

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They haven't released officially the name of the 80 year old that definitely ISN'T Rolf Harris yet, so you may be waiting a while.


And I remember seeing an interview whether Ben Dover said his real name was Lindsay Honey and that he chose 'Ben Dover' as a pseudonym because when he started directing, he didn't want people thinking it was 'soft shit directed by a woman'.


Turns out his real, real name is Simon James Honey. I am disappointed.

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Now getting back on track, it would be most unfortunate for me if the name Robert Smith starts getting bandied about as a fiddler, as this is also the name of my betrothed. Which is extremely amusing, as he hated goths when we were young. But I can't see it myself, not least for the fact that I'll bet he never worked with that twat Davidson.


Of course there is another singer born in 1959, whose sexual proclivities have long been the source of speculation and has over the years displayed an unhealthy interest in Glam Rock, child murderers and the Royal family... :unsure:

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Now getting back on track, it would be most unfortunate for me if the name Robert Smith starts getting bandied about as a fiddler, as this is also the name of my betrothed. Which is extremely amusing, as he hated goths when we were young. But I can't see it myself, not least for the fact that I'll bet he never worked with that twat Davidson.


Of course there is another singer born in 1959, whose sexual proclivities have long been the source of speculation and has over the years displayed an unhealthy interest in Glam Rock, child murderers and the Royal family... :unsure:


I was looking for a child, and then I found a child...and heaven knows I'm miserable now

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