So she really is dead then. Back in the early 70's my old french horn professor Ifor James used to play in recording sessions conducted by Wally Stott. When he went off for his gender reassignment somebody else took over Stott's job and nothing was heard of him for a while. Then one day she turned up at the back of the studio trying to look inconspicuous with a big pair of sunglasses and a wide brimmed hat. In the coffee break there was a lot of humming and haaing and embarrassed looking at feet and smalltalk along he lines of:   "all right Wally?" "yeah not bad"   silence   "it's been a while" "yeah"   that sort of thing.     Ifor, however, not one to mess around marches up to Angela:   "Hello Wally" "Oh hello Ifor" "I suppose a shag's out of the question?"     Sort of broke the ice anyway. I expect you had to be there.