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Paul Bearer

Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

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Cograts on UK surpassing China -- just like us.  Because of course no one in China dies from C19 anymore :rolleyes:

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7 hours ago, Sir Creep said:

Cograts on UK surpassing China -- just like us.  Because of course no one in China dies from C19 anymore :rolleyes:


And of course a nation of a billion had just a few thousand cases.....

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Numbers are coming in now.  So far 13 in Wales & 46 in Scotland. Just waiting on the others now. 

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On 03/04/2020 at 18:11, Paul Bearer said:

Friday or Saturday? 

726 Saturday



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On 03/04/2020 at 18:11, Paul Bearer said:

Friday or Saturday? 

I think I got within 25 


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Scores on the doors.

Old Crem 15. (You're doing too well at this :lol: )

Grim up north 5



Engineer 5

Bentravo 5

Susan 5

Youth in Asia 5

Death Duke 5

Paddyfool 5

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Sunday UK Toll: 895

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Sunday whatever. 783.

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Sunday - 772

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Sunday 743

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Gonna guess a lucky 777

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A number of incidents have taken place in the last several weeks that have troubled many members of our community. What follows is a series of remarks addressed to the readers of this letter and to Deathlist itself. Deathlist can go on saying that the federal government should take more and more of our hard-earned money and more and more of our hard-won rights but the rest of us have serious problems to deal with that preclude our indulging in such drossy dreams just now. The problem as I see it is not a question of who the freebooters of this society are but rather that most of you reading this letter have your hearts in the right place. Now follow your hearts with actions. Before Deathlist initiated a mammonism flap to help promote its egocentric belief systems, people everywhere were expected to name and shame its adulators for their power-drunk acts of tribalism. Nowadays, it's the rare person indeed who realizes that some organizations are responsible and others are not. Deathlist falls into the category of “not”.


Deathlist snorts around like a truffle pig in search of proof that it's renowned for its racial and cultural sensitivity. I suspect that the only thing that Deathlist will find from such a search is that it motivates people to join its posse by using words like “humanity”, “compassion”, and “unity”. This is a great deception. What Deathlist really wants to do is violate all the rules of decorum. That's why I want you to know that Deathlist sees bipolar dimensions of privilege and oppression as ubiquitous in social interactions. Knowing, as they say, is half the battle. What remains is to demonstrate conclusively that Deathlist once tried to trick us into trading freedom for serfdom. If you consider this an exception to the rule then you indisputably don't understand how Deathlist operates. I hope, however, that you at least understand that it knows what it wants, and it knows how to get it. What Deathlist wants is to criticize other people's beliefs, fashion sense, and lifestyle. Making that happen involves capitalizing on our needs and vulnerabilities. While that tactic may prove successful, it is vexatious. It also overlooks the fact that Deathlist says it's going to engulf the world in a dense miasma of Jacobinism in a lustrum or two. Good old

Deathlist. It just loves to open its mouth and let all kinds of things come out without listening to how subhuman they sound.


When Deathlist's revenge fantasies are challenged, it usually responds by creating a climate in which it will be assumed that our achievements reflect not individual worth, talent, or skill, but special consideration. Well, you can't really expect it to defend its positions with facts, explanations, logical arguments, or even references to events that occurred less than two years ago, can you? If Deathlist is going to condition the public to accept violence as normal and desirable, then it should at least have the self-respect to remind itself of a few things: First, I don't enjoy its bawdy sense of humor. And second, it ignores the most basic ground rule of debate. In case you're not familiar with it, that rule is: attack the idea, not the person.

Although there are no formal, external validating criteria for Deathlist's renitent claims, I think we can safely say that it should exercise greater judiciousness when extolling narcissism. But let's not lose sight of the larger, more important issue here: its self-satisfied scribblings. I don't wish to psychologize here, but Deathlist's priorities are inverted. The sooner it comes to grips with that reality, the better for all of us.


Deathlist wants us to feel sorry for the slimy jobbernowls who interfere with the most important principles of democracy. I profess we should instead feel sorry for their victims, all of whom know full well that Deathlist's idolators have the gall to accuse me of ignoring compromise and focusing solely on Deathlist's personal agenda. Were these lily-livered drazels born without a self-awareness gene? Whatever the answer, it is apparent where Deathlist's loyalties lie. That's clear. But Deathlist's serfs are lower than the worst kinds of duplicitous loudmouths there are. They are self-righteous philosophasters. Those who support their subliminal psywar campaigns or help create the sanguinary atmosphere needed for them to convince people that their peers are already riding the Deathlist bandwagon and will think ill of them if they don't climb aboard, too, should realize that if Deathlist had its way, schools would teach students that once it has approved of something it can't possibly be overbearing. This is not education but indoctrination. It prevents students from learning about how Deathlist has a well-earned reputation for leading an unruly jihad against those who oppose it. In reaching that conclusion I have made the usual assumption that there is historical precedent for Deathlist's pleas. Specifically, for as far back as I can remember, it has been showing us a gross miscarriage of common judgment. Given how one execrable activity always leads to another, it should come as no surprise that the solecism “debate” is not a debate. It is a harangue, a politically motivated, brilliantly publicized, peccable attack on progressive ideas.


Deathlist's credos always follow the same pattern. It puts the desired twist on the actual facts, ignores inconvenient facts, and invents as many new “facts” as necessary to convince us that its ventures can give us deeper insights into the nature of reality. Deathlist has inadvertently provided us with an instructive example that I find useful in illustrating certain ideas. By propitiating nerdy election-year also-rans for later eventualities, Deathlist makes it clear that it claims to have the perfect solution to all our problems. Alas, Deathlist's solution involves granting a free ride to the undeserving. What bothers me about that is that it's up to its neck in criminal activity. More than that, its claim that it has the mandate of Heaven to defame, delegitimize, and destroy its competitors is factually unsupported and politically motivated. If Deathlist had two brain cells to rub together, it'd realize that it has been trying for quite some time to convince us that it can scare us by using big words like “heterochromatization”. I suggest it take this rotting ordure and dump it where it and its fellow mendacious cheapskates congregate. At least then we could criticize its enormities publicly for their formalistic categories, their spurious claims of neutrality, and their blindness to the abuse of private power without having to worry that it will utilize questionable and illegal fund-raising techniques.


Not surprisingly, I could go on for pages listing innumerable examples of Deathlist's delusional bromides and slaphappy quips. I have already written enough, surely, to convince you that Deathlist knows how to lie. It's too bad it doesn't yet understand the ramifications of lying. Deathlist's support for freedom of speech extends only to those who agree with it. That is, it believes in “free speech for me but not for thee”. I guess that's not too surprising when one considers that Deathlist has been trying to trick people into believing that achieving world peace requires establishing a world government ruled by Deathlist. Apparently, Deathlist has succeeded beyond its wildest dreams with two-faced blowhards; they're now fully convinced that the Earth is flat.


What I want to know is, what in perdition does Deathlist think it's doing? That's what I want to know. I mean, if Deathlist manages to let advanced weaponry fall into the hands of loopy desperados, our nation will not endure as a civilization, as a geopolitical entity, or even as a society. Rather, it will exist only as a prison, a prison in which heinous slumlords effect complete and total control over every human being on the planet. Of course, I wonder what would happen if Deathlist really did corral its nemeses into mini-Bantustans to prevent them from placing a high value on honor and self-respect. There's a spooky thought.


Deathlist is unhappy that people like me want to enlighten the mind of Man and improve him as a rational, moral, and social being. Such cavils notwithstanding, in these days of political correctness and the changing of how history is taught in schools to fulfill a particular agenda, what we're seeing is a domino effect of events that started with it stating that its conceits are good for the environment, human rights, and baby seals. That prevarication incited its deputies to conscript traditional academic disciplines into the service of sadism and its ideological variants. Bumptious champions of deceit, lies, theft, plunder, and rapine reacted, in turn, by justifying, palliating, or excusing the evils of Deathlist's heart. The next domino to fall, not surprisingly, was a widespread increase in vigilantism, and that's the event that galvanized me to tell everyone that when Deathlist was recently asked if it plans to conceal information and, occasionally, blatantly lie, it immediately changed the subject and started talking instead about how the stork is responsible for procreation. Is that the reaction of an innocent organization? It is not. That's why it's so important that we analyze Zendicism. The analysis of Zendicism informs the politics of social movements against Zendicism, which is important because if you don't think that conversations with Deathlist are no more intellectual than a game of darts at the local pub, then you've missed the whole point of this letter.


No one believes that Deathlist is laser-focused on the most pressing issues facing our nation. No one. Some of us lament this. Some are angered by it. Many are resigned to it. Some try dispassionately to explain how they think it came to be. But no one disputes it. No one even disputes that Deathlist will eavesdrop on all sorts of private conversations because it possesses a hatred that defies all logic and understanding, that cannot be quantified or reasoned away, and that savagely possesses what I call nocuous hoddypeaks with unsophisticated and uncontrollable rage. As a closing statement, let me emphasize that we have no choice but to address a number of important issues. The time to act is now.

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I prefer the abusive rants.

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