Welcome to this fine competition to predict the frontpage of this site: The DeathList Prediction Game 2025!     But what is it all about? It's not that hard:   What do you think the official DeathList 2025 will look like? Which celebrities will be chosen by the Committee in which order? Please tell us by picking 50 celebrities listing them from No.1 to No. 50.     This is the scoring system:   +10 points for the exact position +5 points if the person is on the DL 2025 but 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 positions away from the original position +4 points if the person is on the DL 2025 but 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 positions away from the original position +3 extra points for every newcomer who also entered the DL 2025 +2 extra points for every returnee who entered the DL again +1 point if the person is on the DL 2025 but more than 10 positions away from the original position 0 points for unique picks -3 points for every pick who is not listed at the DL 2025   Please name 3 extra names/subs in order of priority. Just in case that the replacement is taken, please tell me in which (any) place the sub should be placed. The other places automatically move up or down and close the gap if necessary.   The player with the most points will win the DL Prediction Game.   Please send me your DL Prediction Top 50 plus 3 subs through a new PM  until 30.12.2024 at 22:59 CET (mainland Europe time 21:59 GMT).   All entries are welcome if they include 50 different people in a chosen order from No. 1 to No. 50 and 3 subs.   Thanks for joining (again)!       Hall of Fame: 2016: Book 2017: Book 2018: John Key 2019: Vaagheid 2020: TomTomTelekom 2021: Vaagheid 2022: msc 2023: The Daredevil 2024: wannamaker