Do you consider yourself a champion DeathLister who can do better than the DeathList Committee?
Here are the rules & guidelines:
Have a list of 50 celebrities chosen by yourself, for their likelihood to die in 2025. Include up to five subs.
Submit your list neatly. A numbered list of correctly spelled names would be great. Extra details would only be needed if there's another celebrity with that name. Try not to include funny formatting as it makes pasting it more painful. Type your numbers rather than have them automatically formatted in gives me one less job
Candidates must be famous enough that their death is confidently expected to be reported by any countries media
I will usually provide a judgement call or ask for some opinions in the forum.
We won't challenge names until after their death.
Candidates cannot be famous solely for the fact they are likely to die imminently - this includes people famous only for their advanced age, or for being the oldest survivor of something. If you think your name doesn't apply to this, just have a convincing argument.
Names on the scoreboard will only count AFTER you submit your list. If you submitted your list on the main Shadow Lists Forum or another similar forum late this may be taken into consideration.
Late submissions and private messages to me are also considered
Play, participate, and comment in good faith
Don't be a dick
Being reminded more than once of a rule may result in being sent to Siberia
There's no deadline on submitting a list, posting your list here is preferred. No late submissions should be using information from 2025 that wasn't available to those who submitted their list in 2024 (good faith). (You can post your list on January 3rd and I couldn't give a heck - but if it includes someone whose cancer diagnosis was announced on January 2nd or who died on January 2nd, that might be brought into question)
Private messages:
Private message lists will be publicly posted on or after the 1st of January for transparency. If you send it through direct message, I and others running this pool may open and see your list before the 1st of January - this isn't to steal or borrow ideas, but to paste your list onto my own masterlist of entries. If this bothers you, then just delay sending it until the 1st of January, or just post your own list onto this forum publicly on the 1st of Jan.
Things to keep in mind about any person you choose:
Are they likely to obit in a major newspaper?
Are they a well known celebrity?
Do they have a Wikipedia page in any language (that clearly wasn't made just for DeathListing)
You will not be asked to prove any of these when you post your list, but upon your candidates death you may need to meet some of these criteria.
Scoring System:
One Death = One Point
All lists, comments, and discussions should be made in good faith, I will try and act in good faith as well.
Please feel free to announce deaths, especially obscure ones! I pick up names of everyone who dies in the Derby Dead Pool through Who's Dead So Far so if they're already on there your message may be redundant
I make mistakes and am human, but will keep a log of everything as I score it through commenting and on the first page. Please feel comfortable to point out any mistakes I make along the way
Last year this tournament was kept alive by dimreaper and polar duck in both public posts and private messages, their understanding of the rules is pristine. Any post or amendment made by them is pretty official
Happy DeathListing