BELOVED FORUM POSTER DIES 11/50     6th September 2019   Robert Mugabe, best known for his many years of insightful posts on Deathlist forums, has sadly died at 95 to give another crowdsource score. He was a familiar and loved figure on the forums, with his wit, anti-racism posts, and long friendship with Deathray who recently married Neil Kinnock’s Welsh Constituency. He also had a bit of a tenuous relationship with your crowdsource host, but you can't please everyone. In these sad Post Hein days, this is the first time we’ve had 100% confirmation of the death of a Deathlist poster, since the death of forum admin Paul Bearer in 2013. Mugabe will be fondly remembered by all fans of his Swingtime Band.    PS It has just reached us that Robert Mugabe was in fact a mass murdering embezzling dictator who ran roughshod over his own people for nearly 40 years. The things that people can get away with, while pretending to be a friendly member of the online community, never cease to shock.   Side note: apart from a few minor tweaks this obit was the work of msc, not me. Since he clearly wanted this obit published for the longest time and I did one of his obits for Stan Lee back in 2018, I decided to give him one obit. Now I'm waiting for the why are you so racist comments...
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